CONTRACT Cláusulas de Ejemplo

CONTRACT. The selected person will work a full 37.5 hours a week, the salary will be the amount established in the collective agreement of the "Group of Companies of the Biomedical Research Foundations of the Health Institutions attached to the Madrid Health Service (SERMAS)" for the position requested. C.I.F.-G-83727081. Fundación inscrita en el Registro de Fundaciones de la Conserjería de Justicia e Interior de la Comunidad de Madrid, con número de hoja personal 371 The employment contract will be adjusted to the merits of the candidate, in the event that the qualification required for the position has been obtained within the three years prior to the contracting, a training contract will be formalised to obtain the professional practice, otherwise an employment contract will be signed in accordance with the provisions of art. 23 bis of Law 14/2011 Contract for scientific and technical activities, associated with the clinical trial ECL 5009 - PROTOCOL C10710006 - "An open-label, 2-arm, multicenter, randomized phase 3 study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of elranatamab (pf-06863135) + daratumumab
CONTRACT. The exhibitor must send to B.P Servimed an application/contract for the required space, specifying the kind of equipment or products to be exhibited during the event. THE PROMOTION OF USED EQUIPMENT WILL NOT BE AUTHORIZED.
CONTRACT. C.I.F.-G-83727081. Fundación inscrita en el Registro de Fundaciones de la Conserjería de Justicia e Interior de la Comunidad de Madrid, con número de hoja personal 371 The selected person will work part-time with a schedule of 17.5 hours per week, from Monday to Friday from 12:00 to 15:30. The duration of this contract is temporary, in accordance with the provisions Disposición Adicional 5º del RD- Ley 32/2021 de Contratación within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan and European Union funds linked to the research project "INFLAMMATION AND IMMUNOPATHOLOGY OF ORGANS AND SYSTEMS" (RD21-0005-0018). The contract amount will be €17,735.00 per year (including base salary, proportional part of extra payments, and salary costs). This contract will be subsidized by the European Union's Recovery and Resilience Mechanism.
CONTRACT. The dedication of the selected person will be full 37.5 hours per week, the amount of the salary will be that established in the collective agreement of the “Group of Companies of the Biomedical Research Foundations of the Health Institutions attached to the Madrid Health Service (SERMAS) ” for the position applied for. C.I.F.-G-83727081. Fundación inscrita en el Registro de Fundaciones de la Conserjería de Justicia e Interior de la Comunidad de Madrid, con número de hoja personal 371 The employment contract will be adjusted to the merits of the candidate, in the event that the qualification required for the position has been obtained within the three years immediately prior to hiring, a training contract will be formalized to obtain professional practice, in Otherwise, an employment contract will be concluded in accordance with the provisions of art. 23 bis of Law 14/2011 Contract for scientific-technical activities, associated with the project: “Phase III study, observer-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, to evaluate the non-inferiority of the immune response and the safety of the GSK vaccine candidate (RSVPreF3 OA) in adults 50 to 59 years of age, including adults at increased risk for lower respiratory tract disease caused by respiratory syncytial virus, compared to adults 60 years of age and older.” ECL4964. This contract will be funded with funds dedicated to this trial in the Clinical Trials Research Unit.
CONTRACT. The Contract consists of the following documents, in a decreasing order of priority: (i) Particular Conditions especially General Terms and Conditions for the Use of FOSS or agreements executed by the parties, if applicable, (ii) the Purchase Order issued by the Company, (iii) these GPC (iv) the Letter of Nomination, if applicable, (v) the Releases; and (vi) one or more Quality Assurance Agreement(s) (“QAA”) or Warranty Agreements(s) issued by the Company. In the event of conflicts between provisions of the Contract, the priority of the documents shall be determined according to the foregoing sequence. Contrato. El Contrato consiste en los siguientes documentos por orden decreciente de prioridad: (i) las Condiciones particulares, especialmente las condiciones generales de uso xxx XXXX o los acuerdos suscritos por las partes, en su caso; (ii) la Orden de Compra emitida por la Compañía; (iii) este GPC (iv) la Carta de Designación, en su caso; (v) las Liberaciones (vi) uno o más Contratos de Aseguramiento de Calidad (“QAA”) o Contrato de Garantía emitidos por la Compañía; y. En caso de controversias entre las disposiciones del Contrato, la prioridad de los documentos se determinará de conformidad con la secuencia anterior.
