CONSIDERATION Clausole campione

CONSIDERATION. 4.1 As consideration for the purchase of the Products, the Purchaser shall pay to MUNTERS ITALY S.P.A. the Consideration, as specified in the Agreement.
CONSIDERATION. IRVT shall pay to IZSVe for all Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement the sum of € 54,90 for each testing performed, in compliance with the costs that can be found reported in the IZSVe price list (xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx). Invoicing can be set on a 3-month basis, as this is a possible option in case of cumulative billing and guarantees a simpler process for paying the due amount (see form in attachment). Invoices may be sent by regular mail or e-mail. The payment shall be made by bank transfer using the following bank details: Beneficiary bank – Intesa San Paolo Bank account – IBAN XX00X0000000000000000000000 BIC or SWIFT code – XXXXXXXX. IRVT undertakes to make all payments due under this Agreement within 60 days after the receipt of invoice by IZSVe. All payments by IRVT shall constitute admission by the Customer as to the performance by IZSVe of its obligations under this Agreement. In case the of payment’s delay exceeds one hundred and eighty (180) days, IZSVe may terminate this Agreement pursuant to art.7 of this Agreement, without prejudice to its right to claim for further damages, if any. The present Agreement doesn’t involve travel and accommodation costs at the expense of IZSVe for the performance of the Services; but if there are any, IZSVe shall be reimbursed by the Customer upon presentation of the corresponding documentation. The Parties agree that this Agreement is subject to VAT according to Italian law (D.P.R. n. 633/1972 and its amendments) that is conform to EU single market rules. The registration fee is due just in the event of judicial or administrative use, as set forth in Italian law (D.P.R. n. 131/1986) and costs and expenses will be borne by the requesting Party. The Parties will contribute in equal measure to the other tax duties related to this agreement, stamp duty included.
CONSIDERATION. 13.1 For service identified in Section I, the Company shall pay a lump sum of € 8.000,00 (in words eight thousands Euros) plus VAT, if applicable, against presentation of regular invoice. Shipping costs are not included. Shipping costs via dedicated courier company will be charged on the BIOX. The Company undertakes to make all payments due under this Agreement within 30 days after the receipt of invoice by IZSVe. All payments by the Company shall constitute admission by the Company as to the performance by IZSVe of its obligations under this Agreement.
CONSIDERATION. 4.1 The Customer shall pay to IZSVe for all Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement a lump sum of Euro 5.000,00 (VAT excluded), plus reimbursement of travel/board expenses and shipping costs for the Raman instrument, against presentation of regular invoice. The payment shall be made, upon completion of the requested Services, by bank transfer using the following bank details: Beneficiary bank – Intesa San Paolo Bank account – IBAN XX00X0000000000000000000000 BIC or SWIFT code – XXXXXXXX. The Customer undertakes to make all payments due under this Agreement within 45 days after the receipt of the invoice by IZSVe. All payments by the Customer shall constitute admission by the Customer as to the performance by IZSVe of its obligations under this Agreement. In case the delay of payment exceeds one hundred and eighty (180) days, the IZSVe may terminate this Agreement pursuant to art.12 of this Agreement, without prejudice to its right to claim for further damages, if any.
CONSIDERATION. 5.1 Il corrispettivo pattuito per paziente eleggibile, valutabile e completato secondo il Protocollo e per il quale è stata compilata validamente la relativa CRF/eCRF, comprensivo di tutte le spese sostenute dall’Ente per l’esecuzione della presente Sperimentazione e dei costi a compensazione di tutte le attività ad essa collegate, è pari ad € 824,65 per paziente, come meglio dettagliato nel Budget qui allegato (Allegato “A” parte 1). 5.1 The fee agreed for an eligible, evaluable and completed patient according to the Protocol and for which the related CRF/eCRF has been validly completed, including all expenses incurred by the Institution for the performance of this Trial and the costs to compensate all activities connected thereto, is equal to € 824,65 per patient, as better detailed in the Budget attached hereto (Exhibit “A” part 1).
