Additional Contractual Provisions Sample Clauses

Additional Contractual Provisions. This Agreement, including these Terms and Conditions, constitutes the sole and complete agreement between the parties and replaces all other written and oral agreements relating to the Study. No amendments or modifications to this Agreement shall be valid unless in writing and signed by all the parties. Failure to enforce any term of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such term. If any part of this Agreement is found to be unenforceable, the rest of this Agreement will remain in effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties and their successors and assigns. The Site shall not assign or transfer any rights or obligations under this Agreement without the written consent of Quintiles. Upon Sponsor’s request, Quintiles may assign this Agreement to Sponsor or to a third party, and Quintiles shall not be responsible for any obligations or liabilities under this Agreement that arise after the date of the assignment, and the Site hereby consents to such an assignment. Site will be given prompt notice of such assignment by the assignee. The terms of this Agreement that contain obligations or rights that extend beyond the completion of the Study shall survive termination or completion of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be interpreted under the laws of the state or province and country in which such Site conducts the Study. ATTACHMENT B NAME COMPANY, NAME PROTOCOL BUDGET AND PAYMENT SCHEDULE A. PAYMENT TERMS Quintiles will reimburse the Payee monthly, on a completed visit per subject basis in accordance with the attached budget. Ninety percent (90%) of each payment due, including any Screening Failure that may be payable under the terms of this Agreement, will be made based upon prior month enrollment data confirmed by subject Case Report Forms (“CRFs”) received from the Site supporting subject visitation. The balance of monies earned, up to ten percent (10%), will be pro-rated upon verification of actual subject visits, and will be paid by Quintiles to the Payee upon final acceptance by Sponsor of all CRFs pages, all data clarifications issued, the receipt and approval of any outstanding regulatory documents as required by Quintiles and/or Sponsor, the return of all unused supplies to Quintiles, and upon satisfaction of all other applicable conditions set forth in the Agreement. Major, disqualifying Protocol violations are not payable under this Agreement
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Additional Contractual Provisions. 10.1 This Agreement, including the Appendices, constitutes the sole and complete agreement between the parties and replaces all other written and oral agreements relating to the Services.
Additional Contractual Provisions. This Agreement, including these Terms and Conditions, constitutes the sole and complete agreement between the parties and replaces all other written and oral agreements relating to the Study. This Agreement does not cover the arrangements made between PRA and Principal Investigator concerning the conduct of the Study by the Principal Investigator. These arrangements, including payments due to the Principal Investigator for performance of the Study, are detailed in a separate written agreement. No amendments or modifications to this Agreement shall be valid unless in writing and signed by all the parties. Failure to enforce any term of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such term. If any part of this Agreement is found to be unenforceable, the rest of this Agreement will remain in effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties and their successors and assigns. The Institution shall not assign or transfer any rights or obligations under this Agreement without the written consent of PRA or Sponsor, but may sub-contract the conduct of activities to qualified and experienced third parties that meet all the applicable requirements of this Agreement and are obligated to perform such activities according to the terms of this Agreement, and provided that Institution remains liable for the performance of any such third parties and that neither the Principal Investigator nor any Institution’s employees has any financial interest in such third parties. Upon Sponsor’s request, PRA may assign this Agreement to Sponsor, and PRA shall not be responsible for any obligations or liabilities under this Agreement that arise after the date of the assignment, and the Institution hereby consents to such an assignment. Institution will be given prompt written notice of such assignment by the assignee. The terms of this Agreement that contain obligations or rights that extend beyond the completion of the Study shall survive termination or completion of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be interpreted under the laws of the state or province and country in which such Site conducts the Study. This Agreement shall
Additional Contractual Provisions. This Agreement, including these Terms and Conditions, constitutes the sole and complete agreement between the parties and replaces all other written and oral agreements relating to the Study. This Agreement does not cover Zdravotnického zařízení souhlasí s tím, že za každého uvedeného nebo identifikovaného Hlavního zkoušejícího nebo zaměstnance Zdravotnického zařízení, kteří se přímo podílejí na léčení nebo sledování subjektů klinického hodnocení, neprodleně vrátí PRA formulář finančního prohlášení vyplněný a podepsaný příslušným Hlavním zkoušejícím nebo zaměstnancem Zdravotnického zařízení. Ve formuláři finančního prohlášení se Hlavní zkoušející nebo zaměstnanci Zdravotnického zařízení přiznávají k možným finančním zájmům, které by oni sami nebo jejich manželé/manželky či nezaopatřené děti mohli mít v souvislosti s účastí na tomto hodnocení. Společnost PRA je oprávněna zadržet platby v případě, že neobdrží vyplněný formulář finančního prohlášení od každého Hlavního zkoušejícího a zaměstnanců Zdravotnického zařízení. Hlavní zkoušející zajistí dle potřeby urychlenou aktualizaci formulářů, s cílem zajistit jejich přesnost a úplnost v průběhu realizace Studie a po dobu jednoho (1) roku po jejím dokončení. Místo výkonu klinického hodnocení bere na vědomí, že vyplněné formuláře mohou kontrolovat zástupci státních nebo regulačních orgánů, Zadavatele, společnosti PRA a jejich zástupci, a s takovými kontrolami souhlasí. Místo výkonu klinického hodnocení dále souhlasí s přenosem dat o finančním prohlášení do země původu Zadavatele a případně k jejich zpracování do Spojených států amerických.
