Classroom Sample Clauses
Classroom. An hour's compensation for instructors shall be defined as equal to one
(1) hour of classroom instruction. In addition, it is expected that an instructor will devote twenty (20) minutes per classroom hour in preparation, attending meetings, and other duties pertinent to the adjunct assignment. Such activities may be held either on or off campus.
Classroom. You are required to assist in keeping classrooms and studios in good order.
Classroom. A classroom is a physical or virtual learning space where Professors instruct students, and may include campus meeting rooms, laboratories, off-campus instruction sites, learning management systems, and virtual meeting spaces.
Classroom a. To take proper care of the classroom, its furniture and equipment.
b. To set an example of cleanliness and orderliness.
Classroom. Classroom includes both the traditional classroom and the virtual classroom, including instructional library, counseling, and learning spaces.
Classroom. The Faculty member is entitled to freedom in the classroom in discussing his or her subject.
Classroom. The Xxxx or representative of the School shall distribute student evaluation forms to and collect the forms from students in the selected class(es).Student evaluation packets are prepared consisting of a Scantron sheet and Form D-5 (or D-5A if applicable). Adjuncts may choose to have student evaluations conducted more frequently, for example, once a year.
Classroom. All students are to wear the designated class uniform with no unapproved alterations. Uniforms must be clean, neat and wrinkle free. All aspects of the uniform must be in good repair with no unapproved alterations NO flip flops, clogs, slippers, etc. Student will be sent home for the day as an absence. • Hair must be neatly arranged with good grooming evident at all times. • Current FCTC picture Identification badge is required at all times. • The approved lab coat with the FCTC logo may be worn over the student uniform. • Natural fingernails must be clean and not beyond fingertips in length. No polish of any color or kind is allowed. No acrylic or artificial nails of any kind are permitted. This policy applies to clinical, simulation labs, and classroom. • Make-up is to be worn modestly. • No perfumes, colognes or scented lotions are permitted. • Chewing gum is NOT appropriate or professional while in uniform; therefore, gum is NOT to be chewed at any time in the classroom, lab or clinical. • Tattoos must be covered within the confines of the required uniform or tattoo make-up. • Smoking is not permitted on campus grounds. This policy will be strictly enforced. Students may not have an odor of smoke on their hair, body, or uniform.
Classroom. The District shall make every effort to furnish each employee with a classroom. Where this is not possible, the employee shall be provided with a locked filing cabinet in each room taught.
Classroom. Space will be provided in each classroom and for each teacher for safe storage of personal belongings, instructional materials and supplies.