Bulletproof Vests Sample Clauses

Bulletproof Vests. The City agrees to refurbish, repair or replace bulletproof vests for each represented employee, as appropriate and in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications. All bulletproof vests provided to employees remain the property of the City and must be returned to the City when an employee is issued a replacement vest.
Bulletproof Vests. Community Service Officers and Community Service Officer Supervisors and Animal Control Officers have the right to purchase bulletproof vests at their own expense at the City's wholesale cost.
Bulletproof Vests. The City will provide to the APOA membership a prepayment option for purchasing bulletproof vests. The maximum amount available to Sworn employees under this program is $1,000.00. Those employees who wish to use the prepayment option must use department-approved vendors.
Bulletproof Vests. Members shall be are required to wear a bulletproof vest while on duty, pursuant to Department policy. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement to the contrary, the useful life of a bulletproof vest shall be determined by reference to the manufacturer’s suggested useful life. Vests which attain the maximum useful life as determined by the manufacturer shall be replaced by the Employer. The Employee shall be responsible for the replacement of a vest during the period of the manufacturer's recommended life, unless the vest is damaged or destroyed in the line of duty.
Bulletproof Vests. Patrol Officers shall be required to wear a bulletproof vest while on duty. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement to the contrary, the useful life of a bulletproof vest shall be determined by reference to the manufacturer's suggested useful life. Vests which attain the maximum useful life as determined by the manufacturer shall be replaced by the Employer. The Employee shall be responsible for the replacement of a vest during the period of the manufacturer's recommended life, unless the vest is damaged or destroyed in the line of duty.
Bulletproof Vests. All employees shall be supplied with lightweight body armor by the City if they have not already received one from the P.B.A.
Bulletproof Vests. The Village shall provide vests to all employees covered under this Agreement. Vests shall conform with appropriate Federal Standards and shall be determined as appropriate by the Department. Newly hired employees will be provided vests by the Village.
Bulletproof Vests. A joint committee with an equal number of repre- sentatives of labor and management shall be estab- lished to study industry practices and standards regarding replacement of bulletproof vests and to make recommendations thereon to the Police Commissioner.
Bulletproof Vests. In implementing a bullet proof vest program, the City will abide by applicable sections of Minnesota Statute 299A.38. In purchasing replacement vests, officers are responsible for paying any costs that exceed what the City can recover through their current participation in bullet proof vest reimbursement programs.
Bulletproof Vests. Sworn employees will be reimbursed for receipted purchase of a replacement-as-needed bulletproof vest up to seven hundred and fifty dollars payable once every five years. A Vest Replacement Review Team consisting of one representative from the Association and one representative from the City will meet annually to review the vest replacement needs of current sworn employees. This Team will determine which sworn employees are in need of vest replacement for each year up to a maximum of one-third of current sworn employees being eligible for vest replacement in any one year.