(a) The EMPLOYER shall submit to AGMA and to the AGMA Delegates proposed itinerary of any tour, and shall submit in writing to AGMA a statement concerning the proposed method of transportation to be used during the tour. Both such reports shall be submitted at least thirty (30) days preceding the first (1st) day of any tour. An electronic copy of the tour itinerary will be made available to each ARTIST not later than two (2) weeks prior to the commencement of the tour. Printed copies shall be made available upon request. Any additions or changes in the itinerary must be announced to the Company at least one (1) week in advance of such change.
(b) Whenever any ARTIST shall work for the EMPLOYER outside the city of origination, the EMPLOYER shall provide and pay for the transportation of such ARTIST from the city of origination to such point or points outside and the ARTIST's return transportation to the city of origination. The EMPLOYER will use its best efforts to accommodate the requests of ARTISTS for changes to the company itinerary. The ARTIST shall reimburse the EMPLOYER for all additional expenses incurred by the EMPLOYER by reason of such change(s) and shall be responsible for their individual itinerary.
(c) The EMPLOYER also agrees to pay upon presentation of receipts for all transportation charges which may be required of the ARTIST by the EMPLOYER during the course of a trip, such as taxi fares between terminals, etc. and also transportation expenses incurred for doctor or emergency due to illness or injury on tour.
(d) EMPLOYER shall insure that all pieces being taken on tour shall be given at least one (1) full run-through prior to leaving for tour, in addition to the Dress Rehearsal at the performance location prior to the first (1st) performance of a program.
(e) EMPLOYER will cast tour assignments in such a way so as to ensure that every ARTIST performing on tour has realistic Cover that can actually perform that role without it interfering with any other roles for which such ARTIST is responsible. All ARTISTS assigned to Cover a role that will be performed during such tour shall participate in the entire length of such tour as long as the role is required. Best efforts shall be made to provide each Cover with no less than two (2) studio run-through rehearsals so as to be able to perform their Cover role should it become necessary to perform for any reason. In the event that both the Cast ARTIST and the Cover are not able to perform, this ...
TRANSPORTATION - GENERAL PROVISIONS a. All field trips and extra-curricular trips will be paid at the supplemental bus trip rate specified in Appendix C of this Agreement. A minimum of two (2) hours will be paid to the assigned trip driver even if such trip is canceled, when such cancellation occurs within one (1) hour of the scheduled departure time, and the driver cannot be notified prior to arrival to drive the field trip or extra-curricular trip.
b. The Transportation Supervisor (or designee) will keep a record of all field trips and extra-curricular trips. Such record(s) will be made available to a CEA representative upon request.
c. Upon request, the District will provide a copy of the state-adopted bus drivers' operation manual to each full-time, part-time, or substitute driver.
d. A list of children with special medical problems that may require immediate medical attention will be provided to bus drivers. Appropriate medical emergency training will be offered to those bus drivers required to transport such children so as to enable the driver to reasonably handle such emergencies.
TRANSPORTATION - GENERAL PROVISIONS a. All field trips and extracurricular trips will be paid at the supplemental bus trip rate specified in Appendix C of this Agreement. A minimum of two (2) hours of pay will be paid even if such trip is cancelled, when such cancellation occurs within one (1) hour of the scheduled departure time and the driver cannot be notified prior to his/her arrival to drive such run.
b. The Transportation Supervisor (or designee) will keep a record of all extra runs. Such record(s) will be made available to a CEA representative upon request.
c. The District will provide a copy of the State‐adopted bus drivers' operation manual to each full‐ time, part‐time or substitute driver.
d. The District will provide a list of children with special medical problems that may require immediate medical attention. Appropriate medical emergency training will be offered to those drivers required to transport such children so as to enable the driver to reasonably handle such emergencies.
