Base Load Sample Clauses
Base Load. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement or by agreement of the College and the Association, each full-time Teaching Faculty member shall be accountable during each full academic year for a normal base workload consisting of a mix of teaching assignments and professional activities and duties as follows:
Base Load. 32 CEO..............................................................................................................25 Committees.......................................................................................................
Base Load. The energy or fuel that is consumed by household devices that has little to no dependence on outside air temperature including, but not limited to, lighting, kitchen and cleaning appliances such as refrigerators, freezers and the like, domestic hot water, and electronics. The Base Load is calculated by the average of the lowest 3 months of kilowatt usage.
Base Load. All contact hours used to fulfill the contractual contact hour teaching load.
Base Load. The ASC instructional assignment will be 40 hours per week and will require that the faculty member provide 32 scheduled hours per week of contact hours and ASC service student contact hours. The remaining 8 hours may be used for scholarly work, college service, professional development, etc. A workload unit (WLU) in the ASC is defined as 1 WLU = 2 student contact hours. ASC faculty will teach 30 WLU annually in two terms in an academic year consistent with Article 27: Workload. ASC faculty may teach and be paid for overload courses as collaboratively scheduled between the supervising academic xxxx and the faculty member. ASC faculty will be evaluated by their academic xxxx.
Base Load. 6 The base load of a part-time instructor shall be the average equated hours assigned to the 7 part-time faculty member in each discipline at each college in the Spring and in the Fall 9 made. Base Load shall be calculated separately for the Spring and Fall semesters, up to a 10 maximum of 60% of Base contract load. Base Load for former Diversity Interns shall be 11 based on his/her internship assignment. The assignment preference is only at the college(s) 12 where the part-time faculty member works. If a part-time faculty member is bumped from 13 an assignment, the Base Load calculation will include his/her Base Load as originally
Base Load. The Base Load of a part-time instructor shall be the average equated hours assigned to the part-time faculty member in each discipline at each college in the Spring and in the Fall semesters during the most recent three years, including the semester in which the list is made. Base Load shall be calculated separately for the Spring and Fall semesters, up to a maximum of 60% of Base contract load. Base Load for former Diversity Interns shall be based on his/her internship assignment. The assignment preference is only at the college(s) where the part-time faculty member works. If a part-time faculty member is bumped from an assignment, the Base Load calculation will include his/her Base Load as originally assigned. If an assignment is declined, the Part-time Faculty member will remain on the College Rehire Preference List, as long as he/she qualifies. Exceptions to removal from the list will also be made in the event of approved family leave, documented medical circumstances or a documented medical emergency.
Base Load. In this test the plant will be able to provide at least active power level that determines the P_base_load setpoint. This test will be divided into 4 subtests in which a different P_base_load setpoint will be set to check how the power system behaves when: • There is excess renewable energy and the battery can be charged. • There is not enough renewable energy and the battery has to be discharged. • The battery charge or discharge according to the variability of the renewable energy. In this first scenario, the setpoint of P_base_load is adjusted to 400 kW and the battery will supply the difference so that the PCC has 400 kW, either through charging or discharging operation. As shown in Figure 28, the active power on the PCC (red) is always above 400 kW. In those cases where it is exceeded, the battery is not being able to absorb all the excess P that is being produced by the photovoltaic plant and the wind turbine. Setpoint Values P-Grid
Base Load. The Base Load may be modified only as provided in Section
Base Load. Normal full- time load for regular teaching faculty, hereafter referred to as Faculty, is30-32 contact hours of instruction per instructional period and45-48 contact hours of instruction per year for an extended appointment.Provisions may be made for those faculty who are unable to meet load during the instructional period to extend within the academic year with the approval of the appropriate vice president and documented in the Human Resources Office. The factors to consider when determining an annual load within the range of30-32 include, but are not limited to: total number of preparations, new course preparations, class size, intensive writing assignments, and the extent of new technologies. For provisional and regular faculty who teach eight or more preparations during their two teaching semesters, their base load will be thirty contact hours. Overload payments will begin at the thirty-first hour. In calculating the number of preparations, internships will not be included. To calculate how many preparations a faculty member has during their two teaching semesters, the college will add the number of distinct courses from the first semester to the number of distinct courses from the second semester. In making this calculation, a distinct course is a course that is different from other courses taught by the instructor that semester. Thus, faculty need not teach eight entirely different courses in a two-semester period in order to be classified as teaching eight or more preparations. Rather, the number of distinct courses in the first semester plus the number of distinct courses in the second semester need simply add up to eight or more for a faculty member to be considered as having eight or more preparations. For all other faculty, overload will be accumulated after the 32nd contact under a two-semester contract or the 48th contact under a three-semester contract. In addition to regular instruction, teaching faculty are also responsible for professional responsibilities in support of the College mission (service to College, students, and/or community) and professional development.