GENERAL SALES CONDITIONS. The present General Sales Conditions solely govern the sales concluded between the company that is named on the front of the invoice (“the Company”) and the client. Our client is deemed to have taken due cognisance of, and accepted these conditions, which are legally binding between and upon the parties, to the exclusion of any other conditions which we have not agreed to in writing, including but not limited to the general and special purchasing conditions of the client.
GENERAL SALES CONDITIONS. (Edition 6, March 15th, 2017)
GENERAL SALES CONDITIONS. These general sales conditions govern all contracts and relationships between the customer and ACCUMALUX MOLD TECHNOLOGY. Any other conditions, like the customer’s, will bind LUXMOLD only upon its written confirmation. In any case, the sales conditions available on the ACCUMALUX MOLD TECHNOLOGY website prevail any other version of sales conditions. They can at any time and without any notice be changed by ACCUMALUX MOLD TECHNOLOGY. The acceptance of an offer from ACCUMALUX MOLD TECHNOLOGY or any order to ACCUMALUX MOLD TECHNOLOGY means an unreserved acceptance of the present sales conditions. The following text is a translation of our general sales conditions written and reliable in French.