Civility Sample Clauses

Civility. Adults treating one another with civility and respect is a fundamental component of a successful working relationship and an important practice to model for students. Therefore, constructive feedback between both staff and administrators will be made outside the presence of students, parents, the public arena, or other employees. Before feedback is provided staff and administrators should first seek to understand. The feedback itself should be professional and solution-focused.
Civility. In addition to maturity and self-control, conduct yourself so as not to cause any physical, emotional or mental harm to others4 or create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.
Civility. The University offers many times, places and ways to engage in expressive conduct, and it expressly seeks to create a diverse learning culture where students feel encouraged to express themselves on a wide variety of issues. Students attending UNH are not required to live on campus. All persons living in University housing are entitled to sleep, study and quietly enjoy their living space without unreasonable disruption. The University’s goal is to create a residential environment where all residents can expect to be treated in a civil and respectful way by each other. Therefore, in accordance with the SRRR and applicable law, residents or guests shall not harass, intimidate, or threaten a guest or fellow resident through speech, conduct or writing. Isolated or repeated threats, harassment, intimidation or abuse sufficiently severe or pervasive to alter the conditions of another resident’s sleep, study or repose may result in conduct charges or eviction. Isolated incidental breaches of civility shall normally be treated as opportunities to counsel an offending student, with or without a formal warning.
Civility. Teachers, administration, and Board shall refrain from any critical comments about each other in the presence of students or non-school persons. All parties shall be courteous and respectful of each other.
Civility. Adults treating one another with civility and respect is a fundamental component of a successful working relationship and an important practice to model for students. Therefore, criticism between staff and administrators will be made outside the presence of students, parents, the public arena, or other employees.
Civility. The Employer and employees recognize the importance of civility in the workplace and the need to avoid abusive behavior and speech, in either tone or substance. Consequently, there shall be no verbal abuse of employees, supervisors or other personnel. As detailed in the Employer’s Anti-Harassment & Non-Discrimination Policy, any employee or manager with concerns regarding uncivil or abusive speech or behavior should escalate his or her concern to the People Team.
Civility. The Husband and Wife’s willingness to mediate rather than litigate is a positive step. While emotions sometimes run high as difficult issues are discussed, the process cannot be allowed to degenerate into name calling or bullying. It is important to treat the other parties at the table with respect, as one would with any partners in a problem-solving exercise.
Civility. Significant violations of the DSU Civility Policy, Title IX Policy, or other disciplinary infractions, may be referenced and should be documented, if referenced. No reference shall be made to any investigation or disciplinary process that has not been completed prior to the due date of the recommendation.
Civility. Where a bargaining unit member contends in writing to the Association than an Administrator is requiring the member to work in unsafe conditions or would require the member to engage in unethical conduct, then the following process will be followed: a. The Association, at its discretion, will notify the building Principal or supervisor of the situation and recommend as solution. Within in five (5) calendar days, a written reply will be given to the Association indicating if the Principal or supervisor will take any remedial action and by when. b. If the Association is not satisfied with the solution in (a) above, the employee’s report and Principal’s/supervisor’s response will be forwarded to the Superintendent within five (5) calendar days. c. The Superintendent (or his/her designee) shall forward a written response to the Association within ten (10) calendar days. d. If the Association is not satisfied with the response from the Superintendent, the written material will be forwarded to the Board within ten (10) calendar days, with a copy to the Superintendent by the Association with a recommendation for resolution. The Superintendent may file a reply with the board, with a copy to the Association. The Board will replay to the Association, with a copy to the Superintendent, within thirty (30) calendar days after its review of the matter. e. Issues covered by this procedure are not subject to the grievance and arbitrations provisions of the collective bargaining agreement between the District and the Association and may not be processed through the grievance procedure. However, failure by the District or Association to following the procedure set forth by this article is subject to grievance and arbitration. The only remember for such failures shall be an order by the Arbiter that the District or Association follow these procedures.
Civility. A behaviour that helps to maintain mutual respect in the workplace. A set of rules of conduct that focuses on the well-being of all members of a community, built on mutual respect, collaboration, courtesy and know-how. Incivility: A deviant behaviour in violation of the rules of mutual respect established in a workplace. Incivility is the disregard of basic life skills causing significant discomfort in the workplace and adversely affecting the work environment, efficiency, productivity and motivation. Conflict situation: Opposition, divergence or discord between individuals or groups, whose negative consequences on the workplace or on individuals are palpable.