Construction Phase Part 1 –
Construction Phase Fee Contractor’s Construction Phase Fee is the maximum amount payable to Contractor for any cost or profit expectation incurred in the performance of the Work that is not specifically identified as being eligible for reimbursement by Owner elsewhere in this Agreement. References in the UGSC to Contractor’s “overhead” and “profit” mean Contractor’s Construction Phase Fee. The Construction Phase Fee includes, but is not limited to, the following items: 9.1 All profit, profit expectations and costs associated with profit sharing plans such as personnel bonuses, incentives, and rewards; company stock options; or any other like expenses of Contractor.
Preconstruction Phase The Preconstruction Phase shall mean the period commencing on the date of this CM/GC Contract and ending upon commencement of the Construction Phase; provided that if the Owner and CM/GC agree, the Construction Phase may commence before the Preconstruction Phase is completed, in which case both phases shall proceed concurrently, subject to the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents.
Development Phase contractual phase initiated with the approval of ANP for the Development Plan and which is extended during the Production Phase while investments in xxxxx, equipment, and facilities for the Production of Oil and Gas according to the Best Practices of the Oil Industry are required.
Phase 2 Phase 2 is expected to consist of Member Nodes and a select number of Nodes operated by non-Members. The non-Member Nodes will be required to comply with Node hosting terms as set forth by the Council, which may be amended from time to time (the “General Node Terms”).
Construction Phase Services 3.1.1 – Basic Construction Services
Bidding Phase 2.8.1 The Professional, following the Owner's approval of the Construction Document Phase, shall assist the Owner in obtaining bids and in award and preparation of Construction Contracts. 2.8.2 The Professional shall attend the bid opening and furnish a suitably detailed tabulation sheet for recording the name of each Bidder, the Bidder's Certificate of Responsibility Number, Bid Security, Base Bid, Alternates, and remarks. The Professional shall furnish sufficient tabulation sheets for all in attendance. Immediately after receipt of bids, the Professional shall submit to the Owner a certified tabulation of all bids received, along with his recommendation as to Contract award. 2.8.3 The Professional, following the award of a Construction Contract, shall prepare and submit to the Owner, two (2) copies of updated Construction Documents (Plans/Specifications). Each copy shall be marked OFFICIAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS and shall include an executed bid Proposal Form, Agreement Form, Contract Bond, Power of Attorney, Certificate of Insurance, all bulletins, Addenda, and supplemental Drawings. One (1) copy shall be retained by the Owner, one (1) copy shall be for the Contractor. Any other contract document guidelines will be distributed to the Professional at the bid opening. 2.8.4 The Professional shall also furnish the area and volume of the building computed in accordance with criteria of the American Institute of Architects; and the square foot and cubic foot costs of only the building, the mechanical system, the electrical system, special built-in equipment, and the total Project cost. 2.8.5 The Professional shall, unless waived by the Owner, also submit one electronic format copy of the updated Contract Documents (plans and specifications) in coordination with said Contract Documents in 2.8.3 above. Said electronic submittal to be submitted within thirty (30) days after award by Owner in .pdf format. The actual cost of the electronic submittal shall be paid by the Owner, with cost approval by the Owner before printing is ordered in accordance with 3.4.
PRE-CONSTRUCTION PHASE FEE The Pre-Construction Phase Fee is the total compensation payable to Contractor for the performance of Pre-Construction Phase Services, except for Additional Pre-Construction Phase Services approved in advance and in writing by Owner. The Pre-Construction Phase Fee shall be a lump sum amount based on the AACC established in this Agreement. 6.1 Except as specifically allowed by Owner, Contractor shall not be entitled to any increase in the Pre-Construction Phase Fee for any costs, expenses, liabilities or other obligations arising from the performance of Pre-Construction Phase Services. 6.2 Costs associated with the following items are specifically, but not exclusively, included in the establishment of the Pre-Construction Phase Fee: profit and profit sharing; general overhead; salaries and labor; housing and relocation; estimating, scheduling and information management systems and software; contract administration; office expenses; printing and copying; consulting fees; legal or accounting fees; cost of money; taxes; insurance premiums and deductibles; bond costs; purchase or rental of equipment; utilities; travel; per diem; fines or penalties; and damage awards. 6.3 If the scope of the Pre-Construction Phase Services is changed materially, the Pre- Construction Phase Fee shall be equitably adjusted. If the AACC is changed materially before acceptance of the GMP Proposal, the Pre-Construction Phase Fee shall be adjusted in writing in proportion to the change in the AACC. There shall be no adjustments in the Pre-Construction Phase Fee following acceptance of the GMP Proposal. 6.4 For Additional Pre-Construction Phase Services that are approved in advance and in writing by Owner, Contractor shall be entitled to additional compensation computed as follows: 6.4.1 A pre-established lump sum amount; or 6.4.2 The hourly cost of Contractor’s employees or consultants who actually perform the Additional Services based on the employee’s Worker Wage Rate or prorated Monthly Rate plus the actual cost of allowable expenses incurred in the performance of the Additional Pre-Construction Phase Services, plus an overhead and profit markup of ten percent (10%) of the total cost; or 6.4.3 As otherwise agreed in advance and in writing.
Project Completion Date It is agreed between the Parties that the Project Completion Date is <END DATE, YEAR>. If the Project is not completed by such date then, subject to an amendment agreed to between the Parties, Alberta Innovates may elect to terminate this Investment Agreement. In such event, Alberta Innovates will notify the Applicant of its decision to terminate as soon as reasonably practical and shall advise the Applicant of the effective date of termination. Alberta Innovates will have no liability or obligation to reimburse the Applicant for any Project Costs incurred after the effective date of termination and may require the Applicant to return any portions of the Investment which were spent on Ineligible Expenses. Additionally, any portion of the Investment not used and accounted for in accordance with this Agreement as of the Project Completion Date or earlier termination is repayable by the Applicant to AI at AI’s request.
Information Systems Acquisition Development and Maintenance a. Client Data – Client Data will only be used by State Street for the purposes specified in this Agreement.