CALL BRANDING. The procedure of identifying a provider’s name audibly and distinctly to the End User at the beginning of each OS call. Where technically feasible and/or available, SBC ILLINOIS will brand OS in CLEC’s name based upon the criteria outlined below: Where SBC ILLINOIS provides CLEC Operator Services (OS) and DA services via the same trunk, both the OS and DA calls will be branded with the same brand. Where SBC ILLINOIS is only providing OS on behalf of CLEC, the calls will be branded. CLEC name used in branding calls may be subject to Commission regulations and should match the name in which CLEC is doing business. SBC ILLINOIS – CLEC will provide written specifications of its company name to be used by SBC ILLINOIS to create CLEC’s specific branding announcement for its OS calls in accordance with the process outlined in the Operator Services OS/DA Questionnaire (OSQ). CLEC purchasing SBC ILLINOIS unbundled local switching is responsible for maintaining CLEC’s End User customer records in SBC ILLINOIS Line Information Database (LIDB).
CALL BRANDING. An initial non-recurring charge applies per brand, per switch, per Operator Assistance switch for the establishment of Call Branding. An additional non-recurring charge applies per state, per brand, per Operator Assistance switch for each subsequent change to the branding announcement. Rate per initial load – Branding $447.96 Rate per subsequent load – Branding $447.96
CALL BRANDING. 34.2.1 The procedure of identifying a provider’s name audibly and distinctly to the End User at the beginning of each OS call.
34.2.2 Where technically feasible and/or available, SBC-AMERITECH will brand OS in CLEC’s name based upon the criteria outlined below: Where SBC-AMERITECH provides CLEC Operator Services (OS) and DA services via the same trunk, both the OS and DA calls will be branded with the same brand. Where SBC-AMERITECH is only providing OS on behalf of CLEC, the calls will be branded. CLEC name used in branding calls may be subject to Commission regulations and should match the name in which CLEC is doing business. SBC-AMERITECH – CLEC will provide written specifications of its company name to be used by SBC-AMERITECH to create CLEC’s specific branding announcement for its OS calls in accordance with the process outlined in the Operator Services OS/DA Questionnaire (OSQ). CLEC purchasing SBC-AMERITECH unbundled local switching is responsible for maintaining CLEC’s End User customer records in SBC- AMERITECH Line Information Database (LIDB). CLEC’s failure to properly administer customer records in LIDB may result in branding errors.
CALL BRANDING. 4.1 Where technically feasible and/or available, AT&T-13STATE will brand DA in Carrier’s name based upon the criteria outlined below:
CALL BRANDING. In compliance with F. 1. above, SWBT will brand DA/OS in LSP's name based upon the criteria outlined below:
a) LSP will provide SWBT with written specification of its company name to be used in creating LSP specific branding messages for its DA/OS calls.
b) An initial non-recurring charge applies per load for the establishment of Call Branding as well as a charge per subsequent load to change the brand. In addition, a per call charge applies for every DA/OS call handled by SWBT on behalf of LSP when such services are provided in conjunction with resale services. Prices for Call Branding are as outlined in Exhibit C, attached hereto and incorporated herein.
CALL BRANDING. 4.1 Call Branding is the process by which an operator, either live or recorded, will identify the DA provider as being MCIm, audibly and distinctly to the MCIm end user at the beginning of each DA call. In all cases, AT&T ILLINOIS will brand the DA call as directed by MCIm. MCIm will provide written specifications of its name or announcement to be used by AT&T ILLINOIS to create the recorded branding announcement for its DA calls as outlined in the Operator Services/Directory Services Questionnaire.
4.2 Where not technically feasible or where MCIm does not request branding, AT&T will have the recorded announcement for such calls play silence instead of a recorded brand. Where technically feasible and/or available, AT&T ILLINOIS will brand DA based upon the criteria outlined.
4.2.1 Where AT&T ILLINOIS is only providing DA on behalf of MCIm, the calls will be branded. When the same trunk group is used to provide OS and DA services to MCIm, calls will be branded at MCIm’s request with the same brand. There may be separate brands where separate trunk groups are utilized.
CALL BRANDING. The procedure of identifying a provider’s name audibly and distinctly to the End User at the beginning of each OS call. Where technically feasible and/or available, AT&T ILLINOIS will brand OS in CLEC’s name based upon the criteria outlined below: Where AT&T ILLINOIS provides CLEC Operator Services (OS) and DA services via the same trunk, both the OS and DA calls will be branded with the same brand. Where AT&T ILLINOIS is only providing OS on behalf of CLEC, the calls will be branded. CLEC name used in branding calls may be subject to Commission regulations and should match the name in which CLEC is doing business. AT&T ILLINOIS – CLEC will provide written specifications of its company name to be used by AT&T ILLINOIS to create CLEC’s specific branding announcement for its OS calls in accordance with the process outlined in the Operator Services OS/DA Questionnaire (OSQ). CLEC purchasing AT&T ILLINOIS unbundled local switching is responsible for maintaining CLEC’s End User customer records in AT&T ILLINOIS Line Information Database (LIDB). Branding Load Charges AT&T ILLINOIS – An initial non-recurring charge applies per brand, per Operator Assistance Switch, per trunk group for the establishment of CLEC specific branding. In addition, a per call charge applies for every OS call handled by AT&T ILLINOIS on behalf of CLEC when such services are provided in conjunction with the purchase of AT&T ILLINOIS unbundled local switching. An additional non-recurring charge applies per brand, per Operator assistance switch, per trunk group for each subsequent change to the branding announcement.
CALL BRANDING. The process by which an Operator, either live or recorded, will identify the DA provider as being CLEC audibly and distinctly to the CLEC End User at the beginning of each DA call.
CALL BRANDING. 4.1 Call Branding is the process by which an operator, either live or recorded, will identify the DA provider as being MCIm, audibly and distinctly to the MCIm end user at the beginning of each DA call. In all cases, AT&T ILLINOIS will brand the DA call as directed by MCIm. MCIm will provide written specifications of its name or announcement to be used by AT&T ILLINOIS to create the recorded branding announcement for its DA calls as outlined in the Operator Services/Directory Services Questionnaire.
4.2 Where not technically feasible or where MCIm does not request branding, AT&T will have the recorded announcement for such calls play silence instead of a recorded brand. Where technically feasible and/or available, AT&T ILLINOIS will brand DA based upon the criteria outlined.
CALL BRANDING. 4.1 The process by which an Operator, either live or recorded, will identify the OS provider as being CLEC, audibly and distinctly to the CLEC End User at the beginning of each OS call. In all cases, SBC TEXAS will brand OS call in CLEC’s name.
4.2 The CLEC may request either that SBC TEXAS brand the service in the CLEC’s name, or that branding be “silent” (i.e., no name announcement), in accordance with the requirements of 47 C.F.R. 51.217(d). Rates for CLEC branding, whether CLEC’s name or silent, are located in the Appendix Pricing, Schedule of Prices.
4.3 CLEC will provide SBC TEXAS with an Operator Services Questionnaire completed with the specific branding phrase to be used to identify CLEC. The standard phrase will be consistent with the general form and content currently used by the CLEC in branding its respective services. CLEC’s name used in branding calls may be subject to Commission regulations and should be similar to the name in which CLEC is doing business.