Equipment Cláusulas de Ejemplo

Equipment. On the assumption that extraordinary equipment is required for the performance of the Protocol, this shall be purchased and installed by the SPONSOR, with the authorization and supervision of the CENTRE. Moreover, the SPONSOR shall be liable for the maintenance expenses for the duration of the trial. Upon completion of the Protocol, the SPONSOR is entitled to withdraw the extraordinary equipment at its sole cost. In the case of transfer of machinery by the Sponsor, the appropriate contract execution shall be made. In the present Trial the equipment shall be the following:   4.3. –
Equipment. Should extraordinary equipment be required to implement the Protocol, this will be purchased and installed by the Sponsor with the authorization and supervision of the Site. Furthermore, the Sponsor will cover the maintenance expenses while the Clinical Trial lasts. At the end of the Protocol, the Sponsor may remove the extraordinary equipment at his/her expense. Should the Sponsor transfer any machinery, this will done by means of the corresponding agreement. The equipment of this trial will be the following one: Haga clic aquí para escribir texto. FIVE: FOUR. - ECONOMIC RELATIONS 5.1. – Financial report The overall economic cost of the study is estimated at “Haga clic aquí para escribir texto. euros (Haga clic aquí para escribir texto. €)” per patient (VAT not included). The itemization of this trial is presented in Appendix II of this contract (“Financial report of the clinical trial”), where the direct and indirect costs of the trial are specified (i.e. economic compensation for the investigators, Administration and management expenses, economic compensation for the trial subjects and other expenses). In the event that a patient, for any cause, withdraws from the clinical trial before completing the study, the Sponsor will be obliged to pay the proportional share of his/her participation in the study in any case. The corresponding VAT shall be added to such amounts, which will be paid by the Sponsor as set out in Appendix II. In the event of early discontinuation of the trial, for any cause, the payable amount will be modified proportionally in accordance with the number of patients enrolled and the length of time they have remained in it. The sum of FIVE HUNDRED EUROS (€500) (VAT not included) shall be paid due to the administration management of the clinical trial. The payment to the Foundation will be made upon the presentation of the corresponding invoice once this Contract has been signed. 5.2. Payment method. The Sponsor shall pay to the Foundation as management entity of the Clinical Trial the amounts detailed in paragraphs I, II and III of the Financial Report of the Clinical Trial (Appendix II). The amount will be paid by bank transfer to the following account: Name: Fundación de Investigación Clínica del Instituto Valenciano de Oncología Bank: LA CAIXA Account No.: 2100 0700 13 0201012815 IBAN XX00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 The full invoice (100%) amount shall be paid within thirty (30) days calendar days of the receipt of the invoice issued b...
Equipment. In the event that extraordinary equipment is used in the performance of the Protocol, it shall be acquired and installed by the SPONSOR, with the authorisation and supervision of the SITE. The SPONSOR shall also cover any maintenance costs during the CLINICAL RESEARCH. Upon completion of the Protocol, the SPONSOR shall remove the extraordinary equipment at its own cost. In the event of the transfer of machinery by the SPONSOR, the applicable contractual formalities must be in place. The equipment used during this CLINICAL RESEARCH with medical device will be as follows:   4.3. - Extraordinary tests. The cost of any tests to be performed on patients at the SITE as part of the conduct of the CLINICAL RESEARCH with medical device, which are not part of the standard procedures at the SITE, shall be covered by the SPONSOR, who will be invoiced according to Appendix II. FIVE.- Financial relations The financial schedule corresponding to the CLINICAL RESEARCH with medical device must contain the following sections: 5.1. Budget and financial schedule. According to the financial schedule attached as Appendix II of this contract: The initial budget of the CLINICAL RESEARCH with medical device must include all remuneration, meaning all payments to the SITE and FOUNDATION (clinical trial management, direct and indirect costs), the research team and patients, and be itemised according to the following sections: I. Extraordinary costs for the SITE and patients: I.a. CLINICAL TRIAL administrative management I.b. Payment to the SITE. I.c. Payment to patients. II. Ordinary costs of the CLINICAL TRIAL (patient recruited): II.a. Indirect costs (at least 20% of the budget set for each patient recruited). II.b. Payment to the PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR and staff (up to 70% of the budget calculated for each evaluable recruited patient). A reinvestment of the 100% should be done: PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Staff Payment to other departments Other staff costs II.c. Payment to the Pharmacy Department and others (up to 10%) Patients who do not complete the CLINICAL TRIAL. In the event that a patient leaves the INVESTIGACIÓN CLÍNICA con productos sanitarios early, for any reason whatsoever, the SPONSOR shall be obliged to pay the proportional share of their participation in the INVESTIGACIÓN CLÍNICA con productos sanitarios 5.1.1. - Extraordinary costs for the SITE and patients As regards the administrative management of the Clinical Trial, a sum of €1.500 + VAT will be paid. The payment ...
Equipment. Any equipment or instrumentation made available to the Vendor to execute the Order will remain the exclusive property of the Purchaser. The Vendor is responsible for their loss, destruction or damage. With regard to the above equipment, the vendor is required to respect the provisions of product specifications as well as: - record and mark them as the Purchaser's property; - where requested by the Purchaser, provide for adequate insurance cover for fire, theft, vandalism, natural disasters, tampering and other insurable risks of loss or damage; - maintain and use them with the utmost care and provide for their routine maintenance at its own expense; - not transfer them outside its facilities except within the limits authorised in writing by the Purchaser; - permit the Purchaser's representatives to check the procedures for keeping and using them as well as their state of wear; - not to assign them to third parties for any reason; - not to use them directly or permit their use except for executing the Purchaser's Orders; - Cumplir con las instrucciones suministradas por el Comprador con respecto a su retorno; - Retornar los equipos dentro de los 10 días siguientes a la solicitud hecha por el Comprador.
Equipment. Ethanol. • Cleaning medium (wipes, optical paper, cotton buds). • Filtered blow-off gun (preferably with static charge neutralizing capability). • Area protected from electrostatic discharges and equipped with ground straps.
Equipment. In the event that extraordinary equipment is required for the performance of the Protocol, this shall be purchased and installed by the SPONSOR, with the authorization and supervision of the Site. Moreover, the SPONSOR shall be liable for the maintenance expenses for the duration of the trial. Upon completion of the Protocol, the Sponsor is entitled to withdraw the extraordinary equipment at its sole cost. In the case of transfer of machinery by the Sponsor, the appropriate contract execution shall be made. In the present Trial the equipment shall be the following: Haga clic aquí para escribir texto.

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