Additional Contractual Provisions. A. The Contractor agrees to accept full responsibility for the performance of the terms of this agreement, including work performed by its contractors.
Additional Contractual Provisions. This Agreement, including these Terms and Conditions, constitutes the sole and complete agreement between the parties and replaces all other written and oral agreements relating to the Study. No amendments or modifications to this Agreement shall be valid unless in writing and signed by all the parties. Failure to enforce any term of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such term. If any part of this Agreement is found to be unenforceable, the rest of this Agreement will remain in effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties and their successors and assigns. The Site shall not assign or transfer any rights or obligations under this Agreement without the written consent of PRA or Sponsor, but may sub-contract the conduct of activities to qualified and experienced third parties that meet all the applicable requirements of this Agreement and are obligated to perform such activities according to the terms of this Agreement, and provided that Site remains liable for the performance of any such third parties and that neither the Principal Investigator nor any Institution’s employees has any financial interest in such third parties. Upon Sponsor’s request, PRA may assign this Agreement to Sponsor or to a third party, and PRA shall not be responsible for any obligations or liabilities under this Agreement that arise after the date of the assignment, and the Site hereby consents to such an assignment. Site will be given prompt notice of such assignment by the assignee. The terms of this Agreement that contain obligations or rights that extend beyond the completion of the Study shall survive termination or completion of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be interpreted under the laws of the state or province and country in which such Site conducts the Study. subjektů hodnocení) („Materiál“) se řídí příslušnými zákonnými a podzákonnými předpisy České republiky. Zdravotnické zařízení zajistí, aby každá osoba zabývající se balením nebezpečného zboží nebo infekčního materiálu nebo manipulací s nimi za účelem expedice ze Zdravotnického zařízení jednala v souladu se všemi platnými zákonnými a podzákonnými předpisy České republiky a s ustanoveními protokolu. Po dokončení nebo předčasném ukončení Studie Místo výkonu klinického hodnocení předá veškerý Materiál, který má u sebe, společnosti PRA, nebo jej zničí v souladu s písemnými pokyny společnosti PRA a na náklady Zadavatele.
Additional Contractual Provisions. This Agreement, including these Terms and Conditions, constitutes the sole and complete agreement between the parties and replaces all other written and oral agreements relating to the Study. No amendments or modifications to this Agreement shall be valid unless in writing and signed by all the parties. Failure to enforce any term of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such term. If any part of this Agreement is found to be unenforceable, the rest of this Agreement will remain in effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties and their successors and assigns. The Site shall not assign or transfer any rights or obligations under this Agreement without the written consent of Quintiles. Upon Sponsor's request, Quintiles may assign this Agreement to Sponsor or to a third party, and Quintiles shall not be responsible for any obligations or liabilities under this Agreement that arise after the date of the assignment, and the Site hereby consents to such an assignment. Site will be given prompt notice of such assignment by the assignee. The terms of this Agreement that contain obligations or rights that extend beyond the completion of the Study shall survive termination or completion of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be interpreted under the laws of the state or province and country in which such Site conducts the Study. Attachment 4 Certificate of Insurance Secure Enterprises Pty Ltd as Trustees for the Strathearn Unit Trust ACN 060 973 908 ABN 94 695 040 625 AFSL 229831
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Additional Contractual Provisions. 10.1 This Agreement, including the jedinou a úplnou smlouvu mezi stranami a nahrazuje všechny jiné písemné a ústní smlouvy týkající se služeb. Nebudou platit žádné dodatky nebo úpravy této smlouvy, pokud nebudou písemné a nebudou podepsány všemi stranami.
