SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS. Certain functions of the Platform are subject to the service level agreement described in the Agreement. The following additional terms apply to Electronic Communication Services (as defined below). Such terms control in the event of a conflict with the terms of the Agreement.
1. These terms apply only to NCR Voyix’s provision of electronic communication services, such as NCR Voyix Pulse Real Time Text Paging, certain NCR Voyix online ordering functionalities and NCR Voyix Consumer Marketing (collectively, “Communication Services”). The Communication Services may enable you to send communications to your patrons, end-users or other recipients (collectively, “Recipients”), including e-mails, text messages or other electronic messages (collectively, “Communications”). Communications may be routed through wireless or mobile carriers, internet service providers or other communication service providers (each, a “CSP”).
2. You are entirely responsible for your use of the Communication Services, including, but not limited to:
(a) proper account setup and configuration settings; (b) obtaining consents or opt-ins from Recipients to receive Communications; (c) compliance with requests to opt-out or unsubscribe from Communications; (d) providing all required disclosures; and (e) use of valid phone numbers, e-mail addresses or other communications identifiers as appropriate for the particular type of Communication. You are responsible for compliance with (i) all laws, rules, regulations and ordinances (including, without limitation, the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, the Federal Trade Commission Act, and the CAN-SPAM Act) and (ii) all industry standards and CSP requirements and policies (including, without limitation, all “S.H.A.F.T” rules and similar standards), in each case, as applicable to your use of the Communication Services or the conduct of your business (collectively, “Applicable Legal Requirements”). You will not use the Communication Services in violation of Applicable Legal Requirements or to engage in any illegal or unethical activity. You are solely responsible for the content and accuracy of your Communications and any products or services offered for sale therein. You will not send any misleading, inaccurate, threatening, libelous, obscene, harassing, or offensive Communication. If NCR Voyix provides images or other materials as part of the Communication Services, you may only use them for your permitted use of the Communication Services. Further,...
SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS. Certain Hosted Services are subject to the service level agreement set forth on Schedule 5 (NCR Voyix Services Level Agreement) attached hereto.
SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS. Certain functions of the Platform are subject to the service level agreement set forth on Schedule 5 (NCR Voyix Services Level Agreement). 1. NCR Voyix uses commercially reasonable efforts to make certain Hosted NCR Voyix Software and Business Services Layer services (“Hosted Services”) available at the Availability Rate (as described below) for each calendar month, starting on the first day of the first month after billing for the applicable Hosted Service begins. If NCR Voyix does not meet the Availability Rate, you are entitled to request a service-level credit. This credit is calculated as a percentage of the monthly recurring bill (or monthly pro rata share of billing, if billing does not occur monthly) for the Hosted Service for the month in which the Availability Rate was not met, equal to the rates specified at: xxxxx:// If multiple Hosted Services experience an outage in a given month, the total credit for that month will be the highest credit allowed for any single Hosted Service which failed; there is no stacking of credits.
SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS. Certain functions of the Platform are subject to the service level agreement set forth on Schedule 5 (NCR Voyix Services Level Agreement). 1. NCR Voyix uses commercially reasonable efforts to make certain Hosted NCR Voyix Software and Business Services Layer services (“oHsted Saevarilavblie act ethesA”v)ailability Rate (as described below) for each calendar month, starting on the first day of the first month after billing for the applicable Hosted Service begins. If NCR Voyix does not meet the Availability Rate, you are entitled to request a service-level credit. This credit is calculated as a percentage of the monthly recurring bill (or monthly pro rata share of billing, if billing does not occur monthly) for the Hosted Service for the month in which the Availability Rate was not met, equal to the rates specified at: xxxxx:// If multiple Hosted Services experience an outage in a given month, the total credit for that month will be the highest credit allowed for any single Hosted Service which failed; there is no stacking of credits.
SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS. Certain functions of the Platform are subject to the service level agreement described in the Agreement. The following additional terms apply to Electronic Communication Services (as defined below). Such terms control in the event of a conflict with the terms of the Agreement.
1. These terms apply only to NCR Voyix’ sprovision of electronic communication services, such as NCR Voyix Pulse Real Time Text Paging, certain NCR Voyix online ordering functionalities and NCR Voyix C o n s u m e r Ma r k e t i n g ( c o l l e c t i v e l y , “ C o m m u n i c a t i enable you to send communications to your patrons, end-u s e r s o r o t h e r r e c i p i e n t s ( including e-mails, text messages or other electronic m e s s a g e s ( c o l l e c t i v e l y , Communications may be routed through wireless or mobile carriers, internet service providers or other c o m m u n i c a t i o n s e r v i c e p r o v i d e r s ( e a c h , a “ C S P ” ) .
