Recruitment Sample Clauses

Recruitment. When advertising for employees, the contractor will include in all advertisements for employees the notation: "An Equal Opportunity Employer." All such advertisements will be placed in publications having a large circulation among minorities and women in the area from which the project work force would normally be derived. a. The contractor will, unless precluded by a valid bargaining agreement, conduct systematic and direct recruitment through public and private employee referral sources likely to yield qualified minorities and women. To meet this requirement, the contractor will identify sources of potential minority group employees, and establish with such identified sources procedures whereby minority and women applicants may be referred to the contractor for employment consideration. b. In the event the contractor has a valid bargaining agreement providing for exclusive hiring hall referrals, the contractor is expected to observe the provisions of that agreement to the extent that the system meets the contractor's compliance with EEO contract provisions. Where implementation of such an agreement has the effect of discriminating against minorities or women, or obligates the contractor to do the same, such implementation violates Federal nondiscrimination provisions. c. The contractor will encourage its present employees to refer minorities and women as applicants for employment. Information and procedures with regard to referring such applicants will be discussed with employees.
Recruitment. A. The EMPLOYER shall complete the attached Revised Employment Plan that will include the information outlined in Section I.P. B. The EMPLOYER shall register and post all job vacancies with the Job Bank Services of DOES at a minimum of 10 days. Should you need assistance posting job vacancies, please contact Job Bank Services at (000) 000-0000. C. The EMPLOYER shall notify DOES of all new jobs created for the Project within at least 7 business days (Monday - Friday) of the EMPLOYERS’ identification/creation of the new jobs. The Notice of New Job Creation shall include the number of employees needed by job title, qualifications and specific skills required to perform the job, hiring date, rate of pay, hours of work, duration of employment, and a description of the work to be performed. This must be done before using any other referral source. X. Xxx openings to be filled by internal promotion from the EMPLOYER'S current workforce shall be reported to DOES for placement and referral, if the job is newly created. EMPLOYER shall provide DOES a Notice of New Job Creation that details such promotions in accordance with Section IV.C. E. The EMPLOYER will submit to DOES, prior to commencing work on the Project, a list of Current Employees that includes the name, social security number, and residency status of all current employees, including apprentices, trainees, and laid-off workers who will be employed on the Project. All EMPLOYER information reviewed or gathered, including social security numbers, as a result of DOES’ monitoring and enforcement activities will be held confidential in accordance with all District and federal confidentiality and privacy laws and used only for the purposes that it was reviewed or gathered.
Recruitment. The School will recruit throughout all segments of the community. This may include direct mailings, public advertisement utilizing the local and community press and informational meetings at a variety of locations using both English and other languages where appropriate.
Recruitment. When advertising for employees, the contractor will include in all advertisements for employees the notation: "An Equal Opportunity Employer." All such advertisements will be placed in publications having a large circulation among minorities and women in the area from which the project work force would normally be derived.
Recruitment. The School District, through the ECHS, will recruit 8th graders annually for the incoming 9th grade class. a. The recruitment process may include: i. The establishment of a recruitment website or link at School District’s website that will provide recruitment and admission information; ii. A presentation of recruitment/admission materials made to all 8th grade students; iii. Meetings with middle school counselors, as applicable, to discuss the ECHS and answer questions; iv. Student/parent meetings are held at middle school campuses so the ECHS can explain the opportunities and commitment required of ECHS Students, as well as possible consequences that a student may experience as a result of course withdraws, failures, retaking courses and taking excess hours beyond their degree or program requirements. v. Development of recruitment and admission information presented in both English and Spanish. vi. The selection process will include an information meeting with the student and parent(s) to explain the expectations required for success. vii. The College will require all ECHS Students to submit a Student/Parent Consent form upon entry into the program. The ECHS shall have each student and a parent sign the consent form defining the requirements and expectations of the ECHS program. The ECHS will maintain all consent forms documents and provide an electronic copy of said to the College. viii. To adhere to the requirements set forth by Texas Education Code, Sections 28.009 (b-1) and (b-2), the College and the ECHS will implement purposeful outreach efforts to inform all students and parents of the costs and benefits of Dual Credit programming. b. The ECHS plans to add a cohort appropriate for the school’s capacity, but not to exceed 150 students in grade 9 on a yearly basis, with a maximum enrollment not to exceed 600students in grades 9-12. Any increase to these maximums must be mutually agreed upon by the College and the ECHS following consideration of all financial and other resource requirements. Any changes to the incoming cohort maximum must be agreed upon in writing and documented through a mutually signed Addendum to this MOU. Students may not be added to any cohort following enrollment in the first semester of the 10th grade, unless the College and School District specifically agree in writing to an exception in unusual, extraordinary or unexpected cases. All exceptions will be documented and maintained by the College. Should an ECHS Student request t...
