Archive Recording. Performances may be recorded for archiving purposes. All audio-visual archive recordings will be watermarked throughout their duration to deter unauthorised uses. Subject to an archive recording being of a quality suitable to its intended purpose, as determined by the Society, it may be made available to third parties for purely non-commercial purposes.
Archive Recording. Archive recordings may be made under the terms of the MU’s Archive and Promotional Use Recordings Agreement as currently in force. Under this Agreement permission is required from the MU for the recording to take place and a fee per musician is payable.
Archive Recording. It is agreed that a musician may participate in one archive and promotional use audio or audio-visual recording per production during the period of this Agreement subject to the following conditions:
a. The recording/performance shall only be made during a scheduled rehearsal/performance where the musicians involved are receiving fees. No additional fee shall be payable.
b. One rehearsal/performance must be designated for the recording and a minimum of one week’s notice should be given of the time, date and place of the recording to both the Musicians’ Union and its members in writing.
c. The recording should only be of the standard necessary for reference i.e. single fixed camera, with integral microphones only.
d. Only one recording may be made. A physical or digital copy may be kept for archive purposes and the recording may also be used for promotional purposes subject to the terms set out for Electronic Press Kits below.
e. The production of the recording shall not disrupt the performance for which the musicians have been contracted e.g. with the addition of lighting or a change of seating or any other factor, nor shall any “retakes” or “patching” be permitted for the purpose of the recording.
f. No recording may be made at Orchestra alone rehearsals.
g. The recording shall not be used for the evaluation of the performance of any member of the Union.
h. The artistic director will be responsible for the storage, security and control of archive material. Anyone wishing to view or listen to the recording must first obtain the written permission from the Trust. A register of all performers involved in each archive recording will be available for inspection by an authorised representative of the Union.
i. The recording will be watermarked to prevent unlicensed use by third parties.
Archive Recording. A Recording (hereafter “Archival Recording”), in whole or in part, of a production in which Equity members are employed under the terms of the Special Appearance Agreement, may be made for an archive maintained by the Theatre under the following terms and conditions:
(1) A single Recording may be made for the purposes of the Archive, and shall not be loaned out or removed from the Theatre's premises without the written consent of Equity. The Archive Recording will not be considered for any purpose except as identified herein.
(2) Recording shall take place during a regularly scheduled performance.
(3) The Actor shall be advised as to the nature and purpose of such Recording. If there is nudity involved in the production, no Archival Recording can be made. The Theatre shall submit notice to Equity, in writing, that the Recording for an Archive will be made as soon as the date of the Recording is known, but in no event shall there be less than 48-hours’ notice to the Actors.
(4) Any rehearsal called to prepare for the Recording shall require overtime payment to the Actors called.
(5) No person connected with the production shall receive special compensation for this Recording. Should any other participating union, such as the Musicians Union or the Stage Hands Union, receive compensation for its participation, then these conditions shall no longer apply and each Actor participating in this Archive Recording shall be paid no less than the applicable SAG/AFTRA rate.
(6) The Theatre shall provide Equity with the opportunity to view the completed Recording upon request.
(7) The Recording may be viewed by anyone employed by or connected artistically with the Theatre and by scholars, teachers, and students in and of the visual and performing arts and by Equity members.
(8) If, at any time, the Producing Organization no longer operates as a Theatre, the recordings shall be turned over to Equity or a mutually acceptable archive within 30 days.
(9) A Theatre wishing to house its archives in a facility not under direct control of the Theatre must petition Equity for consent.
(10) The Theatre shall maintain control and ownership of the recording and will ensure that they are not used for any commercial purpose whatsoever. The Theatre shall also ensure that no copies of the recordings are made for any purpose whatsoever without the express written approval by Actors Equity and under the terms and conditions set by Equity.
(11) Any violation of any part of Rule 7 (C) sh...
Archive Recording. During the engagement the Management shall not authorise any person to make an imitation or version of The Artist performance by video tape recording or any other means known or unknown at the signing of the Contract except for any recording of the performance strictly and solely for the archival purposes of the Management.