Consultation and Engagement. This is the foundation of the approach to partnership-working that will underpin the relationship between the Borough Council and Local Councils.
Consultation and Engagement. 1.1 The principal forum for engagement between the Borough Council and Local Councils will be the Chairmen’s Forum. This will take place on a quarterly basis and will be serviced by the Borough Council. It will be jointly-organised by the Leader of the Council and a representative of the Local Councils. The meeting will be chaired by the Leader of the Borough Council.
1.2 Local Councils will, wherever possible, use electronic forms of communication to respond to consultations, and as a preferred method when dealing with the Borough Council.
1.3 The Borough Council will ensure that the relevant Local Councils are informed about all open consultations on services in their area, and as far as is practicable, consult with Local Councils on all aspects the development, implementation and review of its services.
1.4 A minimum period of six weeks, and a maximum of twelve weeks, will be allowed for all consultations, except those relating to planning, or other issues, where statutory deadlines apply. Where the minimum timescale cannot be met notification will be sent to the relevant Local Councils setting out the reasons for reducing the time period.
a. For planning applications the legal requirement is a minimum of fourteen days. However, the Borough Council currently allows twenty-one days for consultation, and a further fourteen days where there are significant amendments to applications.
1.5 Clerks or Chairmen will be notified when anything of relevance to the local community occurs or is likely to occur.
1.6 Local Councils will give priority to submit consultation responses on issues being considered by the Borough Council’s Cabinet as a key decision to help promote engagement in the decision-making process.
1.7 Local Councils will respond to all relevant consultations, within the agreed timescale, even if it is a ‘nil’ reply. Where circumstances do not allow a Local Council to meet the deadline, an extension may be sought. However, the Borough Council will reserve the right not to agree to an extension if that would delay the matters under consideration.
1.8 Post consultation, Local Councils who have made a detailed response to the consultation will be notified of the decision and the reasons for the decision. This will be done within two weeks of the decision being made, except in exceptional circumstances.
Consultation and Engagement. Consultations surrounding the delivery of this Agreement are fundamental to its success and the achievement of its objectives shown in clause 19. Extensive consultation across all key partners and stakeholders including but not limited to Indigenous communities, non‐government organisations delivering the services and industry peak bodies et cetera will be initiated at the earliest opportunity by States and Territories.
Consultation and Engagement. 5.7.1 A detailed account of the communications approach as well as consultation and community engagement undertaken by the Council and its development partners is set out in detail within the relevant section of the Committee reports included within the background section of this DPR.
Consultation and Engagement. Consultations surrounding the delivery of this Agreement are fundamental to its success and the achievement of its objectives shown in item six. Extensive consultation across all key partners and stakeholders including but not limited to Indigenous communities, non-government organisations delivering the services and industry peak bodies et cetera will be initiated at the earliest opportunity by States and Territories. The timing of such consultation and engagement will be guided by State and Territory workplans and will continue for the duration of this agreement. The outcomes will also be considered as part of the overarching evaluation of this Agreement. The outcomes of these consultations should be documented and become a key component of the workplans and, wherever practicable, be shared to enable a strengthening of best practice by other State and Territory consultative exercises. Outcomes of consultation and engagement will be included in annual national reports to COAG.
Consultation and Engagement. 5.5.1 The SPD will be subject to a statutory period of six (6) weeks public consultation. The appointed consult will be required to produce an Engagement and Communications strategy as part of its appointment.
Consultation and Engagement. 4.1 Consultation and engagement are key components of open government and can lead to better informed policies and a more engaged public. This charter sets out a genuine commitment amongst all parties to consult on matters of mutual concern with clear, specific and time limited procedures for consultation and engagement.
Consultation and Engagement. 8.1 The process of preparing and delivering the AONB DPD will require significant consultation and engagement with local communities and stakeholders. As a minimum, compliance with each of the Parties’ respective Statements of Community Involvement (SCIs) is essential. These have been prepared in line with the legal consultation requirements and thus, compliance with them will ensure compliance with the legal requirements.
8.2 However, it may be agreed by the Parties in liaison with the Steering Group during the course of the preparation of the AONB DPD that consultation measures over and above those set out in either Party’s SCI may be appropriate.
8.3 The Steering Group itself will represent a means of ongoing engagement with and between the Parties and the AONB Partnership.
8.4 The AONB Partnership and other key stakeholders/partners (see Appendix 2) will be informally consulted in advance of formal public consultations at each key stage of the preparation of the AONB DPD.
8.5 It is expected that these other key stakeholders/partners will play a supportive role in the preparation of the AONB DPD, through responding to informal and formal consultations, helping to facilitate and disseminate wider public consultation and providing information to inform the preparation of the DPD as appropriate.
Appendix 1 Timetable (extracts from the Parties’ Local Development Schemes)
Consultation and Engagement. 5.6.1 To develop the 5 Tier Model for integrated health and social care, the Council and CCG have engaged with residents, commissioning and provider partners and voluntary sector groups across three areas: • To validate the outcomes, modelling and other elements of direction of travel described in the business case. • To co-design and develop the detailed care model and services that will deliver our target outcomes and vision for integrated care. • To test a variety of ideas addressed in the case at forums such as the residents’ consultation facilitated by ‘Healthwatch’ and the Older Peoples Partnership Board.
5.6.2 The approved BCF Plan details all public engagement with patients or service users as well as with providers to define the schemes of work to be managed through a pooled budget arrangement.
Consultation and Engagement. 9.1 The procurement process is being undertaken in consultation with the Council’s Commercial and Procurement Services. The Council’s ICT Solutions service were also consulted and confirmed that as the project does not tie in with any ICT systems or software collaboration with them would not be required.