Transportation System. The scale, location, and activities of The Resort and Resort Community will create substantial effects upon traffic and the Snyderville Basin transportation system, increasing travel demand, congesting key intersections, especially during peak periods, and increasing the need to proactively manage internal circulation. The methods to achieve solutions to these potential problems have been incorporated into the Project, including design features, special facilities, and specific mitigation measures and programs. The Project shall provide a high level of transportation service to its guests and residents through a seamless comprehensive transportation system serving the internal, sub-regional and regional needs of guests and employees. The level of participation by The Colony Master Association will be based on its impact upon existing conditions or as otherwise required under the Joint Operating Agreement.
Transportation System. In order to minimize the levels of capital and ongoing maintenance for the Unit’s transportation system and the potential threats to water quality resulting from these infrastructure systems, the parties intend to retain a transportation system only large enough to meet current and predicted needs. The system retained must then be maintained in an environmentally 2 For the purposes of this coordination, the Forest Service agency administrator is either the Zigzag District Ranger or Forest Supervisor, and the Water Bureau agency administrator is the Water Bureau Administrator or designee. sensitive way to meets needs for protecting the natural and drinking water resources of the Management Unit. To accomplish these goals requires both the decommissioning of unneeded roads and an investment in the long term maintenance of the retained road system.
Transportation System. Surtax Interlocal Agreement; and (municipalities, county and MPO) • Interlocal Agreement for Transportation Surtax Services (County and MPO) • The MPO has been tasked to develop a process in order to annually review, rank and prioritize municipal projects eligible for local Surtax funding • Projects will be prioritized based on their ability to alleviate congestion and enhance connectivity • Projects will also be evaluated as to “readiness” for funding • The MPO has assembled a Surtax team: • Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, Manager of Surtax Services • Xxxxxx XxxXxxx, Surtax Services Project Manager • Existing MPO staff with MTP and CSLIP experience • Consultant services • Engineering • GIS/Programming • MPO staff has developed an online submittal tool for municipal staff to utilize in order to provide the MPO with detailed project information • Provided two weeks (ends September 17, 2019) for updated municipal input
Transportation System. The CONSULTANT will describe the existing and planned transportation system in the study area. The existing and planned transportation system will be documented with maps and quantified in tables where applicable and include: • Streets and structures (e.g., functional classification, number of lanes, ROW, speed limits); • Traffic volumes; • Base year street network capacity (Nashville MPO Travel Demand Model); • Crash data; • Traffic operations; and • Bicycle and pedestrian facilities.
Transportation System. A high-level analysis of the city’s existing vehicular-bike-pedestrian transportation systems will be conducted to identify problems and opportunities. This will cover streets as well as bike and pedestrian facilities and help form recommendations for linkages, corridors, and access control for transportation and recreational facilities.
Transportation System. 8.1 Unless related to obligations under Annex E, Operator and Contractor shall have no obligation to build transportation facilities downstream of the Transfer Point unless this is agreed and incorporated in a Development Plan. In the event such facilities are built they shall be handed over to Transporter upon completion and commissioning.
8.2 In case a need arises to de-bottleneck, improve the efficiency and/or to increase the capacity of the Transportation System, NOC, Transporter, or Operator may propose to construct facilities beyond the Transfer Point, in addition to or to modify the existing Transportation Facilities. Operator shall participate in the building and financing of the same in proportion to the production of the Field in relation with other users and such participation shall be considered Supplementary Costs.
8.3 In the event that Contractor agrees to finance and build or improve such transportation facilities, Operator shall ensure the participation of Transporter's representatives during engineering and construction of the Transportation Facilities, as well as the training of Transporter's personnel concerning operation and maintenance to be conducted before handing them over to the Transporter. Operator shall provide Transporter with all documents and guarantees relating to the said Transportation Facilities. Operator and Transporter shall agree in advance on a procedure for smooth hand-over of the Transportation Facilities after completion and commissioning.
Transportation System. Financing of the public transportation system shall be through the use of revenues generated by the system; federal funding assistance received in accordance with certain grant contracts between COTPA and the Federal Transit Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, which grant contracts are incorporated into the Agreement and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein, and which are filed with the Secretary of COTPA; and other agreements with other public and private agencies. Financing shall include such other funds from the General Fund of the CITY as shall be approved from time to time by the City Council of the CITY. Budget preparation and administration shall be accomplished by each entity and submitted for approval to the appropriate governing body.
Transportation System. 8.1 Unless related to obligations under Annex E, Operator and Contractor shall have no obligation to build transportation facilities downstream of the Transfer Point unless this is agreed and incorporated in the Rehabilitation and/or Enhanced Redevelopment Plan. In the event such facilities are built, they shall be handed over to Transporter upon completion and commissioning.
8.2 In case a need arises to de-bottleneck, improve the efficiency and/or to increase the capacity of the Transportation System, ROC, Transporter, Contractor or Operator may propose to construct facilities beyond the Transfer Point, in addition to or to modify the existing Transportation Facilities. Contractor and Operator may participate in the building and financing of the same in proportion to the production from the Contract Area in relation with other users and such participation shall be considered Supplementary Costs.
8.3 In the event that Contractor agrees to finance and build or improve such transportation facilities, Operator shall ensure the participation of Transporter's representatives during engineering and construction of the Transportation Facilities, as well as the training of Transporter's personnel concerning operation and maintenance to be conducted before handing Transportation Facilities over to Transporter. Operator shall provide Transporter with all documents and guarantees relating to the said Facilities. Operator and Transporter shall agree in advance on a procedure for smooth hand-over of the Transportation Facilities after completion and commissioning.
Transportation System. All roads needed to manage and administer Forest resources. A road network. A linear strip of land identified for the present location of transportation or utility rights-of- way within its boundaries. Area on which management, like timber harvesting or prescribed burning, occurs. A planned sequence of treatments designed to regenerate or maintain a stand with two age classes. The lowest layer of vegetation in a forest or shrub community composed of grass, forbs, shrubs and trees less than 10 feet tall. Vegetation growing under the tree canopy. A stand of trees of three or more distinct age classes, either intimately mixed or in groups. The application of a combination of actions needed to simultaneously maintain continuous high-forest cover, recurring regeneration of desirable species, and the orderly growth and development of trees through a range of diameter or age classes to provide a sustained yield of forest products. Cutting is usually regulated by specifying the number or proportion of trees of particular size to retain within each area, thereby maintaining a planned distribution of size classes. Cutting methods that develop and maintain uneven- aged stands are single-tree selection and group selection. Either wildland fire use or prescribed fire applications to meet resource objectives. See also Fire Use, Prescribed Fire, Wildland Fire, and Wildland Fire Use. A road or trail that is not a forest road or trail or a temporary road or trail and that is not included in a forest transportation atlas.
Transportation System. The dormitory connects with the urban roads through the road network at two levels within, and the entrances and exits are mostly located at Shengxia Road, Yindong Road and Zhangdong Road. The pedestrian system is integrated with the green landscape system to form a stream line suitable for activities.