Warranties Clausole campione

Warranties. Unless otherwise stated in the Purchase Order, the warranty for Compliance of the Supply shall last for thirty-six (36) months from the date of delivery or, in the case of Supply with multiple deliveries, from the date that the Supply is completed. During the warranty period, the Supplier is required to repair and/or replace non-Compliant Supply within seven (7) calendar days of a request by ARaymond. If the Supplier fails to satisfy this obligation, ARaymond may take any and all measures deemed appropriate to remedy the non-Compliance of the Supply, either directly or through third parties chosen by ARaymond, entirely at the expense of the Supplier. In any case, the Supplier shall bear all costs arising from any repairs and/or replacements of the Supply and particularly, but not exclusively, transportation costs, return charges, and the costs of spare parts and labour, and this shall be without prejudice to any other rights pertaining to ARaymond. Any repair and/or replacement of the Supply under the conditions indicated above during the warranty period shall result in a new warranty period of not less than twelve (12) months, without prejudice to the fact that the total warranty period in the preceding paragraphs may not exceed five (5) years from the time that the Supply is delivered or completed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Supplier shall remain required to comply with all of the broadest warranties provided for by applicable national, European, and international law, whether the warranties be direct or indirect, explicit or implicit.
Warranties. 6.1 EVERY SWS represents and warrants that the Service provided is not affected by defects which exclude or significantly decrease its potential use in relation to its description made available to EVERY SWS upon activation of the Service. In any case, the Service is provided by EVERY SWS "as is" and "as available". To the extent permitted by any mandatory legal provisions, EVERY SWS provides no additional warranties, express or implied. In particular, EVERY SWS does not guarantee that:
Warranties. 7.1 Xxxxxxx warrants that:
Warranties. LMS guarantees that the SmartKit provided corresponds to legal requisites and is of satisfactory quality for the purpose of collecting and transporting the Sample, insofar as it is used in accordance with the collection protocol and instructions provided. LMS guarantees that the transport of the Sample shall be carried out respecting the regulations governing the shipping of biological samples and of international standards. LMS guarantees that the Sample will be tested, treated and stored in the laboratory LMS has chosen in full respect of the scientific provisions for quality and safety, in accordance with the approved Standard Operating Procedures, the GMP and the provisions of the regulatory authority. LMS garantisce che il Campione sia mantenuto crioconservato per tutta la durata del presente contratto (venticinque anni) e pronto all’utilizzo in qualsiasi struttura sanitaria dotata di licenza nell’U.E. o in un Centro Trapianti certificato, ovunque nel mondo, pur non essendo LMS responsabile per il successo del trattamento/cura. LMS guarantees that the Sample will be cryogenically stored for the entire duration of this contract (twenty‐five years), ready to be used in any authorized health unit in the E.U. or in a certified transplant centre anywhere in the world, even though LMS shall not be held responsible for the success of the treatment/ processing. LMS e il Laboratorio s’impegnano in solido a rispettare le clausole del presente contratto e, in caso di comprovata necessità, si riservano il diritto di trasferire il Campione presso altro laboratorio dotato di equivalenti certificazioni e standard di qualità. LMS and the Laboratory jointly and severally undertake to respect the clauses of this contract and, in the event of attested need, reserve the right to transfer the Sample to another laboratory with equivalent quality certificates and standards.
Warranties. Resta inteso e concordato tra le Parti che il limite massimo di risarcimento per ogni singolo autocarro, nave traghetto RO/RO ed aeromobile è quello indicato nella scheda di Polizza. L'assicurazione, durante i trasporti terrestri e/o a mezzo nave traghetto RO/RO, è prestata alla condizione, che si considera essenziale per l'efficacia della presente garanzia, che:
Warranties. Except for such express written warranties, Seller makes no warranty, express or implied, with respect to the merchandise, including, without limitation, any warranty of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Moreover, any written warranty made by Seller to the Buyer does not apply to second or third quality merchandise or stock. Upon receipt of the Merchandise, Buyer must subject it to an accurate check by opening the boxes. The Buyer takes full and complete responsibility for ascertaining whether the Merchandise meets the requirements of or is suitable for the Buyer’s intended use, regardless of any suggestion or direction given by Seller with respect to the Merchandise or the use thereof. Under no circumstances does Seller make, or shall Seller be deemed to have made, any warranty, express or implied with respect to match or with respect to the uniformity or any other aspect of the colour, tone or shade of the Merchandise, or with respect to the conformity of the merchandise to the colour, tone or shade of any sample. The Buyer acknowledges that variations in colour, tone and shade are characteristics of the merchandise and are inherent and unavoidable, and that Seller’s samples are only approximations of the Merchandise and are only intended to give the buyer a general idea of the Merchandise. Under no circumstances does Seller make, or shall Seller be deemed to have made, any warranty, express or implied, by reason of any statement, description or illustration in any brochure or other literature.
Warranties. 6.1 The Supplier warrants that all laws, regulations and other provisions concerning the production, sale and delivery of the goods have been observed. In particular, the Supplier warrants that the products covered by this order comply with current accident prevention, occupational safety and environmental regulations. In any case, the Supplier remains subject to the manufacturer's liability as per the Presidential Decree of 24 May 1988, number 224.
Warranties. The Company guarantees that it has all the necessary authorizations and licenses for the provision of the Services. The Company also guarantees to have the competence and experience in the sector and to provide the Services through suitable and adequately controlled boats. Noleggio Barche Lucibello s.r.l. holds the state concession no. 6 issued by the Municipality of Positano on 01/08/2001 and supplementary act no. 14 of 13.12.2019 for the management of a mooring field for boats in Positano (SA); it also holds concessions no. 20/2016 and 13/2019 for the use of a floating dock in front of Spiaggia Grande of Positano. The Company undertakes to provide the Customer with a Service that conforms to the description on the Website, in the explanatory sheet of the mooring service, or any other information or description provided by the Company.

Related to Warranties

  • Tempi di consegna La consegna dovrà avvenire entro il termine di ( ) giorni solari che decorreranno dal giorno successivo alla ricezione della lettera raccomandata A.R. ovvero della PEC, con la quale l’Amministrazione comunica l’avvenuto visto del contratto da parte degli organi competenti, ferma restando la facoltà, per l’Amministrazione, di disporre l’esecuzione anticipata del contratto pur prima dell’ammissione a registrazione dello stesso da parte degli organi di controllo. Il decorso del termine di consegna è sospeso dal 5 al 31 del mese di agosto. La consegna del materiale verrà effettuata franco di ogni spesa, anche di imballaggio, presso il SADAV di Roma Rebibbia e fino a un massimo di altri tre siti dell’Amministrazione, che saranno successivamente comunicati, siti sul territorio nazionale. La Ditta dovrà eseguire tutte le operazioni di introduzione a propria cura e spese con proprio personale. Della data di consegna il fornitore dovrà dare un preavviso di almeno due giorni al sito interessato, informandone, contestualmente, il Direttore dell’esecuzione che, personalmente ovvero tramite persone all’uopo delegate, provvederà a verificare l’esattezza della consegna e il rispetto dei termini prescritti. Effettuato tale controllo con esito positivo, il Direttore dell’esecuzione dichiarerà verificabile la fornitura e ne darà comunicazione al RUP, il quale ne informerà la Stazione Appaltante, la Ditta e la Commissione incaricata perché vengano avviate, entro venti giorni dalla predetta comunicazione, ai sensi dell’art. 313, comma 1 del D.P.R. n. 207/2010, le attività di verifica della conformità.