Consultant and Outside Activities. 6.8.1 Full-time faculty members shall undertake consulting and outside work commitments under the following conditions: Prior to accepting any consultation or outside work assignment during the faculty member’s appointment period, a faculty member shall advise the faculty member’s department head and xxxx in writing of the scope and duration of the assignment to be undertaken and the employer or agency to be served. Use form “Request for Authorization to Perform Consultant Services” (Appendix B). Such work must not interfere with the faculty member’s assigned University responsibilities, both classroom and non-classroom, nor involve a conflict of interest. In recognition of the difficulty for faculty assigned to the Library and the Counseling Center of identifying time for consulting which does not conflict with assigned work time, the University shall allow four (4) days per year times the number of full-time faculty assigned to the Library or Counseling Center for the purpose of consulting at reasonable times. The available consulting days shall be calculated and distributed separately for the Library and for the Counseling Center. The scheduled dates for such consulting must be mutually agreeable between the faculty member and the faculty member’s department head. A maximum of eighteen (18) working days may be devoted to outside consultation activities during the regular academic year (fall and winter semesters). Variations in maximum working days may be addressed in the department load credit guidelines ( Equipment, supplies, materials, and clerical services utilized in outside work shall be provided by the faculty member and not by the University. Assistance with such work by University employees should normally be outside regular department working hours and with compensation. Any deviation from this is subject to concurrence with the employee and approval by the department head or direct supervisor. If, in the opinion of the department head or xxxx, outside consulting or outside work interferes with the regular University duties of the faculty member, said faculty member shall be instructed to terminate or substantially modify such work as a condition of continuing employment on a full-time basis or to accept a reduced appointment or to accept a leave of absence without pay for a specified period.