COMPUTATION OF TRAVEL TIME. (1) Travel time is defined as total hours of continuous travel from the employee’s domicile, permanent or temporary, to the point of destination.
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COMPUTATION OF TRAVEL TIME. Travel time shall commence and be computed from the time the bus is scheduled to leave. The Artist shall be prompt for all bus calls. If an Artist is responsible for a delay at any time, such delay shall not be counted as part of the travel time of the company. The Engager may, for the convenience of the company schedule a second pickup, in which event travel time shall commence from the scheduled departure from the second pickup. Travel time shall be computed separately for each bus. Each bus, upon arriving at its destination, will first deliver the Artists to their hotels. Travel time shall end when a hotel room is made available to the Artist.


  • Calculation of Time For the purposes of this Agreement, “days” refers to calendar days unless otherwise specified.

  • Computation of Time In computing any period of time prescribed or allowed by procedures herein, the date of the act, event, or default for which the designated period of time begins to run shall not be included. The last day of the period so computed shall be counted, unless it is a Saturday, a Sunday, or a legal holiday, in which event the period runs until the end of the next day which is not a Saturday, a Sunday, or a legal holiday.

  • EQUALIZATION OF OVERTIME HOURS 211 Overtime hours shall be divided as equally as practicable among employees in the same classification in their district. An up-to-date list showing overtime hours and unit seniority date will be posted in a prominent place in each district before the 15th of each month. -212 Whenever overtime is required, the person with the least number of overtime hours in that classification within the district will, except in necessary emergencies, be called first and so on down the list in an attempt to equalize the overtime hours. After exhausting this procedure and the need still exists, the Employer may require the least senior available, qualified employee to work. The Union reserves the right to grieve what is an emergency. Employees in other classifications may be called if there is a shortage of employees in the classification needed. In such cases they would be called on the basis of least hours of overtime in their classification provided they are capable of doing the work. When employees are notified by telephone, they will be called in order of lowest hours first. -213 For the purpose of this clause, time not worked because the employee was unavailable, or did not choose to work, will be charged the average number of overtime hours of the employees working during that overtime period (2 hour minimum). -214 On July 1 each year, the amount of overtime hours credited to each employee will be reduced equal to the amount of overtime hours credited to the employee at the bottom of the overtime list and only the excess overtime hours for each employee shall be carried forward. -215 An employee who has changed classifications will be charged with the highest number of overtime hours that exist in the new classification on the day he/she was reclassified. -216 When an employee terminates his/her term as Chief Xxxxxxx, President, Xxxxxxx, or Alternate Xxxxxxx, his/her overtime hours shall be disregarded and he/she shall assume the average number of hours in his/her classification in his/her district, unless he/she is currently charged with less than average hours. ARTICLE 44 - LONGEVITY PAY -217 All regular employees of the Employer hired prior to August 19, 1996 shall be entitled to receive longevity pay for length of continuous service with the Employer according to the following rules and schedule of payment. -218 LONGEVITY YEAR The longevity year is defined as the twelve (12) month period beginning October 1 of each year and ending September 30. For longevity payment purposes only, a year of continuous full-time service is defined as any longevity year in which the employee is actively employed for at least 39 calendar weeks (273 calendar days). -219 Longevity pay shall be computed as a percentage of the employee's regular annual base wage. Base wage shall be that wage which an employee is being paid on September 1, 1988, of the calendar year in which the longevity payment is due. The annual base wage shall be equal to the employee's hourly rate times 2080 hours as of the first pay period in September. If an employee is not on the payroll at that time, the hourly rate to be used will be the hourly rate upon his/her return. Base wage shall not include overtime or premium pay. -220 INITIAL ELIGIBILITY The last date of hire as a regular employee will be used as the normal longevity date. To qualify for the first longevity payment, an employee must have completed six (6) years of continuous service as of October 1 of any year. To qualify for initial eligibility, the employee must have been on active employment for at least 39 calendar weeks (273 calendar days) for six (6) consecutive years and an employee on October 1 of that year to receive the longevity payment. Periods of active employment of less than 39 calendar weeks will be counted toward the employee's years of continuous service. -221 CONTINUING ELIGIBILITY After establishing initial eligibility, employees must be actively employed for 39 calendar weeks (273 calendar days) during the longevity year and an employee as of October 1 to receive the longevity payment on December 1. Periods of active employment of less than 39 calendar weeks, while not qualifying the employee for payment of longevity, shall be counted toward the employee's years of continuous service. -222 Payments to employees who are eligible each October 1 will be paid on December

