DELIVERY TERMS Clausole campione
DELIVERY TERMS. All goods delivered must be packaged in their original packaging. If the goods are delivered in a non‐genuine packaging, a charge will be applied to restore the original packaging.
DELIVERY TERMS. The delivery terms must be deemed approximate and the extension thereof will not, in any event, entitle the Buyer to seek compensation. Partial deliveries will also be allowed. If the Buyer does not collect the Product within 10 (ten) days of the date of notice of goods ready, the Seller is entitled to establish a new delivery term. If the Buyer subsequently fails to collect the Products within the second term established by the Seller, the former will become liable for the warehouse costs which accrue from that time onwards and the Seller will be relieved of any liability for damage or wear to the Products.
DELIVERY TERMS. 7.1 Except as may be otherwise agreed in writing between the parties, Xxxxxxxx shall deliver the products to its plants ex works , as said term is deflned in the Incoterms 2010 published by the International Chamber of Commerce in their latest version in force at the time of delivery. If required, Brandoni shall handle the transport of Products at the risk, cost and expense of the Customer.
7.2 Delivery shall be made within the term indicated in the Order as accepted in the order conflrmation or, if the term shall not be indicated in the Order, within 60 days from the flrst business day following conflrmation of the individual Order. The delivery terms are indicative and are not essential terms pursuant to art. 1457 of the Civil Code and, in any case, do not include transport time.
7.3 Except as provided for in preceding art. 7.2, Xxxxxxxx may not be held liable for delays or non-delivery attributa- ble to circumstances beyond its control, such as by way of example and without limitation:
a) inadequate technical data or inaccuracies or delays on the part of the Customer in sending to Brandoni informa- tion or data necessary for the shipment of the Products;
b) difficulty in obtaining supplies of raw materials;
c) problems related to production or to planning of orders;
d) partial or total strikes, power failures, natural disasters, measures imposed by public authorities, difficulties in transport, causes of force majeure, civil unrest, terrorist attacks and all other causes of force majeure;
e) delays by the shipping company.
7.4 The occurrence of some of the events listed above shall not entitle the Customer to claim compensation for any damages or indemnity of any kind.
7.5 Any other types of delays shall entitle the Customer to cancel the Order, but not to delay payments or request reimbursements or damages of any kind.
DELIVERY TERMS. 4.1. The terms of delivery stated on the Order Acknowledgement are indicative, without prejudice to the Vendor’s undertaking to observe the same as far as pos- sible.
4.2. In any event, given the indicative nature of the terms of delivery, the Vendor shall in no circumstances be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage to the Buyer on account of late delivery.
4.3. The Vendor is entitled to postpone the delivery deadline or suspend the delive- ry of the object of the contract, at its unchallengeable discretion:
a) should the Buyer fail to observe the conditions of payment established or be late in fulfilling its contractual obligations (such as, by way of a non-limiting example, granting of guarantees, issue and presentation of credit instruments and other financial fulfilments) including those relating to previous relations with the Vendor;
b) force majeure and like instances, such as, by way of a non-limiting example strikes, lock-outs or abstention from labour, epidemic, war, requisition, fire, flood, processing incidents and stoppages and/or delays in transportation, blackout or inadequacyofpowersuppliesandanyotherevent thatcannotbeattributedtothe Vendor or its suppliers;
c) failure on the part of the Buyer to provide the Vendor, in good time, with any informationit has undertaken to provideand necessary for the supply and/or ma- terials to be delivered.
d) when amendments are made to the Order, even withthe Vendor’s acceptance;
e) in the event of difficulties in procurement of raw materials. In cases in which suspension of supplies or extension in delivery deadlines are due to causes that can be referred in any way to the Buyer (such as, by way of a non limiting example, those cases set forth in the previous paragraph under points a, c and d), the Vendor shall be entitled to claim compensation from the Buyer for Venditore avrà diritto di conseguire dal Compratore medesimo il risarcimento dei danni patiti.
4.4. Eventuali ritardi nelle consegne non daranno, comunque, diritto al risarcimento dei danni ed eventuali penali a favore del Compratore.
DELIVERY TERMS. Unless otherwise specifically declared in CAEN quotation, delivery times have effect from the order acceptance date by CAEN and the final fulfilment of the conditions present in the contract, such as any required advance payment. Delivery times are not mandatory and are expressed in calendar days. In case of delays by CAEN in the fulfilment of its obligations due to:
DELIVERY TERMS. The term established for the delivery of the goods must be suitable for both parties. Delivery terms are only approximate and not binding. Any delay, for whatever reason shall not give the buyer the right to cancel orders or claim compensation for any direct or indirect damage. The Seller expressly reserves the right to deliver every order partially. If the agreement is amended, the term shall be extended by the same amount as that originally established. In the event of delays in the deliveries, the buyer may, following a standard formal notice, refuse further deliveries and withdraw from the agreement for the part of the products not yet delivered. The withdrawal from the agreement, for the part of the products not delivered due to a delay, shall result in the payment only of the products actually delivered, excluding any further compensation or indemnity.
DELIVERY TERMS. The delivery terms included in the contract herewith are indicative, SAB S.p.A. is free from any responsibility for direct and/or indirect damage resulting from delayed delivery of the goods. Furthermore the delivery terms are intended postponed because of late definitions or changes of the purchaser order itself. The extension of the due date stesso. Il tempo di proroga dipenderà comunque da una preventiva analisi della situazione produttiva.
DELIVERY TERMS. Delivery times indicated by Microplan® in the order confirmation, despite being generally respected, remain merely indicative and may change under the following conditions:
a) lack, inaccuracy or delay by the customer sending drawings, approvals or instructions necessary for the execution of the order;
b) force majeure, such as the lack or shortage of engine power, total or partial strikes and any other event beyond the control of Microplan®;
c) any changes to the order requested by the customer after the order confirmation and accepted by Microplan®
d) failure of the Customer to comply with payment terms In any case, Microplan® will not accept penalties or charges for delivery delays.
DELIVERY TERMS. 6.1. Delivery dates are indicative and not binding for IGAP SPA. Any delays in delivery will not entitle the Buyer to penalties or compensation, nor to contract termination.
DELIVERY TERMS. 4.1.The terms of delivery shall be regarded as an indication alone. If Industrie CBI estimates not to be able to deliver the goods on the date agreed for delivery it will promptly notify the client about that in writing and shall, where possible, also indicate the expected delivery date. Except in the case of willful misconduct or serious negligence attributable to Industrie CBI no damages will be paid for failure or delay in delivery. The products supplied are considered delivered at the office of Industrie CBI Xxx Xxxxxxx 00 xx Xxxxx (XX), or in the plant of Cambiago (MB) or Gissi (CH) according to the place stated in the contract.