Childrearing. 9.0301 Unpaid childrearing leave for a newly born or newly adopted child shall be granted to a member for up to twelve (12) consecutive months. Extensions may be granted at the discretion of the Board. Members shall submit a written notice to the Superintendent not later than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the member's last workday advising the Superintendent of the date that this leave is to begin. If the Board exercises the option to non-renew the member’s contract as in Section 5.0206, the unpaid childrearing leave will terminate with the end of the employee’s limited contract with the District.
Childrearing. An employee may be granted a long-term leave of absence without pay for childbearing and/or childrearing. If such leave is granted, it shall commence immediately upon expiration of maternity related disability leave, if applicable, or otherwise on date of birth or adoption of the child. Such leave shall continue for a period not to exceed the remainder of the current school year plus one complete school year. In the event that any portion of such leave is covered by the federal Family Medical Leave Act, the provisions of the Act related to continuation of insurance benefits shall apply. Upon return, if the employee returns within one year, the employee may return to his or her former position. If the leave is greater than one year, the employee may bump the least senior person in his or her classification.
Childrearing. Any administrator shall be entitled, upon written request, to an extended leave without pay for the purposes of childrearing. Any administrator shall be entitled to such leave for one full year, or reasonable portion thereof, in which his/her child is born, adopted or fostered. Upon return, the administrator shall be assigned to his/her former position or other administrative position of equivalent pay. Childrearing leave shall be subject to the following provisions:
Childrearing. A child rearing leave of up to six (6) months shall be granted without pay. A request for an additional six (6) month extension may be made, in writing, to the Director of Human Resources & Employee Relations. The leave shall end with the beginning of the regular school year. An employee having been granted a child rearing leave must apply for re-employment on or before April 1, prior to the school term if re-employment is desired for the following school year. An employee adopting a child may receive a similar leave which shall commence upon an entry of an order terminating the rights of the natural parents by the probate court. An employee returning from leave provided in this paragraph shall be placed on the step of the salary schedule as though she had been working.
Childrearing. A unit member is entitled, upon request and verification of child's birth date, to a long-term parental leave to begin at any time between the birth of his/her child and one (1) year thereafter.
Childrearing. Child rearing leave may be applied for and shall be granted for the purpose of child rearing, after the birth or adoption of a child,
Childrearing. The Board of Education shall grant child-rearing leave without pay in accordance with the following procedure: