A C.S.S. A. required to leave his/her assigned location to do relief work temporarily will be allowed all necessary expenses on production of vouchers, and will be paid the rate of his/her assigned position or that of the position relieved, whichever is the higher.
A C.S.S. A. or RTC securing employment with the Railway shall, within thirty days from the date of employment, have returned to him/her all Service Cards and Letters of Recommendation which may have been taken up by the Railway, except any previously issued by the Railway.
A C.S.S. A. or RTC leaving the service of the Railway shall, on request, in writing, within five days, be furnished with a Certificate by the proper official, stating term or years of service, capacities in which employed and whether discharged or leaving the service of his/her own accord. If discharged, cause of dismissal will be stated. If detained more than five days awaiting such Certificate he/she shall be paid schedule wages for all time in excess of five days. Unless otherwise requested, this Certificate will be mailed to the employee at the place of last employment.
A C.S.S. A. taken from an assigned position but not actually on duty at the time he/she is called will be paid time and one-half time from the time he/she comes on duty except that when a C.S.S.A. is called for such work within two (2) hours prior to commencement of his/her regular assigned hours of duty, he/she will be paid at time and one-half time until commencement of his/her assigned hours; will then be paid for the next eight consecutive hours at pro rata rate and thereafter at the rate of time and one-half time.
A C.S.S. A. or RTC declining to accept promotion in any instance does not forfeit his/her right to the same or any other position he/she may be entitled to under seniority when a vacancy occurs. A C.S.S.A. or RTC on leave of absence when a vacancy occurs will not be debarred from claiming position and receiving the appointment if entitled to it, provided that such claim is made within 20 days from date of vacancy bulletin. Manager of Passenger Care or Manager of RTC will advise the Chief Xxxxxxx of all vacancies and of appointments made.
A C.S.S. A. supplied a boarding car for living quarters shall not be required to pay rental on same.
A C.S.S. A. securing employment with the Railway shall, within thirty days from the date of employment, have returned to him/her all Service Cards and Letters of Recommendation which may have been taken up by the Railway, except any previously issued by the Railway.
A C.S.S. A. leaving the service of the Railway shall, on request, in writing, within five days, be furnished with a Certificate by the proper official, stating term or years of service, capacities in which employed and whether discharged or leaving the service of his/her own accord. If discharged, cause of dismissal will be stated. If detained more than five days awaiting such Certificate he/she shall be paid schedule wages for all time in excess of five days. Unless otherwise requested, this Certificate will be mailed to the C.S.S.A. at the place of last employment.
A C.S.S. A. or RTC declining to accept promotion in any instance does not forfeit his/her right to the same or any other position he/she may be entitled to under seniority when a vacancy occurs. A C.S.S.A. or RTC on leave of absence when a
A C.S.S. A. taken from an assigned position but not actually on duty at the time he/she is called will be paid time and one- half time from the time he/she comes on duty except that when a