Sick Leave Separation Cash Out At the time of retirement from state service or at death, an eligible employee or the employee’s estate will receive cash for their compensable sick leave balance on a one (1) hour for four (4) hours basis. For the purposes of this Section, retirement will not include “vested out of service” employees who leave funds on deposit with the retirement system.
Sick Leave Bonus For every six (6) months of perfect sick leave attendance after July 1, 1987, the employee will receive eight (8) hours of bonus time. This bonus time will be prorated for part-time employees. Such bonus time can be used for any leave purpose covered by this Agreement. Such bonus time shall be counted as vacation leave credits for purposes of determining eligibility for carry- over and cash payments.
Sick Leave Incentive The City will institute a sick leave incentive based on the usage of the bargaining unit; further, the City will pay each person who qualifies during January of each year. The incentive will be calculated and monitored by the Personnel Department and will be based on the pay periods during a calendar year. The incentive shall be awarded only when the bargaining unit's average sick leave usage is less than the City average and the following conditions are met: When the bargaining unit's sick leave usage is greater than forty (40) hours but less than the City average, the City will pay each member using between zero (0) and sixteen (16) hours of sick leave, eight (8) hours pay and any member using more than sixteen (16) but equal to or less than twenty-four (24) hours, four (4) hours pay. When the bargaining unit's average sick leave usage is equal to or less than forty (40) hours, the City will pay each member who used between zero (0) and sixteen (16) hours, sixteen (16) hours of pay at their current hourly rate. Those members who used more than sixteen (16) but equal to or less than twenty-four (24) hours, will receive eight (8) hours of pay.
Vacation Leave Maximum Employees may accumulate maximum vacation leave balances not to exceed two hundred and forty (240) hours. However, there are two (2) exceptions that allow vacation leave to accumulate above the maximum: A. If an employee’s request for vacation leave is denied by the Employer, and the employee is close to the vacation leave maximum, the Employer will grant an extension for each month that the Employer must defer the employee’s request for vacation leave. B. An employee may also accumulate vacation leave days in excess of two hundred and forty (240) hours as long as the employee uses the excess balance prior to his or her anniversary date. Any leave in excess of the maximum that is not deferred in advance of its accrual as described above, will be lost on the employee’s anniversary date.
Vacation; Sick Leave During the Employment Term, the Executive shall be entitled to not less than four (4) weeks of vacation during each calendar year and sick leave in accordance with the Company’s policies and practices with respect to its executives.
Vacation Bonus Employees shall receive one day's base pay (or adjusted earnings) for each year of service beyond twenty-five (25) years, to a maximum of ten (10) days’ pay.
Family Sick Leave An employee may use sick leave credits for family illness or injury only if the employee must provide direct care to an immediate family member. For purposes of family sick leave, “immediate family member” will mean the employee’s parent, spouse, or child, including step-child and xxxxxx child.
Vacation Leave on Retirement An employee scheduled to retire and to receive pension benefits under the Public Service Pension Plan Rules or who has reached the mandatory retiring age, shall be granted full vacation entitlement for the final calendar year of service.
Vacation Leave Accrual After a full-time employee has been in pay status for eighty (80) non-overtime hours in a calendar month, the employee will accrue vacation leave according to the rate schedule below. Vacation leave accrual for part-time employees will be proportionate to the number of hours the part-time employee is in pay status during the month to that required for full-time employment.
Sick Leave Payout No cash payment for unused sick leave will be paid to any employee leaving the service of the Employer.