2. You are entirely responsible for your use of the Communication Services, including, but not limited to:
(a) proper account setup and configuration settings; (b) obtaining consents or opt-ins from Recipients to receive Communications; (c) compliance with requests to opt-out or unsubscribe from Communications; (d) providing all required disclosures; and (e) use of valid phone numbers, e-mail addresses or other communications identifiers as appropriate for the particular type of Communication. You are responsible for compliance with (i) all laws, rules, regulations and ordinances (including, without limitation, the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, the Federal Trade Commission Act, and the CAN-SPAM Act) and (ii) all industry s t a n d a r d s a n d C S P r e q u i r e m e n t s a n d p o l i c i e s ( i n c l u standards), in each case, as applicable to your use of the Communication Services or the conduct of your b u s i n e s s ( cp op ll li ec ca tb il ve e lLye ,g a “l A R e q ueither Ceommeunictatison”Se)rv.ices Yin o u w i l violation of Applicable Legal Requirements or to engage in any illegal or unethical activity. You are solely responsible for the content and accuracy of your Communications and any products or services offered for sale therein. You will not send any misleading, inaccurate, threatening, libelous, obscene, harassing, or offensive Communication. If NCR Voyix provides images or other materials as part of the Communication Services, you may only use them for your permitted use of the Communication Servi...
SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS. Certain functions of the Platform are subject to the service level agreement described in the Agreement. The following additional terms apply to Electronic Communication Services (as defined below). Such terms control in the event of a conflict with the terms of the Agreement.
1. These terms apply only to NCR Voyix¶Vprovision of electronic communication services, such as NCR Voyix Pulse Real Time Text Paging, certain NCR Voyix online ordering functionalities and NCR Voyix &RQVXPHU 0DUNHWLQJ FROOHFWLYHO\ ³&RPPXQLFDWL enable you to send communications to your patrons, end-XVHUV RU RWKHU UHFLSLHQWV including e-mails, text messages or other electronic PHVVDJHV FROOHFWLYHO\ Communications may be routed through wireless or mobile carriers, internet service providers or other FRPPXQLFDWLRQ VHUYLFH SURYLGHUV HDFK D ³&63´
2. You are entirely responsible for your use of the Communication Services, including, but not limited to:
(a) proper account setup and configuration settings; (b) obtaining consents or opt-ins from Recipients to receive Communications; (c) compliance with requests to opt-out or unsubscribe from Communications; (d) providing all required disclosures; and (e) use of valid phone numbers, e-mail addresses or other communications identifiers as appropriate for the particular type of Communication. You are responsible for compliance with (i) all laws, rules, regulations and ordinances (including, without limitation, the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, the Federal Trade Commission Act, and the CAN-SPAM Act) and (ii) all industry VWDQGDUGV DQG &63 UHTXLUHPHQWV DQG SROLFLHV LQFO standards), in each case, as applicable to your use of the Communication Services or the conduct of your EXVLQHVV FSRSOOLHFFDWELOYHH O/\H J D³O$ 5HTXeLtheUCHomPmHunQicWatiVon´Se rv ice s <in RX ZLO violation of Applicable Legal Requirements or to engage in any illegal or unethical activity. You are solely responsible for the content and accuracy of your Communications and any products or services offered for sale therein. You will not send any misleading, inaccurate, threatening, libelous, obscene, harassing, or offensive Communication. If NCR Voyix provides images or other materials as part of the Communication Services, you may only use them for your permitted use of the Communication Services. Further, you may not use any third-party or purchased e-mail list(s) in connection with the Communication Services. NCR Voyix may immediately suspend or terminate your use of the Commu...
1. The maximum Operating Speed shall be 354 km/h (220 mph).
2. The Testing Speed shall be the Operating Speed plus 10 percent.
3. The maximum Alignment Design Speed shall be 402 km/h (250 mph) where topographic, geometric, operational, and environmental conditions permit.
SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS. A. Location of Sprinklers and Devices: Design location is intended for maximum irrigation efficiency. All Sprinklers will be located by Irrigation Consultant
B. Minimum Water Coverage:
1. Not less than:Turf Areas: 100 percent.
C. All flow velocities, within the entire irrigation system, shall not exceed 5 feet per second.
SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS. A. Provide elastomeric joint sealants that have been produced and installed to establish and maintain watertight and airtight continuous seals without causing staining or deterioration of joints substrates.
B. Provide joint sealants for interior applications that have been produced and installed to establish and maintain airtight continuous seals that are water resistance and cause no staining or deterioration of joint substrates.
SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS. Certain functions of the Business Service Platform are subject to the service level agreement set forth on Schedule 5 (NCR Services Service Level Agreement). 1. NCR uses commercially reasonable efforts to make certain Hosted Service and Business Service Platform Services available at the Availability Rate (as described below) for each calendar month, starting on the first day of the first month after billing for the applicable Hosted Software Service and Business Service Platform Service begins. If NCR does not meet the Availability Rate, you are entitled to request a service-level credit. This credit is calculated as a percentage of the monthly recurring bill (or monthly pro rata share of billing, if billing does not occur monthly) for the Hosted Software Service or Business Service Platform Service for the month in which the Availability Rate was not met, equal to the rates specified on MyNCR at: xxxxx:// If multiple Hosted Software Services and Business Service Platform Services experience an outage in a given month, the total credit for that month will be the highest credit allowed for any single Hosted Software Service or Business Service Platform Services which failed; there is no stacking of credits.