Additional Contractual Provisions. This Agreement, including these Terms and Conditions, constitutes the sole and complete agreement between the parties and replaces all other written and oral agreements relating to the Study. No amendments or modifications to this Agreement shall be valid unless in writing and signed by all the parties. Failure to enforce any term of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such term. If any part of this Agreement is found to be unenforceable, the rest of this Agreement will remain in effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties and their successors and assigns. The Site shall not assign, sub-contract or transfer any rights or obligations under this Agreement without the written consent of IQVIA or Sponsor. Any such consent shall not relieve the Site of its obligations hereunder. Upon Sponsor’s request, IQVIA may assign this Agreement to Sponsor or to a third party, and IQVIA shall not be responsible for any obligations or liabilities under this Agreement that arise after the date of the assignment, and the Site hereby consents to such an assignment. Site will be given prompt notice of such assignment by the assignee. The terms of this Agreement that contain obligations or rights that extend beyond the completion of the Study shall survive termination or completion of this Agreement. In compliance with Sec. 558 par. 2 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, as amended, the Parties hereby exclude the use of business practices / usages in legal relations arising herefrom. This Agreement shall be governed exclusively by the laws of Czech Republic, without regard to the conflicts of laws provisions thereof. Any disputes arising out of this Agreement shall be resolved by the competent courts of the Czech Republic. Veškerá oznámení daná dle této Smlouvy budou odeslána doporučenou poštou s uhrazeným poštovným na doručenku nebo doručena uznávanou kurýrní službou do 24 hodin. Oznámení určená Zdravotnickému zařízení budou označována výše uvedeným jménem a adresou. Oznámení společnosti IQVIA budou zasílána na následující adresu: IQVIA RDS Czech Republic s.r.o. Pernerova 691/42 000 00 Xxxxx 0 - Xxxxxx Xxxxx xxxxxxxxx a na adresu: IQVIA Inc. Global Legal Department 000 XXX Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx, XX 00000 XXX K rukám: General Counsel E-mail: Any notice under this Agreement will be mailed (by certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested) or delivered by a reputable overnight courier service. Notices to Institution will be directed t...
Additional Contractual Provisions. This Agreement, including these Terms and Conditions, constitutes the sole and complete agreement between the parties and replaces all other written and oral agreements relating to the Study. No amendments or modifications to this Agreement shall be valid unless in writing and signed by all the parties. Failure to enforce any term of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such term. If any part of this Agreement is found to be unenforceable, the rest of this Agreement will remain in effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties and their successors and assigns. The Site shall not assign or transfer any rights or obligations under this Agreement without the written consent of Quintiles. Upon Sponsor’s skúšania sa zaväzuje urýchlene odovzdať spoločnosti Quintiles formulár finančného prehlásenia za každého uvedeného alebo identifikovaného skúšajúceho alebo spoluskúšajúceho priamo zapojeného do liečby alebo vyhodnocovania subjektov Skúšania, podpísané a vyplnené týmito Skúšajúcimi alebo spoluskúšajúcimi, kde budú uvedené všetky relevantné finančné záujmy týchto Skúšajúcich alebo spoluskúšajúcich ako aj ich manželov/manželiek a vyživovaných detí. Ak spoločnosť Quintiles nedostane vyplnený formulár finančného prehlásenia za každého skúšajúceho a spoluskúšajúceho, môže odmietnuť poukázať platby za Skúšanie. Skúšajúci zabezpečí, aby boli takéto formuláre finančného vyhlásenia podľa potreby aktualizované tak, aby bola zachovaná ich správnosť a úplnosť počas celého Skúšania a jeden (1) rok po jeho dokončení. Centrum skúšania súhlasí s tým, že tieto formuláre finančného vyhlásenia môžu podliehať kontrolám zo strany štátnych a kontrolných úradov, Zadávateľa, spoločnosti Quintiles a ich zástupcov a s takouto kontrolou súhlasí. Centrum skúšania ďalej súhlasí s prenosom svojich finančných údajov do krajiny pôvodu Zadávateľa a do Spojených štátov amerických, ak sa Centrum skúšania nachádza mimo územia Spojených štátov amerických, aj keď tu xxx xx zabezpečená ochrana osobných údajov alebo je xx xxxxxx xxxxxx, xxx v domácej krajine Centra skúšania.
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