BANDWIDTH CONSUMPTION. Where a FTC Internet Service account, service or feature descriptions specify bandwidth, disk utilization, simultaneous connections and/or aggregate data download or upload, use in excess of those limits (bytes/bits transferred) is not permitted without an appropriate change in account type or status and additional charges may incur for such usage. In addition, sessions on dial accounts that repeatedly exceed a reasonable time may be terminated in order to protect network resources and preserve Service availability for other users. In the event FTC determines that an account is exceeding the relevant bandwidth, disk utilization, aggregate data download/upload limits, simultaneous connections or reasonable session times for dial-up or high- speed broadband accounts, the Customer will generally be notified by e-mail. However, if excessive bandwidth, disk space utilization, simultaneous connections, aggregate data download or upload, or dial-up session length is determined to adversely affect FTC’s ability to provide Service, immediate action may be taken. The account owner may be notified as soon as practicable thereafter. If excess use continues after such notification, the account owner may be requested to upgrade the type of account or modify the activity creating the excess use. Failure to make the requested modifications may result in the account being terminated.
BANDWIDTH CONSUMPTIONThis clause is applicable when licenses are sold based on per authorized user. Versa SASE service is a cloud-based service which can scale up and down based on user requirement. However, in order to avoid misuse of the infrastructure, Versa has installed protections. Versa monitors the usage against the industry standard guidelines. If Versa identifies that a customer is exceeding the industry standard guidelines by a significant margin, Versa reserves the right to renegotiate the contract. If the customer and Versa cannot come to a mutually agreeable solution, Versa reserves the right to terminate the customer. The subscription fee for the remaining subscription duration shall be refunded.
BANDWIDTH CONSUMPTION. Where a Camellia/Hayneville Internet Service account, service or feature description specify bandwidth, disk utilization, simultaneous connections and/or aggregate data download or upload, use more than those limits (bytes/bits transferred) is not permitted without an appropriate change in account type or status and additional charges may incur for such usage. In addition, sessions on dial accounts that repeatedly exceed a reasonable time may be terminated in order to protect network resources and preserve Service availability for other users. In the event Camellia/Hayneville Internet determines that an account is exceeding the relevant bandwidth, disk utilization, aggregate data download/upload limits, simultaneous connections, or reasonable session times for dial-up or high-speed broadband accounts, the Customer will generally be notified by e-mail. However, if excessive bandwidth, disk space utilization, simultaneous connections, aggregate data download or upload, or dial-up session length is determined to adversely affect Camellia/Hayneville Internet’s ability to provide Service, immediate action may be taken. The account owner may be notified as soon as practicable thereafter. If excess use continues after such notification, the account owner may be requested to upgrade the type of account or modify the activity creating the excess use. Failure to make the requested modifications may result in the account being terminated.
BANDWIDTH CONSUMPTION. Where a Smithville Internet Service account, service or feature descriptions specify bandwidth, disk utilization, simultaneous connections and/or aggregate data download or upload, use in excess of those limits (bytes/bits transferred) is not permitted without an appropriate change in account type or status and additional charges may incur for such usage. In the event Smithville determines that an account is exceeding the relevant bandwidth, disk utilization, aggregate data download/upload limits, simultaneous connections or reasonable session times for high-speed broadband accounts, the Customer will generally be notified by email. However, if excessive bandwidth, disk space utilization, simultaneous connections, aggregate data download or upload, or session length is determined to adversely affect Smithville’s ability to provide Service, immediate action may be taken. The account owner may be notified as soon as practicable thereafter. If excess use continues after such notification, the account owner may be requested to upgrade the type of account or modify the activity creating the excess use. Failure to make the requested modifications may result in the account being terminated. Smithville uses various tools and techniques to manage its network, deliver the Service, and ensure compliance with this Agreement. These tools and techniques are dynamic, like the network and its usage, and can and do change frequently. For example, these network management activities may include (i) identifying spam and preventing its delivery to customer email accounts, (ii) detecting malicious Internet traffic and preventing the distribution of viruses or other harmful code or content, (iii) temporarily delaying peer-to-peer sessions (or sessions using other applications or protocols) during periods of high network congestion, (iv) limiting the number of peer-to-peer sessions during periods of high network congestion, and (v) using other tools and techniques that Smithville may be required to implement in order to meet its goal of delivering the best possible broadband Internet experience to all of its customers. CUSTOMER UNDERSTANDS THAT ALTERNATIVE AND COMPETING INTERNET COMMUNICATIONS CARRIERS ARE AVAILABLE TO CUSTOMER; OCCASIONAL INTERRUPTION OR IRREGULARITIES IN THE SERVICE MAY OCCUR; ANY POTENTIAL HARM FROM INTERRUPTIONS OR IRREGULARITIES IN THE SERVICE IS SPECULATIVE IN NATURE; COMPANY CANNOT OFFER THE SERVICE AT RATES WHICH REFLECT ITS VALUE TO EACH CUSTOMER; AND C...
BANDWIDTH CONSUMPTION. Where a Xxxxxxx Internet Service account, service or feature descriptions specify bandwidth, disk utilization, simultaneous connections and/or aggregate data download or upload, use in excess of those limits (bytes/bits transferred) is not permitted without an appropriate change in account type or status and additional charges may incur for such usage.
BANDWIDTH CONSUMPTIONCustomer acknowledges and agrees that VABB shall have the right to monitor Customer’s “bandwidth consumption” (i.e. aggregate volume of data that may be sent or received) at any time and on an on-going basis, and to limit excessive bandwidth consumption by Customer (as determined by VABB) by any means available to VABB, including suspension or termination of Services. VABB reserves the right to implement specific limits on the maximum amount of bandwidth consumption available to Customer per month – defined as 30 consecutive days, beginning on the first day of service for the level of Services subscribed for by Customer. If Customer exceeds the bandwidth consumption limits assigned to the level of Services for which Customer has subscribed in any month, VABB reserves the right to: (i) Limit bandwidth consumption by Customer in excess of such level by any means available to VABB, including to impose an additionalOverage Charges” as set forth at (ii) Suspension of Services. (iii) Terminate services.
BANDWIDTH CONSUMPTION. Where a New Hope Internet Service account, service or feature descriptions specify bandwidth, disk utilization, simultaneous connections and/or aggregate data download or upload, use in excess of those limits (bytes/bits transferred) is not permitted without an appropriate change in account type or status and additional charges may incur for such usage.


