Recitals Clausole campione

Recitals. 1.1 Le premesse, il Protocollo, anche se non materialmente accluso, e tutti gli allegati, incluso il budget (Allegato A) e il glossario relativo alla protezione dati personali (Allegato B), fanno parte integrante e sostanziale del presente Contratto. 1.1 The recitals, the Protocol – even if not physically attached – and all the annexes including the budget (Annex A) and the data protection glossary (Annex B) form an integral and substantial part of this Agreement.
Recitals. The recitals, the Protocol – even if not physically attached – and all the annexes including the budget (Annex A) and the data protection glossary (Annex B) form an integral and substantial part of this Agreement.
Recitals. The recitals of this agreement are an integral and essential part of it.
Recitals. The Recitals and any appendices constitute an integral part of this Agreement. ART. 2 -
Recitals. Art. 2 - Referenti della sperimentazione All recitals and any and all attachments form an integral part of the present contract.
Recitals. WHEREAS, the Parties entered into that certain Contract for the Execution of the Clinical Trial effective as of June 12, 2018, as may have been amended from time to time (the “Agreement”) concerning the clinical trial with respect to the Spectrum Protocol SPI-POZ-202 entitled “A Phase 2 Study of Poziotinib in Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC), Locally Advanced or Metastatic, with EGFR or HER2 Exon 20 Insertion Mutation (ZENITH20)”; and
Recitals. The recitals, the Protocol even if not attached, and any annexes constitute an integral part of this Agreement. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Sponsor and Institution agree to conduct the Trial in accordance with the terms and conditions of, and procedures set out in, the Protocol and any subsequent amendments prior to the date first entered above which fully details the research activities and responsibilities to be undertaken by the Parties. The Institution shall ensure strict adherence to the Protocol and make no amendments without prior discussion with and written agreement by the Sponsor. If the Institution becomes aware of the need for a deviation from the Protocol it will immediately inform the Sponsor. Any amendment may only be implemented after approval by the authorized Ethics Committee has been obtained. Such an amendment shall be deemed part of the Protocol.
Recitals. WHEREAS, IZSVe is skilled and experienced in mycoplasma culturing and identification; WHEREAS, IZSVe is conducting research activities within the said scientific field; WHEREAS, these research activities are included in the institutional activities of IZSVe and are conducted without purpose of profit; WHEREAS, the Sponsor is specifically interested, without purpose of profit, into the scientific field of mycoplasmas since it’s connected to its business and activities; WHEREAS, the Sponsor is willing to support IZSVe’s institutional scientific research activities by partially participating to their costs and fees, in order to contribute to the development of the research and investigation on the said scientific field. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mutual promises contained herein, the Parties hereto agree with each other as follows:
Recitals. 1.1 The Co-investment Agreement and the First Shareholders Agreement On March 22, 2015, China National Chemical Corporation (“CC”), a state owned enterprise subject to the control of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC) of the People’s Republic of China and its wholly owned subsidiary, China National Tire & Rubber Corporation, Ltd. (“CNRC”), from one side, and Camfin S.p.A. (“CF”), Long-Term Investments Luxembourg S.A. (“LTI”) and Xxxxx S.p.A. (“Coinv”) (1), from the other side, entered into a sale and purchase and co-investment agreement (the “Co-investment Agreement”) setting forth the terms and conditions of a large corporate and industrial transaction contemplating the acquisition by CNRC (through indirectly controlled companies) of the control over Pirelli & C. S.p.A. (“Pirelli” or the “Company”) as well as the possible de-listing of Pirelli through the launch of a mandatory takeover bid upon its shares (the “Takeover Bid”); the purpose of this transaction was to set up a long-term industrial partnership relating to Pirelli amongst CNRC, CF and LTI, with the aim to strengthen the relevant development plans, to oversee the strategic geographic areas and to achieve the integration of the tyre business into the industrial segment of CNRC and of Pirelli, preserving the continuity and independence of the management structure of Pirelli group, the above also in view of the possible re- listing of Pirelli. Pursuant to the Co-investment Agreement, on August 11, 2015 the parties of such agreement entered into an agreement governing, inter alia, the governance of the Italian companies controlled indirectly by CNRC that had launched the Takeover Bid and the governance of Pirelli (the “First Shareholders Agreement”); such agreement confirmed, amongst the main goals of the transaction, the value creation of Pirelli and its group in view of its possible re-listing during a four-year period.
Recitals. 1. La società MIX S.r.l. (“MIX”) ha costituito il Milan Internet Exchan- ge, un punto di interconnessione neutrale tra Operatori Internet che offrono i loro servizi in Italia ed all’estero al fine di rendere più efficiente lo scambio di dati IP tra essi.