Examples of Study Drugs in a sentence
Early Study Drugs Discontinuation visit to occur within 72 hours of last dose of study drug.
Additionally: TSH will be analyzed at Screening, Day 1, Weeks 24, 48, 72 and 96 followed by every 24 weeks post Week 96, Unblinding Visit and Early Study Drugs Discontinuation visit.
Additionally, TSH will be analyzed at Screening, Day 1, Weeks 24, 48, followed by every 24 weeks post Week 48, and Early Study Drugs Discontinuation visit.
Only required for those subjects who permanently discontinue study drugs prior to Week 48 visit and do not continue in the study through at least one subsequent visit after the Early Study Drugs Discontinuation Visit.
Additionally: TSH will be analyzed at Screening, Day 1, Weeks 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 144, and every 24 weeks post Week 144, End of Blinded Treatment Visit and Early Study Drugs Discontinuation visit.j Fasting (no food or drinks, except water, at least 8 hours prior to blood collection) glucose and lipid panel (total cholesterol, HDL, direct LDL, triglycerides).