CONCLUSION AND IMPLEMENTATION. 9.1 The J.P.E.C. shall report its recommendations to the parties for ratification.
9.2 These Terms of Agreement, including all appendices, the Gender-Neutral Job Evaluation Plan, job descriptions and any other documents, as agreed to by the J.P.E.C., shall be deemed to be included in the collective agreement, effective the date of signing of these Terms of Agreement.
CONCLUSION AND IMPLEMENTATION. 7.1 These Terms of Reference, including all appendices and the Gender Neutral Job Evaluation Plan, shall be deemed to be included in the Collective Agreement, effective the date of signing of these Terms of Reference.
7.2 All unanimous ratings reached by the J.J.E.C., or ordered by an Arbitrator under Article 6, shall be final and binding on all parties, subject to future re-evaluation as provided forherein.
10.1 The Maintenance Committee shall report its recommendations for change to the job evaluation plan or its Maintenance Manual to the parties for ratification.
10.2 This Maintenance Manual, including all appendices, the Job Evaluation Plan, job descriptions and any other documents as agreed to by the Maintenance Committee shall be deemed to be included in the Collective Agreement, effective the date of signing of this Maintenance Manual. Signed on behalf of The Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 1385 President
CONCLUSION AND IMPLEMENTATION. Most of the SNB agreed in accepting the changes proposed by the management, since, according to some trade unions, they represented a good compromise (Textoris 2014: Interview). Only the Italian trade unions did not find the outcome satisfactory. According to them the management was welcoming only minor changes, which would not have been meaningful enough (Bassi 2014: Interview). On the 23rd of February, the agreement was signed by the management and by the whole SNB, but Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, the representative for the Italian federations concerned (9 trade unions in all). Xxxxx received pressures from the management to sign the agreement, even if just personally, notwithstanding the disagreement of the National trade unions, but he kept the point (Bassi 2014: Interview). The two EWC coordinators, maybe due to the fact that they belonged to ETUFs, were also in- cluded among the signatory parties (Bassi 2014: Interview). EPSU coordinator decided to sign the agreement since none of the affiliates, including the Italian unions, opposed to it (Goudriaan 2014: Interview). EMCEF did not sign, but gave an official reason for this decision later in 2010. It is important to point out that the signature of EPSU does not mean anything for the Italian work- ers. Indeed, GDF Suez workers are not represented by any federation affiliated to EPSU (Ibid). The management expressed some discontent about the missed signature of XXXXX (Barthèse 2014: Interview). On the same day of the signature, the company made a press release very generally speaking about the conclusion of an agreement on Health and Safety. Indeed, it did not even specify who, for the worker’s side, signed the text (GDF Suez 2010). The Italians were disappointed by the fact that the other national trade unions were willing to conclude, although the trade unions from one country did not want to sign the agreement. Espe- cially, the feeling was that the French trade unions and some organizations from the north and east Europe were accelerating the negotiation to conclude the agreement (Breda 2014: Inter- view). On the same day of the signature, the CGT released a declaration (CGT 2010) where it expressed disappointment on how the negotiation was carried out. Especially, it underlined the difficulties to find a compromise on the most controversial points. As far as the implementation is concerned, one of the most problematic phases of EFAs, the an- swers are not homogeneous and further research should be necessary. T...
CONCLUSION AND IMPLEMENTATION. (a) The J.J.E.C. shall reports its recommendations to the parties for ratification.
(b) These Terms of Reference, including all appendices, the Gender- Neutral Job Evaluation Plan, job descriptions and any other documents, as agreed to by the J.J.E.C., shall be deemed to be included in the Collective Agreement, effective the date of signing of these Terms of Reference (June 23rd, 1997).
CONCLUSION AND IMPLEMENTATION. 10.1 The JJE Committee shall report its recommendations for changes to the Job Evaluation Plan or to the Maintenance Manual to the parties for ratification, These documents and this agreement may only be modified by mutual consent of the parties.
10.2 This Maintenance Manual, including all appendices, the Job Evaluation Plan, job descriptions and any other documents as agreed to by the JJE Committee shall be deemed to be included in the Collective Agreement, effective the date of signing of this Maintenance Manual.
10.3 This Maintenance Manual agreement shall remain in full force and effect from the date of signing and shall continue until by mutual agreement either party gives the other party notice of its intention to amend or terminate this agreement, at least sixty (60) calendar days prior to the expiry of the Collective Agreement
CONCLUSION AND IMPLEMENTATION. These Maintenance Procedures, including all appendices, the Gender-Neutral Job Evaluation Plan, job descriptions and any other documents, as agreed to by the JJEC, March 28, 2001 shall be effective upon implementation of the job evaluation plan.
CONCLUSION AND IMPLEMENTATION. 9.1 The J.P.E.C. shall report its recommendations to the parties for ratification.
9.2 These Terms of Agreement, including all appendices, the Gender-Neutral Job Evaluation Plan, job descriptions and any other documents, as agreed to by the J.P.E.C., shall be deemed to be included in the collective agreement, effective the date of signing of these Terms of Agreement. Signed on behalf of the Board of School Trustees of School District No. 57 (Prince Xxxxxx):
10.1 The Maintenance Committee shall report its recommendations for change to the job evaluation plan or its Maintenance Manual to the parties for ratification. Appendix A - ADVICE OF RATING FORM RATING RESULTS: θ No Change θ Change in Points θ Change in Band Pay Grade: Increment: Appendix B - JOB EVALUATION RECONSIDERATION FORM APPENDIX C – JOB EVALUATION REVIEW DECISION FORM RATING RESULTS: θ No Change θ Change in Points θ Change in Band CURRENT: Total Points: Pay Grade: Salary: ADJUSTED: Total Points: Pay Grade: Salary: x Xxxxxxxxx(x) x Xxxxxxxxxx x Union LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING
CONCLUSION AND IMPLEMENTATION. 9.1 The J.J.E.C. shall report its recommendations to the parties for ratification.
9.2 These Terms of Reference, including all appendices, the Gender-Neutral Job Evaluation Plan, and job descriptions as agreed to by the J.J.E.C. shall be deemed to be included in the Collective Agreement, effective the date of signing of these Terms of Reference.