  • Bandwidth the amount of data (quantified as “Mbps” or “Gbps”) made available to Customer as specified in a Service Order.

  • Generators Temporary installation of generators, and permanent installation of generators that are placed inside existing buildings or that occupy an area under 50 square feet behind the building they serve.

  • Television Equipment Recycling Program If this Contract is for the purchase or lease of covered television equipment, then Contractor certifies that it is compliance with Subchapter Z, Chapter 361 of the Texas Health and Safety Code related to the Television Equipment Recycling Program.

  • Signaling Each Party will provide the other Party with access to its databases and associated signaling necessary for the routing and completion of the other Party’s traffic in accordance with the provisions contained in the Unbundled Network Element Attachment or applicable access tariff.

  • Electrical Equipment Residents must use only CSA, UL-approved or Canadian-certified electrical equipment; the rated wattage of light fixtures must never be exceeded; and only replacement bulbs supplied by Waterloo maintenance staff may be used. Do not leave any unattended electrical equipment turned on (i.e. hair straighteners, lights etc.)

  • Fuel The Vehicle must be returned with the amount of fuel equal to that at the time of the commencement of the rental. If the Vehicle is returned with less fuel, the difference will be charged to You at a rate of $5.00 per litre (which includes a service component).

  • CLEC OUTAGE For a problem limited to one CLEC (or a building with multiple CLECs), BellSouth has several options available for restoring service quickly. For those CLECs that have agreements with other CLECs, BellSouth can immediately start directing traffic to a provisional CLEC for completion. This alternative is dependent upon BellSouth having concurrence from the affected CLECs. Whether or not the affected CLECs have requested a traffic transfer to another CLEC will not impact BellSouth's resolve to re-establish traffic to the original destination as quickly as possible.

  • Interconnection Customer Provided Services The services provided by Interconnection Customer under this LGIA are set forth in Article 9.6 and Article 13.5. 1. Interconnection Customer shall be paid for such services in accordance with Article 11.6.

  • Electrical Provide drawings for the following systems: .1 Lighting including circuiting and luminaire identification and switching. Also provide illuminance computer printout for all indoor typical indoor spaces and parking lots. .2 Convenience outlets and circuiting, special outlets and circuiting, television outlets, and power systems and equipment. Provide riser diagrams for all electrical systems including master clock, intercom, fire alarm, ITV, computer networking/telephone. Also, provide for emergency and normal power distribution. Provide luminaire schedule. .3 Panel schedule may be in preliminary form but circuitry must be included. .4 Applicable installation details. .5 General legend and list of abbreviations. .6 Voltage drop computation for all main feeders. .7 Short circuit analysis .8 Provide 1/2" scale floor plan and wall elevations for all electrical rooms.

  • Workloads The parties agree to the following provisions relating to faculty members' workload. (a) The registration limits for all courses currently offered by the Employer in the academic, career and technology areas are 35 unless established by practice as lower, excepting multiple sections where the limit is the correct multiple of the number of sections involved. (b) The registration limits for English are as follows: (i) Writing and Composition Courses - 25 (ii) Writing Skills -17 (iii) Creative Writing - 22