Damage to Personal Effects. Compensation to the extent of the damage sustained shall be made by an employer to an employee in cases where an employee substantiates that in the course of working, clothing or spectacles have been damaged or destroyed. Provided that this clause shall not apply when an employee is entitled to workers’ compensation in respect of the damage.
Damage to Personal Effects. The Fleet Electrician shall be entitled to compensation for damage to personal effects as per clause 38 of the main agreement.
Damage to Personal Effects.
41:01 The Agency will cover the cost of the deductible, repair, or replacement of personal possessions of employees in the following instances:
Damage to Personal Effects. (a) Where an Employee substantiates that, in the course of the Employee’s work, the Employee’s clothing or spectacles have been damaged or destroyed, the Employer will provide compensation for such damage or destruction. Provided that this will not apply when an Employee is entitled to workers’ compensation in respect of the damage.
(b) Payments for spectacle replacement, to a maximum of $300.00 in any one year, will only be made where an incident form, as prescribed by the Employer, is lodged at the time the incident occurred
Damage to Personal Effects. If, in the course of business, an office employee's personal clothing or effects is accidentally damaged or destroyed, the employee may submit a claim for reimbursement up to one hundred dollars ($100) to the department head or his or her designee, who shall have the authority to investigate the claim and recommend to the City Manager, or his or her designee, to pay the full amount of the claim, deny the claim, or apportion the claim based on normal wear and tear of the item and/or the extent of the employee's negligence in following proper safety procedures. It is expressly understood that stockings and socks are exempt from this procedure. It is further expressly understood that prescription eye glasses or contact lenses and hearing aid devices are exempt from the one hundred dollar ($100) limit.
Damage to Personal Effects. Where due to Fire/ Explosion/Foundering/shipwreck or due to 'ditching' of aircraft an employee sustains damage or loss to his/her equipment or personal effects, the employer shall reimburse the employee for such loss, subject to satisfactory evidence being provided as to the loss or damaged sustained. During the course of the work, in the event an employee's clothing or spectacles are damaged or destroyed, reasonable reimbursement will be made by the company to the extent of the damage sustained up to a value of $1,682.00. This clause does not apply when an employee is entitled to workers' compensation in respect of the damage.
Damage to Personal Effects. Where an Employee substantiates that, in the course of the Employee's work, the Employee's clothing or spectacles have been damaged or destroyed, Xxxxxxx will provide compensation for such damage or destruction. Provided that this will not apply when an Employee is entitled to workers’ compensation in respect of the damage.
Damage to Personal Effects.
38:01 If an employee suffers damage to eye glasses, false teeth, watch, uniform/clothing or other personal effects usually carried or worn by the employee in the performance of their duties because of the action of a Resident of the Centre, the Employer will, if requested, forward a letter on behalf of the employee to the Resident’s financially responsible party. It will request reimbursement at full replacement cost provided that the item damaged was purchased within three (3) months prior to the incident and proof of purchase is submitted. In other cases, reimbursement at seventy- five percent (75%) of replacement cost will be requested.
38:02 The Employer will not be held responsible for any reimbursement, if the Resident/Resident’s financially responsible party refuses payment.
Damage to Personal Effects. Where an Employee substantiates that, in the course of the Employee's work, the Employee's clothing or spectacles have been damaged or destroyed, Tidewater will provide compensation for such damage or destruction. Provided that this will not apply when an Employee is entitled to workers’ compensation in respect of the damage.
Damage to Personal Effects. This clause expressly excludes clause 21 of the Maritime Industry Offshore Oil and Gas Operations Award 2003.