TRANSPORTATION - GENERAL PROVISIONS. 1. Accommodations- Hotels and Suites - The Employer agrees to provide and pay for hotel rooms, including taxes for all Artists, on double occupancy basis. The Employer will provide seven (7) single rooms on international tours for which accommodations are paid for by AAADT. Six (6) single rooms will be allocated to the most senior Dancers and one (1) will be allocated to the Assistant Stage Manager. It is understood that double occupancy means that if two (2) unmarried Artists are sharing the room two (2) separate beds must be provided or single rooms will be provided for said Artists. Artists will be responsible for the payment of all hotel costs beyond the basic room rate and taxes. etc. For domestic tours, the Employer will provide eighteen (18) single rooms. Nine
TRANSPORTATION - GENERAL PROVISIONS. (a) The EMPLOYER shall submit to AGMA and to the AGMA delegates proposed itinerary of any tour, and shall submit in writing to AGMA a statement concerning the proposed method of transportation to be used during the tour. Both such reports shall be submitted at least thirty (30) days preceding the first (1st) day of any tour. Two (2) copies of the tour itinerary will be made available to each ARTIST not later than two (2) weeks prior to the commencement of the tour. Any additions or changes in the itinerary must be announced to the Company at least one (1) week in advance of such change. Mail will be forwarded from the Company office to the ARTISTS on tour at least once each week.
(b) Whenever any ARTIST shall work for the EMPLOYER outside the city of origination, the EMPLOYER shall provide and pay for the transportation of such ARTIST from the city of origination to such point or points outside and the ARTIST's return transportation to the city of origination.
(c) The EMPLOYER also agrees to pay upon presentation of receipts for all transportation charges which may be required of the ARTIST by the EMPLOYER during the course of a trip, such as taxi fares between terminals, etc. and also transportation expenses incurred for doctor or emergency due to illness or injury on tour.
TRANSPORTATION - GENERAL PROVISIONS. (a) The EMPLOYER shall submit to AGMA and to the AGMA delegates proposed itinerary of any tour, and shall submit in writing to AGMA a statement concerning the proposed method of transportation to be used during the tour. Both such reports shall be submitted at least thirty (30) days preceding the first (1st) day of any tour. The tour schedule will be posted in the offices at such time as it is distributed to the crew, and, in any event, two (2) copies of the tour itinerary will be made available to each ARTIST not later than two (2) weeks prior to the commencement of the tour. Any additions or changes in the itinerary must be announced to the Company at least one (1) week in advance of such change whenever possible. Mail will be forwarded from the Company office to the ARTISTS on tour at least once each week.
(b) Whenever any ARTIST shall work for the EMPLOYER outside the City of Origination, the EMPLOYER shall provide and pay for the transportation of such ARTIST from the City of Origination to such point or points outside and the ARTIST's return transportation to the City of Origination.
(c) The EMPLOYER also agrees to pay upon presentation of receipts for all transportation charges which may be required of the ARTIST by the EMPLOYER during the course of a trip, such as taxi fares between terminals, etc. and also transportation expenses incurred for doctor or emergency due to illness or injury on tour.
TRANSPORTATION - GENERAL PROVISIONS a. All bus drivers will receive a minimum of four (4) hours of pay a day.
b. All bus assistants will receive a minimum of three (3) hours of pay a day.
c. The Board will provide a list of students with special medical problems that may require immediate medical attention. Appropriate training to those bus drivers required to transport such students will be provided so as to enable the bus driver to reasonably handle such emergencies. Emergency drill training, first aid, and CPR training will be provided to each of the bus drivers, bus assistants, and substitute. Bus drivers will be compensated at their normal hourly rate for these trainings.
d. Bus drivers will receive their hourly rate, up to four (4) hours, for cleaning the buses at the end of the year.
e. The outside of all buses must be cleaned with soap and water one (1) time per a month during the months of December through March.
f. The Board shall pay for FBI, CBI, background checks, random drug testing, and any additional training needed for maintaining licensure. Bus drivers will be paid their hourly wages for attending training sessions.
g. Bus drivers will not be permitted to drive their normal routes unless a bus assistant is on the bus.
h. Bus drivers will be paid for wait time that exceeds their normal working hours while waiting for a bus assistant to be assigned. Bus assistants will receive reporting pay in the same manner as received by the bus drivers.