Recruitment. The School District, through the P-TECH, will recruit 8th graders annually for the incoming 9th grade class. a. The recruitment process may include: i. The establishment of a recruitment website or link at School District’s website that will provide recruitment and admission information; ii. A presentation of recruitment/admission materials made to all 8th grade students; iii. Meetings with middle school counselors, as applicable, to discuss the P-TECH and answer questions; iv. Student/parent meetings are held at middle school campuses so the P-TECH can explain the opportunities and commitment required of P-TECH Students, as well as possible consequences that a student may experience as a result of course withdraws, failures, retaking courses and taking excess hours beyond their degree or program requirements. v. Development of recruitment and admission information presented in both English and Spanish. vi. The selection process will include an information meeting with the student and parent(s) to explain the expectations required for success. vii. The College will require all P-TECH Students to submit a Student/Parent Consent form upon entry into the program. The P-TECH shall have each student and a parent sign the consent form defining the requirements and expectations of the P-TECH program. The P-TECH will maintain all consent forms documents and provide an electronic copy of said to the College. viii. To adhere to the requirements set forth by Texas Education Code, Sections 28.009 (b-1) and (b-2), the College and the P-TECH will implement purposeful outreach efforts to inform all students and parents of the costs and benefits of Dual Credit programming. b. The P-TECH plans to add a cohort appropriate for the school’s capacity, but not to exceed 150 students in grade 9 on a yearly basis, with a maximum enrollment not to exceed 600 students in grades 9-12. Any increase to these maximums must be mutually agreed upon by the College and the P-TECH following consideration of all financial and other resource requirements. Any changes to the incoming cohort maximum must be agreed upon in writing and documented through a mutually signed Addendum to this MOU. Students may not be added to any cohort following enrollment in the first semester of the 10th grade, unless the College and School District specifically agree in writing to an exception in unusual, extraordinary or unexpected cases. All exceptions will be documented and maintained by the College. Should a ...
Recruitment. I have taken one or more of the following recruitment steps to hire a Section 3 resident with the highest training and employment priority ranking: (check all that apply) I have made the Regional Workforce Solutions Center, and/or the Regional Workforce website the initial contact for all new hires. I have advertised to fill vacancy (ies) at the site(s), where work is taking place, in connection with this project. Below, I have checked the steps I have taken to find Section 3 low-income residents, from the targeted groups and neighborhoods, to fill any vacancies. Placed signs or posters in prominent places at project site(s). Taken photographs of the above item to document that the above step was carried out. Distributed employment flyers to the administrative office of the local Public Housing Authority. Contacted employment referrals or Youthbuild Program referrals. Kept a log of all applicants and indicated the reasons why Section 3 residents who applied were not hired. Retained copies of any employment applications completed by Public Housing Authority, Section 8 certificate or voucher holders or other Section 3 residents. Sent a notice about Section 3 training and employment requirements and opportunities to labor organizations or to worker representatives with whom our firm has a collective bargaining or other agreement.
Recruitment. Special duty positions shall be posted, and a selection process will be conducted for special duty assignments. Notice shall be provided to the affected work group or department (if appropriate) at least 10 days prior to filling the position. A. The County reserves the right to fill with a special duty position while conducting a selection process. B. If an employee is hired into a regular position and served in a special duty position doing the same or substantially similar work of the regular position within one year of that hire, the employee shall receive credit towards the employee’s probationary period for the time served in the special duty role. If the time served in that special duty position was longer than the required probationary period, the employee’s probationary period shall be considered served. C. The rotation provisions in the Professional and Technical Employees, Local
Recruitment. A. The EMPLOYER will complete the attached Employment Plan, which will indicate the number of new jobs projected, salary range, hiring dates, and union requirements. The EMPLOYER will notify DOES of its specific need for new employees as soon as that need is identified. B. Notification of specific needs, as set forth in Section II.A. must be given to DOES at least five (5) business days (Monday - Friday) before using any other referral source, and shall include, at a minimum, the number of employees needed by job title, qualification, hiring date, rate of pay, hours of work, duration of employment, and work to be performed. C. Job openings to be filled by internal promotion from the EMPLOYER'S current workforce need not be referred to DOES for placement and referral. D. The EMPLOYER will submit to DOES, prior to starting work on the project, the names, and social security numbers of all current employees, including apprentices, trainees, and laid-off workers who will be employed on the project.
Recruitment. The Parties hereby encourage each other to enlist other agencies to adopt and execute this Agreement.