ARMY Sample Clauses
ARMY. AR 95-2 Can be viewed at: 32 CFR 766 AFI 10-1001 xxxx:// Can be viewed at: xxxx:// Can be viewed at: xxxx://
ARMY. PN1598 ARMY nomination of Xxxxxx X. XxXxxxxx, which was received by the Senate and appeared in the Congressional Record of April 9, 2024.
ARMY. PN1471 ARMY nomination of Xxxxx X. Xxxxxxx, which was received by the Senate and appeared in the Congressional Record of December 13, 2021.
ARMY. This waiver would have allowed Raytheon to receive the contract without having to certify that the cost and pricing data in the 3-Lot Contract proposal was current, accurate, and complete, per XXXX.
ARMY. In the early stages of the formation of the European Array, the British Army will, if desired, assist then in their planning in the following ways:
ARMY. PN2136 ARMY nomination of Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx, which was received by the Senate and appeared in the Congressional Record of November 13, 2006.
ARMY. City, without any obligation to take on additional financial obligations, shall assist Developer in coordinating with the Army regarding any permits, approvals, easements/licenses, or other agreements from the Army needed for the Project, including but not limited to: (a) improvements to Gigling Road, General Xxx Xxxxx Boulevard, and other right-of-way, as required, (b) off-site stormwater detention, and (c) stormwater disconnection.
ARMY. Sections of Department of the Army Regulation (AR) 200-1 set forth policy, procedures, and responsibilities for the conservation, management, and restoration of land and natural resources consistent with the military mission and in consonance with national policies. In fulfilling their conservation responsibilities, paragraph 4-3d(5)(v) authorizes installations to participate in regional/habitat-wide efforts to conserve candidate species and Army-designated species at risk (SAR). Paragraph 4-3d(6) provides authority for managing SAR and their habitats. Specific SAR guidance is found in Army Species at Risk Policy and Implementing Guidance, dated 15 September 2006. This Army SAR policy memorandum specifically identifies the gopher tortoise as a priority Army species at risk. The SAR policy encourages proactive management efforts for SAR and their habitats, before federal protection under the ESA is necessitated, and further encourages installations to capitalize on partnerships and agreements when managing for such species. The DoD buffering authority mentioned above is implemented by the Department of the Army with the Army Compatible Use Buffer (ACUB) Program. Installations with approved ACUB plans have authority to work with partners to protect and restore habitat outside the installation if those activities are deemed beneficial to sustaining the installation's military mission. Installations with pending or approved ACUB plans within the geographic extent of this CCA include Fort Xxxxxxx, Camp Xxxxxxxx, Fort Xxxxxx, Fort Xxxxxxx, and Fort Xxxxxx.
ARMY. The gopher tortoise occurs on Camp Xxxxxxxx, FL; Fort Xxxxxxx, GA; Fort Xxxxxx, GA; Fort Xxxxxx, AL; and Fort Xxxxxxx, GA. Specific management objectives and activities for gopher tortoise management are included in the INRMP for each installation. Conservation of the gopher tortoise and other species is part of a broader goal to conserve biological diversity on Army lands consistent with the Army’s mission. Biological diversity and the long-term survival of species such as the gopher tortoise ultimately depend upon the health and sustainability of the ecosystem in which they reside. Therefore, installation-specific gopher tortoise management strategies will promote ecosystem integrity. Maintenance of ecosystem integrity and health also benefit the Army by preserving and restoring training lands for long-term use. In accordance with Army Regulation 200-1, Environmental Protection and Enhancement, INRMPs support the Army mission through stewardship of Army lands and are the primary tool for managing species and their habitats at Army installations. Xxxxxxxx commanders utilize INRMPs for the conservation, rehabilitation, and enhancement of natural resources to ensure readiness. The Army Species At Risk Policy and Implementing Guidance Memorandum, dated 15 September 2006, identifies the gopher tortoise as a high priority species at risk. The Army has programmed funds for the management of key species at risk. Camp Xxxxxxxx, FL has additional state-mandated requirements to conserve gopher tortoise. The following is a list of some of the gopher tortoise habitat conservation and management activities included within the installation INRMPs which have been utilized by some installations in the southeastern U.S. to conserve and enhance species such as the gopher tortoise.
1. Installations conduct monitoring programs to scientifically determine demographic trends and to measure success. Monitoring activities include: • Surveying for xxxxxxx to assess and minimize impacts to the GT population and habitat prior to significant ground disturbing activities • Monitoring gopher tortoise population demography • Monitoring gopher tortoise activity and movement patterns • Maintaining site specific distribution and demographic information on tortoises within the installation GIS system
2. Upon establishment of installation gopher tortoise goals, the Army may apply the Army Compatible Use Buffer (ACUB) program to protect gopher tortoise habitat on private lands. The ACUB Prog...
ARMY. PN401 ARMY nomination of Robert M. McTighe, which was received by the Senate and appeared in the Congressional Record of March 14, 2023. PN402 ARMY nomination of Edward B. Sauter, which was received by the Senate and appeared in the Congressional Record of March 14, 2023. PN403 ARMY nomination of Joan E. Sommers, which was received by the Senate and appeared in the Congressional Record of March 14, 2023. PN508 ARMY nomination of Abraham N. Osborn, which was received by the Senate and appeared in the Congressional Record of April 17, 2023. PN509 ARMY nomination of Amanda E. Harrington, which was received by the Senate and appeared in the Congressional Record of April 17, 2023. PN510 ARMY nomination of Lee W. Doggett, which was received by the Senate and appeared in the Congressional Record of April 17, 2023. PN519 ARMY nominations (166) beginning ELI S. ADAMS, and ending D012613, which nominations were received by the Senate and appeared in the Congressional Record of April 17, 2023. NOMINATIONS PLACED ON THE SECRETARY’S DESK PN521 ARMY nominations (112) beginning ROMAINE M. AGUON, and ending D017105, which nominations were received by the Senate and appeared in the Congressional Record of April 17, 2023. PN522 ARMY nominations (16) beginning MICHAEL L. ARNER, and ending MARK M. YEARY, which nominations were received by the Senate and appeared in the Congressional Record of April 17, 2023. PN614 ARMY nomination of Robert K. Furtick, which was received by the Senate and appeared in the Congressional Record of May 4, 2023. PN615 ARMY nomination of Joseph A. McCarthy, which was received by the Senate and appeared in the Congressional Record of May 4, 2023. PN790 ARMY nomination of Vegas V. Coleman, which was received by the Senate and appeared in the Congressional Record of June 21, 2023. PN895 ARMY nominations (59) beginning MATTHEW C. AILSTOCK, and ending 0002350680, which nominations were received by the Senate and appeared in the Congressional Record of July 25, 2023. PN896 ARMY nomination of Russell W. Forkin, which was received by the Senate and appeared in the Congressional Record of July 25, 2023. PN897 ARMY nomination of Jessica L. Godsey, which was received by the Senate and appeared in the Congressional Record of July 25, 2023. PN909 ARMY nomination of Matthew F. Dabkowski, which was received by the Senate and appeared in the Congressional Record of July 27, 2023. PN910 ARMY nomination of Archie L. Bates, III, which was received by the Senate and ap...