Transportation Demand Management definition

Transportation Demand Management. (TDM) means strategies that increase transportation system efficiency by encouraging shifting from single-occupant vehicle (SOV) trips to non-SOV transportation modes, or shifting SOV trips off peak travel periods. Effective TDM strategies result in reduction of vehicle miles traveled (VMT) by increasing travel options, providing incentives and information to incentivize individuals and employers to modify their travel behavior to support these objectives, and/or by reducing the need to travel or reducing travel distance via location efficient development patterns. TDM strategies encourage travel by transit, bike, walking or in shared vehicles.
Transportation Demand Management means a combination of measures that reduce vehicle trip generation and improve transportation system efficiency by altering demand, including but not limited to the following: expanded transit service, employer-provided transit benefits, bicycle and pedestrian investments, ridesharing, staggered work hours, telecommuting, and parking management including parking pricing.
Transportation Demand Management. (TDM) means strategies that increase transportation system efficiency by encouraging shifting from single-occupant vehicle (SOV) trips to non-SOV transportation modes, or shifting SOV trips off peak travel periods. Effective TDM strategies result in reduction of vehicle miles traveled (VMT) by increasing travel options, providing incentives and information to incentivize individuals

Examples of Transportation Demand Management in a sentence

  • Funding for this project is obtained from a Federal Award between Metro and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) utilizing 5307 Urbanized Area Formula Grant Funds, CFDA No. 205.07, Xxxx No. 0000-0000-0, Portland Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Activities.

  • City of Portland Metro By: By: Printed: Printed: Title: Title: Date: Date: Exhibit A – Scope of Work Project Description: 000 XX Xxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, XX 00000-0000 Metro Grant 938587 This project will develop a City of Portland Transportation Demand Management (TDM) commute program strategy focused on shifting single occupancy vehicles (SOV) commute trips to active or shared modes of transportation.

  • Transportation Demand Management (TDM) The CEQA Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program requires a TDM Plan for the site that achieves an auto trip reduction target and produces 20% fewer driving trips than identified by the project’s Transportation Impact Study, based on standard trip generation rates and mode split assumptions, at project completion.

  • The employees covered by this Agreement recognize that the City must comply with regulations issued by the Air Quality Management District (AQMD) and the City's Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan Ordinance.

  • Provide infrastructure improvements and transportation services that will benefit the Property and the surrounding community, including (1) waste water, storm water, and utility improvements, (2) providing a system of bikeways and pedestrian paths to facilitate access to the waterfront; and (3) implementing a Transportation Demand Management Program (“TDM Program”) that will reduce Project-related traffic and associated noise and air quality impacts as more specifically described in the Master Plan.

More Definitions of Transportation Demand Management

Transportation Demand Management means strategies and techniques that can be used to increase the efficiency of the transportation system. Demand management focuses on ways of influencing the amount and demand for transportation by encouraging alternatives to the automobile and altering local peak hour travel demand. These strategies may include, but not be limited to, ridesharing programs, flexible work hours, telecommuting, shuttle services and parking management.
Transportation Demand Management means strategies and techniques that can be used to increase the efficiency of the transportation system. Demand management focuses on ways of influencing the amount and demand for transportation by encouraging alternatives to the single-occupant automobile and by altering local peak hour travel demand. These strategies and techniques may, among others, include: ridesharing programs, flexible work hours, telecommuting, shuttle services, and parking management.
Transportation Demand Management or “TDM” means measures
Transportation Demand Management. (TDM) means strategies that increase transportation system efficiency by encouraging shifting from single-
Transportation Demand Management is a set of programs and policies that respond to real and perceived barriers to taking trips by transit, bicycling, walking or carpooling/vanpooling, and that use market signals to reduce drive-alone trips. Transportation Demand Management strategies include information and education, incentives, physical and infrastructure changes, technology and pricing. Transportation Demand Management programs may be implemented by Landlord, the City or other governmental agency.
Transportation Demand Management means strategies that result in more efficient use of transportation resources, including, but not limited to, strategies that tend to be particularly effective at reducing traffic congestion, strategies for reducing vehicle energy consumption and pollution emissions, solutions to parking problems, strategies to help make a community a desirable place to live, work, and visit, strategies for achieving an equitable distribution of transportation costs and benefits, strategies that improve public health and fitness through physical activity, strategies that can help improve transportation in low-density, rural areas, strategies for improving traffic safety and public health, and strategies that help increase transportation affordability.
Transportation Demand Management which means techniques that can be used to increase the efficiency of existing transportation systems by influen- cing demand on the systems and by reducing the number of automobile trips during peak hours of high- way use.