DATA AND PROPRIETARY RIGHTS. All Work, as defined under this Contract, shall be deemed “Work Made For Hire” as defined by the United States Copyright Law, and HISD retains for itself sole ownership of all proprietary rights in and to all designs, engineering details and other data pertaining to any discoveries, inventions, patent rights, software, improvements and the like made by Provider personnel in the course of performing the Work. HISD acknowledges and agrees that (i) as between Provider and HISD, Provider owns all right, title and interest in and to Provider’s Intellectual Property, (ii) nothing in this Contract shall confer in HISD or any of its affiliates any right of ownership in any of Provider’s Intellectual Property, and (iii) HISD shall not now or in the future contest the validity of any of Provider’s Marks.
DATA AND PROPRIETARY RIGHTS. All Work, as defined under this Contract, shall be deemed “Work Made For Hire” as defined by the United States Copyright Law, and HISD retains for itself sole ownership of all proprietary rights in and to all designs, engineering details and other data pertaining to any discoveries, inventions, patent rights, software, improvements and the like made by Provider personnel in the course of performing the Work.
DATA AND PROPRIETARY RIGHTS. All Work, as defined under this contract, shall be deemed “Work Made for Hire” as defined by the United States Copyright Law, and SISD retains for itself sole ownership of all proprietary rights in and to all designs, engineering details and other data pertaining to any discoveries, inventions, patent rights, software, improvements and the like made by Provider personnel in the course of performing the Work.
DATA AND PROPRIETARY RIGHTS. 3.1 You shall own and retain all Intellectual Property Rights in Your Data as submitted and updated by You and in all reports generated through use of the Database based on Your Data. You remain in sole control of Your Data on the Database whether or not marked as provided in confidence. It is Your sole responsibility to ensure that all of Your Data on the Database is accurate and up to date at the time of input. You are not required to keep up to date any information in the accessible archive.
3.2 Subject to clause 3.1, all Intellectual Property Rights in the Database shall be owned by the Secretary of State for Health. You acknowledge that the inclusion of Your Data in the Database does not give You, and shall not convey, any title to or part- ownership of any rights in the Database.
3.3 You hereby grant the Department of Health a non-exclusive, revocable, royalty free licence to store, use and copy Your Data as inputted by Your Permitted Users to the Database through the Website only for the purpose of providing the Database and for Your Data to be used in accordance with the requirements and decisions of the Oversight and Governance Committee as notified to You, and by Data Accessors in accordance with the provisions of the Data Accessor Agreement.
3.3.1 Horizon Scanning Bodies will be able to see all fields as entered by You
3.3.2 NHS Organisations will be able to see only specific fields entered by You. These fields will only be visible following the regulatory submission for any particular pipeline product
3.4 We hereby grant You a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable, royalty free licence for You acting through your Permitted Users only to access the Database through the Website for the purposes of storing, accessing and uploading Your Data and reviewing, downloading, updating and modifying Your Data. For information a list of all possible fields to populate with Your Data can be seen on the training manual through the Help section of the Website. Please apply to NICE for an excel spreadsheet proforma which will assist you in collecting Your Data within your company. Your Users will then enter Your Data directly on to the Database.
3.5 For the avoidance of doubt, the licences set out in this clause 3 shall not extend to the provision of Your Data to other Data Inputters (and vice versa).
3.6 The licences granted by You pursuant to this clause 3 of this Agreement are subject to the Data Accessors complying with all the conditions set out in th...
DATA AND PROPRIETARY RIGHTS. All Work, as defined under this Contract, shall be deemed “Work Made For Hire” as defined by the United States Copyright Law, and HISD retains for itself sole ownership of all proprietary rights in and to all designs, engineering details and other data pertaining to any discoveries, inventions, patent rights, software, improvements and the like made by Provider personnel in the course of performing the Work. Provider agrees to comply with the requirements for third parties as set forth in the SAP America Public Sector, Inc. (SAP) R/3 Software End-User Licensing Agreement dated December 23, 1997 between SAP and HISD, including but not limited to Section 6, and as set forth in the Services Agreement dated December 23, 1997 between SAP and HISD, including but not limited to Section 8.1 and other compliance requirements as may be requested or required by HISD during the term of this Service Contract.
DATA AND PROPRIETARY RIGHTS. All Work, as defined under this Contract, shall be deemed “Work Made For Hire” as defined by the United States Copyright Law, and WISD retains for itself sole ownership of all proprietary rights in and to all designs, engineering details and other data pertaining to any discoveries, inventions, patent rights, software, improvements and the like made by Provider personnel in the course of performing the Work.
DATA AND PROPRIETARY RIGHTS. All Work, as defined under this contract, shall be deemed “Work Made For Hire” as defined by the United States Copyright Law, and HISD retains for itself sole ownership of all proprietary rights in and to all designs, engineering details and other data pertaining to any discoveries, inventions, patent rights, software, improvements and the like made by Provider personnel in the course of performing the Work. DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSIONS: Provider certifies, to the best of its knowledge and belief, that it is not presently debarred, suspended for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any federal department or agency.
DATA AND PROPRIETARY RIGHTS. Manufacturer retains for itself exclusively all proprietary rights (including manufacturing rights) in and to all designs, engineering details, and other data pertaining to the Products, and to all discoveries, inventions, patent rights, products, and all other property rights arising out of work done solely by Manufacturer. A copyright notice on any data does not by itself constitute or evidence a publication or public disclosure. Continued: Distributorship Agreement
DATA AND PROPRIETARY RIGHTS. A. Company and BNY shall hold the other party's confidential information at all times in trust and confidence from and after the date of its acquisition and, except as may be authorized by the disclosing party in writing, each party shall not disclose to any person or entity any such confidential information to a third party. Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement, each party shall deliver to the disclosing party all materials including, but not limited to, drawings, blueprints, descriptions, tapes, test data, work papers and documents, which may contain any such confidential information. As used herein, the term "confidential information" shall mean any and all information obtained by a party from, or disclosed to a party by the disclosing party which relates in any way to the disclosing party's past, present and future research, development and business activities. In addition, Company shall keep as confidential the results from services performed by Company under this Agreement, except such information as is previously known to Company, or is publicly disclosed either prior or subsequent to Company's receipt of such information by acts other than those of Company.
DATA AND PROPRIETARY RIGHTS. All Service provided under this Contract and any documents, materials, designs, engineering details and other data pertaining to any discoveries, inventions, patent rights, software, improvements, and other work product and the like, regardless or form or format, made by Provider or Provider personnel in the course of performing the Services (“Work Product”) shall be deemed a “Work Made For Hire,” as defined by the United States Copyright Law whether or not the Work Product meets all the requirements under federal law, and SISD retains for itself sole ownership of all right, title, and interest to all proprietary rights in and to all Work Product and shall own all copyright and trademark under the law.