Interpretation Klausul Contoh

Interpretation. (a) The terms "approved or approval" and "directed or direction" wherever used in this Contract shall be in writing.
Interpretation. (a) References to “the Customer” or “you” shall mean you.
Interpretation. Kecuali tautan kalimatnya mensyaratkan lain, dalam Persyaratan dan Ketentuan ini: In these Terms and Conditions, unless the context otherwise requires:
Interpretation. Unless the context otherwise requires or unless otherwise defined in these terms governing the Account, words and expressions shall have the same respective meanings that are ascribed to them in CIMB's General Terms and Conditions. Nasabah dengan ini setuju dan berjanji untuk membayar kepada CIMB semua biaya yang terjadi pada setiap transaksi berikut biaya komisi pialang, nilai pembelian efek, biaya meterai, ongkos kliring, pajak pembelian barang dan jasa serta semua jenis biaya dan kewajiban yang harus dibayarkan sehubungan dengan transaksi yang dilaksanakan oleh CIMB dari waktu ke waktu atas permintaan Nasabah, serta dari waktu ke waktu diberitahukan kepada Nasabah, termasuk biaya-biaya (atas dasar ganti rugi penuh) yang dikeluarkan oleh CIMB dalam pelaksanaan setiap kewajiban Nasabah di sini. The Client hereby agrees and undertakes to pay to CIMB all sums due on any transactions together with brokerage, contract, stamp, clearing fees, goods and services tax and any other fees and duties which may be payable in relation to the transactions which CIMB may effect from time to time at the Client's request at such rate as may be determined by CIMB from time to time and notified to the Client, including legal fees (on a full indemnity basis) incurred by CIMB in the enforcement of any of the Client's obligations and liabilities hereunder.
Interpretation. Unless the context otherwise requires or unless otherwise defined in these terms governing the Account, words and expressions shall have the same respective meanings that are ascribed to them in CIMB's General Terms and Conditions. Nasabah dengan ini setuju dan berjanji untuk membayar kepada CIMB semua biaya yang terjadi pada setiap transaksi berikut biaya komisi pialang, nilai pembelian efek, biaya meterai, ongkos kliring, pajak pembelian barang dan jasa serta semua jenis biaya dan kewajiban yang harus dibayarkan sehubungan dengan transaksi yang dilaksanakan oleh CIMB dari waktu ke waktu atas permintaan Nasabah, serta dari waktu ke waktu diberitahukan kepada Nasabah, termasuk biaya-biaya (atas dasar ganti rugi penuh) yang dikeluarkan oleh CIMB dalam pelaksanaan setiap kewajiban Nasabah di sini.
Interpretation. Unless the context otherwise requires or unless otherwise defined in these terms governing the Account, words and expressions shall have the same respective meanings that are ascribed to them in CIMB's General Terms and Conditions. The Client hereby agrees and undertakes to pay to CIMB all sums due on any transactions together with brokerage, contract, stamp, clearing fees, goods and services tax and any other fees and duties which may be payable in relation to the transactions which CIMB may effect from time to time at the Client's request at such rate as may be determined by CIMB from time to time and notified to the Client, including legal fees (on a full indemnity basis) incurred by CIMB in the enforcement of any of the Client's obligations and liabilities hereunder.

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