CONSIDERATION. 5.1 The Company shall pay IZSVe for all Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement a lump sum of Euro 15.800,00 (VAT excluded) against presentation of regular invoice, according to the following terms: - a first installment equal to 70% of the Consideration (i.e. Euro 11.060,00 taxes and pension fund included but VAT excluded) at the execution of this Agreement; - a final balance equal to 30% of the Consideration (i.e. Euro 4.740,00 taxes and pension fund included but VAT excluded) upon the termination of this Agreement; The payment shall be made by bank transfer using the following bank details: Beneficiary bank – Intesa San Paolo Bank account – IBAN XX00X0000000000000000000000 BIC or SWIFT code – XXXXXXXX. The Company undertakes to make all payments due under this Agreement within 30 days after the receipt of invoice by IZSVe. All payments by the Company shall constitute admission by the Company as to the performance by IZSVe of its obligations under this Agreement.
CONSIDERATION. 5.1 The Company shall pay IZSVe for all Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement a lump sum of Euro 36,000.00 (VAT excluded) against presentation of regular invoice, according to the following terms: - a first installment equal to 50% of the Consideration (i.e. Euro 18,000.00 taxes and pension fund included but VAT excluded) at the execution of this Agreement; - a final balance equal to 50% of the Consideration (i.e. Euro 18,000.00 taxes and pension fund included but VAT excluded) upon Final Report issue. Invoices may be sent by regular mail or e-mail. The payment shall be made by bank transfer using the following bank details: Beneficiary bank – Intesa San Paolo Bank account – IBAN XX00X0000000000000000000000 BIC or SWIFT code – XXXXXXXX. The Company undertakes to make all payments due under this Agreement within 30 days after the receipt of invoice by IZSVe. All payments by the Company shall constitute admission by the Company as to the performance by IZSVe of its obligations under this Agreement.
CONSIDERATION. 5.1. In consideration for the exclusive license granted in this Agreement, Medestime undertakes to pay the Licensor the sum of € 3.599,00 (threethousandfivehundredninetynine/00) (+VAT in accordance with the law), equal to the costs net of VAT incurred by the Licensor for the management, generation, maintenance and proceeding of the Patents until the signing of this Agreement.
CONSIDERATION. 5.1. In consideration for the exclusive license granted in this Agreement, Medestime undertakes to pay with the law), equal to the costs net of VAT incurred by the Licensor for the management, generation, maintenance and proceeding of the Patents until the signing of this Agreement.
CONSIDERATION. 6.1 A copertura dei costi derivanti e/o generati dalla Sperimentazione, il Promotore verserà tramite la CRO all'Ente e/o a FROM, sulla base delle fatturazioni da emettersi a cura delle stesse ed in base ai reciproci accordi di assegnazione delle attività di competenza, i seguenti contributi (in Euro al netto di IVA se dovuta); 6.1.1 Il Promotore verserà all’Ente un contributo a copertura dei costi generali di istruttoria, valutazione di fattibilità locale e dei costi di gestione generali della Sperimentazione per le attività amministrative, compresi i costi di conservazione dei documenti essenziali della Sperimentazione (a) per un importo forfettario di Euro 2.000,00 (duemila/00) per il primo anno di attività (da corrispondersi all’atto di sottoscrizione della presente Convenzione) e (b) di Euro 1.500,00 (millecinquecento/00) per ogni anno successivo al primo per tutta la durata dello studio; 6.1.2 Il corrispettivo pattuito per paziente eleggibile, valutabile e completato secondo il Protocollo e per il quale è stata compilata validamente la relativa CRF/eCRF, comprensivo 6.1 To cover the costs deriving from and / or generated by the Trial, the Sponsor will pay through the CRO to the Institution and / or FROM, on the basis of the invoices to be issued by the same and on the basis of the reciprocal agreements for the assignment of the respective activities, the following contributions (in Euros net of VAT if due); 6.1.1 The Sponsor will pay the Institution a contribution to cover the general costs of the investigation, local feasibility assessment and the general management costs of the Trial for administrative activities, including the costs of storing the essential documents of the Trial (a) a lump sum of Euro 2,000.00 (two thousand / 00) for the first year of activity (to be paid upon the signing of this Agreement) and (b) Euro 1,500.00 (one thousand five hundred / 00) for each year following the first for the entire duration of the study. 6.1.2 The agreed fee for eligible patient, assessable and completed according to the Protocol and for whom the relative CRF / eCRF has been validly filled in, including all expenses di tutte le spese sostenute da PG23 e/o FROM per l’esecuzione della presente Sperimentazione e dei costi a compensazione di tutte le attività ad essa collegate, è pari ad € 8.205,13 per paziente e (complessivi € 65.641,04 per n.8 pazienti), come meglio dettagliato nel Budget qui allegato (Allegato “A” parte 1). incurred by PG23 and / or FROM...