  • Documentation of Transfers You can receive a transaction receipt at the time you make any transfer to, from, or between your account(s) using an ATM. · If you have arranged to have direct deposits (which are electronic funds transfers as described in Section 4) made to your asset account(s) at least once every 60 days from the same person or company, the person or company making the deposit will tell you every time they send us the money. You may visit any branch, call us at 000-000-0000 or 000-000-0000, or access your transaction history via ComputerLine, MoneyLine, Green on the Go® for mobile, or the MSUFCU Mobile app to find out whether the deposit has been made. · You will get a statement every month if you have authorized any electronic funds transfer service described in Section 4. If no electronic funds transfer occurs in a particular calendar quarter, you will still receive a statement for that quarter. However, for an asset account to which you have authorized no electronic funds transfers other than preauthorized credits, you will get a statement quarterly. On any account considered dormant, a statement will be sent to you annually. · Periodic statements we send you on accounts that are subject to electronic funds transfers described in Section 4 and transaction receipts issued by an ATM are admissible evidence. · Your right to documentation as set forth above in this section does not apply when the electronic funds transfer occurs outside of the United States.

  • Determination of One-Month LIBOR Pursuant to the terms of the Global Agency Agreement, the Global Agent shall calculate the Class Coupons for the applicable Classes of Notes (including MAC Notes on which the Exchange Administrator has directed the Global Agent to make payments) for each Accrual Period (after the first Accrual Period) on the applicable LIBOR Adjustment Date. “One-Month LIBOR” will be determined by using the “Interest Settlement Rate” for U.S. dollar deposits with a maturity of one month set by ICE Benchmark Administration Limited (“ICE”) as of 11:00 a.m. (London time) on the LIBOR Adjustment Date (the “ICE Method”). ICE’s Interest Settlement Rates are currently displayed on Bloomberg L.P.’s page “BBAM.” That page, or any other page that may replace page BBAM on that service or any other service that ICE nominates as the information vendor to display the ICE’s Interest Settlement Rates for deposits in U.S. dollars, is a “Designated Page.” ICE’s Interest Settlement Rates currently are rounded to five decimal places. If ICE’s Interest Settlement Rate does not appear on the Designated Page as of 11:00 a.m. (London time) on a LIBOR Adjustment Date, or if the Designated Page is not then available, One-Month LIBOR for that date will be the most recently published Interest Settlement Rate. If ICE no longer sets an Interest Settlement Rate, Freddie Mac will designate an alternative index that has performed, or that Freddie Mac (or its agent) expects to perform, in a manner substantially similar to ICE’s Interest Settlement Rate.

  • Definition of Transfer A transfer is a change in the employee's work location and supervision to a position of equal classification.

  • Distribution of UDP and TCP queries DNS probes will send UDP or TCP “DNS test” approximating the distribution of these queries.

  • Calculation of Overtime If the overtime work has been carried out before as well as after the regular working hours during a certain day, the overtime periods shall be added together. Only full half hours are included in the calculation.

  • Classification and Wage Rates For the avoidance of any doubt, there will be no industrial action (protected or otherwise) taken by the employees who are bound by this Agreement in relation to the quantum of the wages, allowances and payments arising from the provisions of Clause 7

  • CLASSIFICATIONS AND WAGE RATES A current list of Field job classifications and applicable wage rates for the Nevada Irrigation District are set forth in the District Wage Schedule.

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