CONTRACT. The dedication of the selected person will be full-time, 37.5 hours weekly, and the amount of salary will be established in the collective agreement of the "Group of Companies of the Biomedical Research Foundations of the Health Institutions attached to the Madrid Health Service (SERMAS)" for the requested position. C.I.F.-G-83727081. Fundación inscrita en el Registro de Fundaciones de la Conserjería de Justicia e Interior de la Comunidad de Madrid, con número de hoja personal 371 This contract is made in accordance with the provisions of article 23 bis de la Ley 14/2011 “Ley de la Ciencia” - Contract of scientific-technical activities, associated with the project "INTRAMURAL RESEARCH PROJECTS CIBERINFEC 2022" This contract will be financed with funds dedicated to this project in the Research Unit of the Infectious Diseases Service.
CONTRACT. The Contract consists of the following documents, in a decreasing order of priority: (i) the Releases, (ii) the Purchase Order issued by the Company, (iii) the Letter of Nomination, if applicable (iv) Particular Conditions provided in writing by the Company, if applicable, (v) one or more Quality Assurance Agreement(s) (“QAA”) issued by the Company; and (vi) these GPC. In the event of conflicts between provisions of the Contract, the priority of the documents shall be determined according to the foregoing sequence. Contrato. El Contrato consiste en los siguientes documentos por orden decreciente de prioridad: (i) las Liberaciones; (ii) la Orden de Compra emitida por la Compañía; (iii) la Carta de Designación, en su caso (iv) las Condiciones Particulares proporcionadas por escrito por la Compañía, en su caso; (v) uno o más Contratos de Aseguramiento de Calidad (“QAA”) emitidos por la Compañía; y (vi) este GPC. En caso de controversias entre las disposiciones del Contrato, la prioridad de los documentos se determinará de conformidad con la secuencia anterior.
CONTRACT. Nº AZ-CN-PU-CON-0164 Rev.0 SUPPLY CONTRACT PAGE 10 OF 23 The Contract, its anexes and documents specified therein supersede and replace any previous oral or written agreement that may have existed between the Parties. The Contract consists of the following Contract Documents. The Contract Documents forming the Contract are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one another. If there is an ambiguity or discrepancy in the documents, the priority of the documents shall be as follows::
CONTRACT. The dedication of the selected person will be full‐time, 37.5 hours weekly, and the salary amount will be established in the collective agreement of the “Group of Companies of the Biomedical Research Foundations of the Health Institutions attached to the Madrid Health Service (SERMAS)” for the requested position. This contract is made in accordance with the provisions of article 23 bis de la Ley 14/2011 “Ley de la Ciencia” ‐ Contract of scientific‐technical activities, associated with the project “PHASE III MULTINATIONAL, DOUBLE‐ BLIND, PLACEBO‐CONTROLLED RANDOMIZED STUDY TO DEMONSTRATE THE EFFICACY OF A SINGLE DOSE AS WELL AS THE ANNUAL REVACCINATION OF THE GSK RSVPREF3 OA VACCINE IN ADULTS AGED 60 YEARS OR OLDER” ECL.4537. This contract will be funded with funds dedicated to this trial in the Clinical Trials Research Unit. C.I.F.-G-83727081. Fundación inscrita en el Registro de Fundaciones de la Conserjería de Justicia e Interior de la Comunidad de Madrid, con número de hoja personal 371
CONTRACT. The Contract consists of the following documents, in a decreasing order of priority: (i) Particular Conditions especially General Terms and Conditions for the Use of FOSS or agreements executed by the parties, if applicable, (ii) the Purchase Order issued by the Company,