Formal Warning. (Written)
Formal Warning. If the employee fails to meet the standards of improvement in accordance with Step 1, the employer will issue the employee with a formal written warning advising the employee that their employment is in jeopardy if the deficiency is not rectified. A further review period may be set, if appropriate. In more serious cases this may be a final warning.
Formal Warning. 2nd Offense – Up to 2 consecutive days suspension, at the discretion of the facility 3rd Offense – Discharge
Formal Warning. A formal warning will involve both a discussion with the teacher and an official memorandum from the Principal or Superintendent to the teacher, with a copy for the teacher's official personnel file. The teacher will have the option of having an Association representative or other advisor present when the Principal or Superintendent issues a formal warning. The teacher normally will be given 48 hours notice of the meeting, but it may be held sooner upon mutual agreement of the teacher and Principal, or due to the urgency of the issue or scheduling conflicts that would otherwise delay the meeting beyond a calendar week. The written warning will inform the teacher that he is entitled to have an Association representative or other advisor involved at every stage of the corrective action process, and that, at the request of the teacher, any written documents (including e-mail) related to the process will be given or sent simultaneously to the teacher and his designated representative or advisor. Both the discussion and written warning normally will refer to one or more specific previous oral discussions, will be sufficiently detailed so as to let the teacher know how he has failed to meet the required standards and will suggest, if appropriate, a course of action to improve the condition as well as a time period to be allowed for the resolution of the problem. Depending on the nature of the problem, the recommended course of action may include the implementation of a formal Improvement Plan, described further below. The teacher will have the opportunity to respond fully at the meeting to any information presented as part of the warning. The discussion and written warning will also notify the teacher that failure to meet the requirements of the warning may result in suspension, dismissal, non-renewal of contract, or other action. The warning notice will include space for the teacher's comments, and will contain the teacher's signature, indicating only that he has received and read a copy of the warning notice, and has been given the opportunity to attach a response.
Formal Warning. A Formal Warning may be warranted in situations of any: - unsatisfactory performance or - misconduct (other than serious misconduct). A Final Written Warning may be warranted in situations of any: - misconduct that follows a Formal Warning - unsatisfactory performance after a Formal Warning - serious misconduct that might justify dismissal, but where a "second chance" is warranted. Dismissal may be warranted in situations of any: - misconduct that follows a Final Written Warning - continued unsatisfactory performance following a Final Written Warning - serious misconduct As an alternative to dismissal, the employer may consider: - demotion - redeployment - such other action as may be appropriate in the circumstances. The following principles shall be observed in the case of any meeting that may result In a warning or dismissal for cause. Prior to any disciplinary meeting: • The employer must investigate the facts. The procedure for investigating facts may Include an "Informal Meeting" in accordance with the procedure above. The employer will then consider the facts. • Where the employer then considers that there is a need to proceed to a Disciplinary Meeting, those procedures will be initiated. • The employee will be advised of the brief reason(s) for the meeting, and of the right to seek representation at any disciplinary meeting. At any disciplinary meeting: • A Human Resources representative should be present. • The employee must be advised of the misconduct and/or unsatisfactory performance. • The employee must be provided with an opportunity to explain the behaviour/performance. • Time should be given for adjournment(s) so that the employee and representative have time to consider his/her response to the allegations. • The meeting should be conducted in a non-threatening manner. After a disciplinary meeting: • The employer shall fully consider the explanations of the employee before determining what action, if any, Is appropriate in the circumstances. • If the employer considers that a Formal Warning or Final Written Warning is warranted, then this shall be recorded in writing and provided to the employee. There must be a request for an Improvement in conduct and/or performance. The employee must be advised that, if performance or conduct does not improve a further warning and/or termination of employment may be possible. A copy of any warning should be noted on the employee's file and the employee should be advised of this. Appropriate training and s...
Formal Warning. When it becomes apparent that an employee is abusing AWS, the supervisor will counsel the employee and issue a letter providing written notice that another in- stance of abuse will result in suspension of that employee’s AWS. The formal warning period will cover twelve (12) months from the date of the letter. If there is no abuse within that twelve (12) month period, this warning period will expire.
Formal Warning. A formal written warning may be sent to the Distributor stating that failure to discontinue the stated violation(s) may result in further disciplinary action.
Formal Warning. The Musician will be advised at an interview of the reasons for the warning and that it is the formal stage of the Performance Appraisal Procedure. The warning will be given by the Director of Royal Northern Sinfonia and the Musician's Section Leader (or the Leader in the case of a Section Leader). The Union Xxxxxxx or another member of the Orchestra of the Musician’s choice will also be present, and another member of the Trust may also attend. Following the meeting the Orchestra Manager will send to the Musician a written note of the warning, including exact details of the complaint, the improvements required and the timescale, with notice that action under sub-clause (b) below will be considered unless there is satisfactory improvement. The warning will lapse after 6 months, subject to a satisfactory standard of performance.
Formal Warning. 2.1. If the informal warning does not have the required effect or if there is a repetition of conduct justifying an informal warning the employee’s immediate supervisor will give the employee a formal warning that his performance or conduct must improve. A written record of the formal warning will be given to the employee and will include:–
(a) the reason for the warning;
(b) the disciplinary action which may follow from a failure to comply with the warning;
(c) any specific period of time in which the employee is required to comply with the warning;
(d) the employee’s right of appeal. A copy of that document will be signed and dated by the employee and placed on his file.
2.2. If a formal warning fails to achieve and maintain the required improvement in conduct or performance or where a further act or omission warranting disciplinary action occurs the employee will be given an opportunity to explain or justify the failure to his immediate supervisor. If the opportunity to state his case is not taken up by the employee or, on investigation, the explanation or justification is not acceptable the disciplinary action described in 2.3. below will be carried out.
2.3. The next step will be a final warning which will be administered by a Director of the Company and written record of the final warning will be given to the employee. This document will record:–
(a) that it is a final warning;
(b) the reason for the final warning;
(c) where relevant the period of time in which the required improvement is to be achieved;
(d) that failure to achieve the required improvement in performance or conduct or failure to comply with the employee’s terms of employment will result in dismissal. A copy of the document which will be signed and dated by the employee will be placed on his personal file.
Formal Warning. The supervisor and professional employee shall meet privately and discuss the problem. The supervisor shall specify a time period in which the problem is to be corrected. The two individuals shall jointly sign an Employee Relations Form indicating that such a meeting occurred and the date of the meeting. The form shall not be placed in the professional employee’s personnel file.