Command Sample Clauses
Command instance, it evaluates the end-to-end delay from the MAC single hop delay values on the path, taking into account the Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) and the WSN Operator Clients Service ID Required Measured Information and alarms buffer state of the nodes. Then the SLA Manager compares the measured state of the network (i.e. the composite metrics) with the set of requirements: if the requirements are not met, the corresponding SLA is considered degraded.
Command. The Incident Command System (ICS) will be used to manage all events when multiple agencies are requested. Incident Command (IC) shall be responsible for management of the incident and will assign the requested services as appropriate.
Command. When a HOME FIRE SERVICE and a PARTICIPATING FIRE SERVICE respond to an INCIDENT, the Incident Commander of the HOME FIRE SERVICE shall assume responsibility for the overall command of and coordination of operations in respect of the INCIDENT.
Command. +Alt+Shift+Plus Control +Alt+Shift+Plus Reduce by 10 % . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Command+Alt+Minus Control +Alt+Minus
Command. 1. The installation is placed under Italian Command. The functions of such command, which will be exercised by an Italian officer, will vary according to whether the installation is jointly used or used exclusively by the United States Armed Forces. The Italian Commander's jurisdiction extends throughout the installation over all the Italian personnel, military and civilian, assigned for whatever reason to the installation, and over the Italian land and infrastructure, equipment and materiel.
2. The rank of the Italian officer is established by the cognizant Italian Authorities based on his responsibilities and tasks, regardless of the rank of the senior U.S. officer assigned to the installation.
3. The U.S. Commander has full military command over U.S. personnel, equipment and operations. He will notify in advance the Italian Commander of all significant U.S. activities, with specific reference to the operational and training activity, to the movements of materiel, weapons and civilian/military personnel, and to any events/incidents that should occur. Likewise the Italian Commander will keep the U.S. Commander informed of all significant national activities. The Italian Commander will advise the U.S. Commander if he believes U.S. activities are not respecting applicable Italian law and will immediately seek advice from higher Italian Authorities. Differences of opinion between the commanders regarding whether a specific activity should be undertaken, that cannot be resolved locally, will be promptly referred up the respective chains of command for resolution. Beginning a disputed activity is subject to resolution of the controversy.
4. Permanent increases of the operational component and relative support shall be authorized by the Italian National Authorities. Temporary increases of military and civilian personnel (for training, exercises, logistical activities, transit, etc.) will be approved by the Italian Commander. Temporary increases of personnel associated with operations already approved by the Government of Italy will be coordinated with the Italian Commander.
5. In order to comply with his responsibilities, the Italian Commander has free access, with no restrictions, except as provided in the following Section XV, to all areas of the installation. The Italian Commander will intervene to have the U.S. Commander immediately interrupt U.S. activities which clearly endanger life or public health. Upon notification of the danger, the U.S. Commander wi...
Command. The person designated in the command declaration who, by mere acceptance of the command declaration, is considered from the outset to be the buyer of the Product To Be Supplied.
Command. +Alt+Shift+Minus Control +Alt+Shift+Minus
Command. The superior line officer of the ambulance service of the requestor shall assume full charge of the operations, but if he/she specifically requests an officer of an ambulance service furnishing assistance to assume command, he/she shall not, by relinquishing command, be relieved of the final responsibility for the operation. However, the apparatus, personnel and equipment of any service rendering assistance shall be under the immediate supervision of and shall be the immediate responsibility of the senior line officer of the service rendering assistance. The requestee shall have the right to withdraw from the emergency site of the requestor if, in the sole judgment of the senior line officer of the requestee, personnel, apparatus and equipment are needed at home.
Command. It works just like Finale's command, but it offers different things to remove from the selected document region. All the 'items' offered here are properties – when you remove them, they will be reset to their default appearance. This dialog is going to be extended by many new items in the future. Currently the removable items are: ♦ Horizontal lyrics adjustments: this option will reset any horizontal tweaking of syllables within the selected region. Thus, it will also remove the adjustments made by TGTools' Move long syllables on beat 1 a bit to the right. ♦ Vertical lyrics adjustments: this option will reset any vertical tweaking of syllables – it will not remove lyrics baseline adjustments, but only modifications of the vertical position of single (or multiple) syllables. ♦ Lyrics alignment settings (Fin98 only): will reset syllable alignment to Default. ♦ Lyrics justification settings (Fin98 only): will reset syllable justification to Default. Note: this dialog box is accessible from the Lyrics Utilities submenu and the Miscella- neous submenu, with different default option settings. Shift Lyrics This tool can be used to shift syllables within the selected region in both horizontal and vertical directions. Its original intention is correcting Finale's centering of lyrics under whole and double-whole notes. This will be done when using Shift Lyrics with the default options settings: To achieve this result, quite a few options are provided so as to: • affect notes within a specific range of durations only • program different horizontal shift values for different note durations • handle dotted notes correctly ♦ Shift lyrics on shortest affected notes horizontally by: here, you specify the horizontal shift (in Finale's EVPU measurement) which is used for the shortest notes within the range of durations that are modified. With the default settings, this is the horizontal correction applied to whole notes. ♦ Shift lyrics on longest affected notes horizontally by: here, you specify the horizontal shift which is used for the longest notes within the range of durations that are modified. With the default settings, this is the horizontal correction applied to double whole notes. ♦ Shift lyrics vertically by: use this field for vertical shifts. It is not used by the default settings (0). ♦ Minimum EDU length of notes to modify: this specifies the shortest note duration whose lyrics are to be shifted. The default value of 4096 will require notes to be at least as ...
Command. Responding personnel are under the command of the Requesting Agency’s Chief, have the same powers of the Requesting Agency’s personnel, and are deemed acting as personnel of the Requesting Agency regardless of compensation when responding to an incident. At no time will Responding Agency’s employees be considered employees of the Requesting Agency.