Meets Standard The school materially complies with applicable laws, rules, regulations and provisions of the charter contract relating to health and safety, including but not limited to: • Health clearances and immunizations • Prohibiting smoking on campus • Appropriate student health services • Safety plan
Service Level Standards In addition to all other requirements in this Agreement, and in accordance with the Best Claims Practices & Estimating Guidelines, Vendor shall use reasonable and good faith efforts to meet the Service Level Standards set forth below.
Applicable Standards The requirements and guidelines of NERC, the Applicable Regional Entity, and the Control Area in which the Customer Facility is electrically located; the PJM Manuals; and Applicable Technical Requirements and Standards.
Partially Meets Standard The school has exhibited non-compliance with applicable laws, rules, regulations, or provisions of the performance certificate relating to the treatment of ELL students; however, matters of non-compliance are minor and quickly remedied, with documentation, by the governing board. 15 Does Not Meet Standard: The school exhibits frequent and/or significant non-compliance with applicable laws, rules, regulations, or provisions of the performance certificate relating to requirements regarding XXXx; and/or matters of non compliance are not quickly remedied, with documentation, by the governing board. 0 Notes 0
Performance Standard The Department’s Grant Manager will review the documentation to verify that the deliverables have been completed as described above. Upon review and written acceptance by the Department’s Grant Manager, the Grantee may proceed with payment request submittal. Payment Request Schedule: The Grantee may submit a payment request for cost reimbursement no more frequently than monthly.
General Standard Without prejudice to all other obligations of the parties under this contract, each party shall, in its dealings with the other for the purpose of, and in the course of performance of its obligations under, this contract, act with due efficiency and economy and in a timely manner with that degree of skill, diligence, prudence and foresight which should be exercised by a skilled and experienced: (a) network owner and operator (in the case of Network Rail); and (b) train operator (in the case of the Train Operator).
Minimum Necessary Standard Business Associate shall apply the HIPAA Minimum Necessary standard to any Use or disclosure of PHI necessary to achieve the purposes of this Contract. See 45 CFR 164.514 (d)(2) through (d)(5).
Service Standards 6.1 The Supplier shall provide the Services or procure that they are provided with reasonable skill and care, in accordance with Good Industry Practice prevailing from time to time and with Staff who are appropriately trained and qualified. 6.2 If the Services do not meet the Specification, the Supplier shall at its own expense re-schedule and carry out the Services in accordance with the Specification within such reasonable time as may be specified by the Authority. 6.3 The Authority may by written notice to the Supplier reject any of the Goods which fail to conform to the approved sample or fail to meet the Specification. Such notice shall be given within a reasonable time after delivery to the Authority of the Goods. If the Authority rejects any of the Goods it may (without prejudice to its other rights and remedies) either: (a) have the Goods promptly either repaired by the Supplier or replaced by the Supplier with Goods which conform in all respects with the approved sample or with the Specification and due delivery shall not be deemed to have taken place until the repair or replacement has occurred; or (b) treat the Contract as discharged by the Supplier’s breach and obtain a refund (if the Goods have already been paid for) from the Supplier in respect of the Goods concerned together with payment of any additional expenditure reasonably incurred by the Authority in obtaining replacements. 6.4 The Authority will be deemed to have accepted the Goods if it expressly states the same in writing or fails to reject the Goods in accordance with Clause 6.3. 6.5 If the Authority issues a receipt note for delivery of the Goods it shall not constitute any acknowledgement of the condition, quantity or nature of those Goods or the Authority's acceptance of them. 6.6 The Supplier hereby guarantees the Goods against faulty materials or workmanship for such period as may be specified in the Specification or, if no period is so specified, for 3 years from the date of acceptance. If the Authority shall within such guarantee period or within 30 Working Days thereafter give notice in writing to the Supplier of any defect in any of the Goods as may have arisen during such guarantee period under proper and normal use, the Supplier shall (without prejudice to any other rights and remedies which the Authority may have) promptly remedy such defects (whether by repair or replacement as the Authority shall choose) free of charge. 6.7 Any Goods rejected or returned by the Authority pursuant to this Clause 6 shall be returned to the Supplier at the Supplier’s risk and expense.
Design Criteria and Standards All Projects/Services shall be performed in accordance with instructions, criteria and standards set forth by the Director.
Policies, Guidelines, Directives and Standards Either the Funder or the Ministry will give the HSP Notice of any amendments to the manuals, guidelines or policies identified in Schedule C. An amendment will be effective in accordance with the terms of the amendment. By signing a copy of this Agreement the HSP acknowledges that it has a copy of the documents identified in Schedule C.