(a) The EMPLOYER shall submit to AGMA and to the AGMA Delegates proposed itinerary of any tour, and shall submit in writing to AGMA a statement concerning the proposed method of transportation to be used during the tour. Both such reports shall be submitted at least thirty (30) days preceding the first (1st) day of any tour. The EMPLOYER will post a copy of the tentative itinerary on the call board at least two (2) weeks prior to the commencement of the tour. One (1) week prior to the commencement of the tour, the EMPLOYER will distribute a copy of the up-to-date itinerary to each ARTIST. Mail will be forwarded from the Company office to the ARTISTS on tour at least once each week.
(b) Whenever any ARTIST shall work for the EMPLOYER outside the City of Origination, the EMPLOYER shall provide and pay for the transportation of such ARTIST from the City of Origination to such point or points outside and the ARTIST's return transportation to the City of Origination.
(c) The EMPLOYER also agrees to provide transportation between terminals, etc. and also transportation for doctor or emergency due to illness or injury on tour.
TRANSPORTATION - GENERAL PROVISIONS. (a) If a tour is more than seven (7) days, the EMPLOYER shall submit to AGMA and to the Delegates proposed itinerary of any tour, and shall submit in writing to AGMA a statement concerning the proposed method of transportation to be used during the tour. Both such reports shall be submitted at least thirty (30) days preceding the first (1st) day of any tour. If the tour is less than seven (7) days, preliminary reports of both itinerary and proposed method of transportation shall be submitted in writing to AGMA Delegates at least thirty (30) days preceding the first day of the tour, with the final written reports being submitted as soon as possible thereafter. Two (2) copies of the tour itinerary will be made available to each ARTIST not later than two (2) weeks prior to the commencement of the tour. Any additions or changes in the itinerary must be announced to the Company at least one (1) week in advance of such change. Mail will be forwarded from the Company office to the ARTISTS on tour at least every fourteen (14) days.
(b) Whenever any ARTIST shall work for the EMPLOYER outside of Columbus, Ohio, the EMPLOYER shall provide and pay for the transportation of such ARTIST from Columbus, Ohio to such point or points outside and the ARTIST's return transportation to Columbus, Ohio.
(c) The EMPLOYER also agrees to pay upon presentation of receipts for all transportation charges which may be required of the ARTIST by the EMPLOYER during the course of a trip, such as taxi fares between terminals, etc. and also transportation expenses incurred for doctor or emergency due to illness or injury on tour unless due to ARTIST’s negligence. Any such payment due under this paragraph shall be paid to the ARTIST in the pay period following the ARTIST’s presentation of receipts.
TRANSPORTATION - GENERAL PROVISIONS a. The provisions of this paragraph apply to all travel required by the Employer, whether or not it is performance related.
b. The Employer shall submit to AGMA a copy of the proposed itinerary of any tour, and in addition, shall submit in writing to AGMA a statement concerning the proposed method of transportation to be- used during the tour. Both such reports shall be submitted to AGMA and shall be posted for the Artists at least two (2) weeks preceding the first day of any tour. Two (2) copies of a detailed tour itinerary will be made available to each Artist not later than one (1) week prior to the commencement of the tour. Any additions or changes to the itinerary which are within the control of the Employer must be announced to the Company at least one (1) week in advance of such a change. Any additions or changes in the itinerary which are not within the control of the Employer shall be announced to the Company as soon as possible. Mail will be forwarded from the Company office to the Artists on tour at least once each week. The Employer shall agree to negotiate about any travel outside of the United States. Travel outside the United States may not take place in the absence of agreement on the terms applicable to such travel. Per diem rates for travel outside the U.S. shall be based on the most current rates for meals at the destination established by the U.S. State Department.
c. Whenever any Artist shall work for the Employer outside the City of Origination, the Employer shall provide and pay for the transportation of such Artist from the City of Origination to such point or points outside and the Artist’s return transportation to the City of Origination.
d. The Employer agrees to reimburse the Dancers for taxi fare from the Employer’s principal place of business to their homes on those days when the Dancers return from tour and do not arrive at the Employer’s principal place of business until after 8:00 p.m. Reimbursement shall be at the actual rate of fare, plus reasonable gratuity. Receipts will be required in all instances. The Employer may require that up to four (4) Dancers share the same taxi.
e. The Employer also agrees to pay for all transportation charges which may be incurred by the Artist during the course of a trip, such as taxi fares between terminals, etc.