Classified Service An employee will attain permanent status in the classified service upon completion of a probationary review period. For positions designated in-training, Article 4.2 D will govern when permanent status is attained.
PROCEDURES AND/OR CRITERIA FOR COURSE ARTICULATION a. Complete the ROP Careers with Children course at Freedom High School with a grade of “B” or better.
Classification For the purposes of Rules 43.3(a) and 70.5(b), the Authority shall indicate the classification of the subject matter according to the International Patent Classification. The Authority may, in addition, in accordance with Rules 43.3 and 70.5, indicate the classification of the subject matter according to any other patent classification specified in Annex E to this Agreement to the extent decided by it as set out in that Annex.
Remedial Measures Upon becoming aware of an alleged security breach, Contractor’s Contract Manager must set up a conference call with the Department’s and the Customer’s Contract Manager. The conference call invitation must contain a brief description of the nature of the event. When possible, a thirty (30)- minute notice will be given to allow Department personnel to be available for the call. If the designated time is not practical for the Customer, an alternate time for the call will be scheduled. Contractor must share all available information on the call. The Contractor must answer all questions based on the information known at that time and answer additional questions as additional information becomes known. The Contractor must provide the Department and Customer with final documentation of the incident including all actions that took place. If the Contractor becomes aware of a security breach or security incident outside of normal business hours, the Contractor must notify the Department’s and the Customer’s Contract Manager and in all events, within one business day.
Table C - Receiving Organisation Enterprise The Receiving Organisation/Enterprise will provide financial support to the trainee for the traineeship: Yes ☐ No ☐ If yes, amount (EUR/month): ……….. The Receiving Organisation/Enterprise will provide a contribution in kind to the trainee for the traineeship: Yes ☐ No ☐ If yes, please specify: …. The Receiving Organisation/Enterprise will provide an accident insurance to the trainee (if not provided by the Sending Institution): Yes ☐ No ☐ The accident insurance covers: - accidents during travels made for work purposes: Yes ☐ No ☐ - accidents on the way to work and back from work: Yes ☐ No ☐ The Receiving Organisation/Enterprise will provide a liability insurance to the trainee (if not provided by the Sending Institution): Yes ☐ No ☐ The Receiving Organisation/Enterprise will provide appropriate support and equipment to the trainee. Upon completion of the traineeship, the Organisation/Enterprise undertakes to issue a Traineeship Certificate within 5 weeks after the end of the traineeship. By signing this document, the trainee, the Sending Institution and the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise confirm that they approve the Learning Agreement and that they will comply with all the arrangements agreed by all parties. The trainee and Receiving Organisation/Enterprise will communicate to the Sending Institution any problem or changes regarding the traineeship period. The Sending Institution and the trainee should also commit to what is set out in the Erasmus+ grant agreement. The institution undertakes to respect all the principles of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education relating to traineeships. Commitment Name Email Position Date Signature Trainee Trainee Responsible person12 at the Sending Institution Supervisor13 at the Receiving Organisation During the Mobility Table A2 - Exceptional Changes to the Traineeship Programme at the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise (to be approved by e-mail or signature by the student, the responsible person in the Sending Institution and the responsible person in the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise) Planned period of the mobility: from [month/year] ……………. till [month/year] ……………. Traineeship title: … Number of working hours per week: … Detailed programme of the traineeship period: Knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired by the end of the traineeship (expected Learning Outcomes): Monitoring plan: Evaluation plan: After the Mobility Table D - Traineeship Certificate by the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise Name of the trainee: Name of the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise: Sector of the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise: Address of the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise [street, city, country, phone, e-mail address], website: Start date and end date of traineeship: from [day/month/year] …………………. to [day/month/year] ……………….. Traineeship title: Detailed programme of the traineeship period including tasks carried out by the trainee: Knowledge, skills (intellectual and practical) and competences acquired (achieved Learning Outcomes): Evaluation of the trainee: Date: Name and signature of the Supervisor at the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise:
Members (a) A Person shall be admitted as a Member and shall become bound by, and shall be deemed to have agreed to be bound by, the terms of this Agreement if such Person purchases or otherwise lawfully acquires any Share, and such Person shall become the Record Holder of such Share, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. A Member may be a Class A Member, a Class B Member and or Class C Member, and, in such case, shall have the rights and obligation accorded to the Class A Ordinary Shares with respect to such Class A Ordinary Shares or the rights and obligation accorded to the Class A Preferred Shares with respect to such Class A Preferred Shares, as applicable, the rights and obligations accorded to the Class B Ordinary Shares with respect to such Class B Ordinary Shares and the rights and obligations accorded to the Class C Ordinary Share with respect to such Class C Ordinary Share. A Person may become a Record Holder without the consent or approval of any of the Members and without physical execution of this Agreement. A Person may not become a Member without acquiring a Share.