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Data and Publications Sample Clauses

Data and Publications. Jestliže je klinické hodnocení prováděno jako součást multicentrického klinického hodnocení, bude mít první publikace výsledků klinického hodnocení formu multicentrické publikace, jejímiž autory budou zkoušející tohoto klinického hodnocení. Pokud ovšem nebude multicentrická publikace předložena do osmnácti (18) měsíců od dokončení nebo předčasného ukončení klinického hodnocení ve všech centrech, smí zdravotnické zařízení a zkoušející publikovat výsledky klinického hodnocení ze zdravotnického zařízení v souladu s tímto článkem.
Data and PublicationsThe Institution and/or the Investigator shall have the right to publish and present the results of the Study provided: (i) The Institution and the Investigator shall not disclose the Sponsor’s confidential and proprietary technical information; (ii) The Institution and the Investigator shall not publish or present Study results from a single site prior to completion of the Study at all sites participating in the Study; and/or (iii) The Institution and the Investigator, at the request of the Sponsor, shall delay 10. Údaje a publikácie.
Data and Publications. 1. This Cooperative Agreement is subject to, and Recipient shall comply with, 2 CFR 200.305 concerning “Intangible Property,” which includes use of research data. Any information or data protected by federal law will be identified by the Government prior to being provided to Recipient and the Government will notify the Recipient in advance of applicable limitations on such information. Except as to information so identified and limited, there are no restrictions on reporting or publishing reports based upon the fundamental research that is the subject of this Cooperative Agreement. The Federal Government has the right to obtain, reproduce, publish or otherwise use the data first produced under this Agreement and authorize others to receive, reproduce, publish, or otherwise use such data for Federal purposes. The DoN acknowledges and agrees that the Recipient’s fundamental consideration in performing the research under this Agreement shall be Recipient’s right to publish the results of such research for academic and scientific purposes. The Recipient shall submit, for review and comment, any proposed professional, scientific or non-scientific report, paper or note published or unpublished or be part of any technical or non-technical presentation or be provided to anyone not a party to this Agreement to the CATR and USMC thirty (30) days prior to the submission of the work mentioned above. The Recipient shall retain lead authorship publication rights to the original research for a period of three (3) years following submission of the final report. These rights shall revert to the USMC should the Recipient fail to do so within the three (3) years. The USMC also retains the right to publish any re-analysis of the data. 2. The acknowledgements for any paper or presentation resulting from this work shall include the following statement: “This research was funded by the United States Marine Corps on behalf of the Marine Corp Air Station, Miramar.” 3. Any publications resulting from this work shall be provided at no cost to the DoN in quantities jointly determined by the CATR and the Recipient at the time of publication. 4. The Recipient shall be responsible for ensuring all personnel participating in activities under this Agreement have read and acknowledged the DATA AND PUBLICATION provisions of this Agreement.
Data and PublicationsThe parties shall jointly own and shall be free to reproduce, publish, and use for any lawful purpose, any data produced by the Research Projects, subject to the publication requirements set forth in this Section 13. Each party will be free to publish the results of any and all Research Projects under this Agreement after providing a copy of each proposed publication to the other party at least thirty (30) days prior to the submission for publication for the other party to review the publication alld provide any comments. If a party reasonably believes that a disclosure of patentable material is contained in the proposed publication, the parties will work together to protect to the extent reasonably practicable any potentially patentable subject matter prior to such publication in a manner consistent with Section 15 below. The parties shall delay such publication to the extent reasonably necessary to protect such potentially patentable subject matter, such delay not to exceed thirty (30) days in the case of subject matter the patent prosecution of which is not under DEI's control hereunder. Further, each party shall have the right to redact from any publication its Confidential Information to the extent the publishing party has all obligation to keep it confidential pursuant to Section 12 above. Any publication resulting from work performed under this Agreement shall acknowledge the contributions of DEI and the support of the NIH or other grant awarding agency (if applicable) and SSMP. For the avoidal1ce of doubt, any and all publications related to the Research Products shall be subject to review and approval under this paragraph.
Data and Publications. 12. Údaje a publikování (a) The Institution and the Principal Investigator undertake to consult with the Sponsor regarding the publication of any document regarding the course or results of the Study at least 60 days before publishing it or before lecturing. Complete or partial results of the Study will not be published by the Institution or the Principal Investigator unless prior written consent is obtained from the Sponsor. The Institution and the Principal Investigator understand that any scientific publication regarding discoveries or the IMP will not be published by the Institution or the Principal Investigator before the Sponsor’s application for a patent, providing such application for a patent is applicable with regard to the character of the Study results. (b) The Sponsor shall have the right to publish any data and information from the Study (including data and information generated by the Principal Investigator) without the consent of the Institution. (c) The CRO and the Sponsor must approve, in writing, any press statements or answers to reporters or financial analysts by the Institution regarding the (a) Poskytovatel a Hlavní zkoušející se zavazují, že publikaci jakékoliv odborné práce o průběhu či výsledcích Klinického hodnocení projednají se Zadavatelem nejméně 60 dnů před předáním publikace do tisku nebo před konáním přednášky. Výsledky Klinického hodnocení nebo jejich část nebudou Poskytovatelem či Hlavním zkoušejícím publikovány bez předchozího písemného souhlasu Zadavatele. Poskytovatel a Hlavní zkoušející berou na vědomí, že žádná odborná publikace k objevům či hodnocenému léčivému přípravku nesmí být Poskytovatelem nebo Hlavním zkoušejícím vydána před podáním žádosti Zadavatele o patentovou přihlášku, pokud vzhledem k povaze výsledků Klinického hodnocení bude podání takové přihlášky přicházet v úvahu. (b) Zadavatel má právo zveřejnit libovolné údaje a informace z Klinického hodnocení (včetně údajů a informací vytvořených Poskytovatelem a Hlavním zkoušejícím) bez souhlasu Poskytovatele. (c) Tisková sdělení, případně jakékoliv odpovědi vůči novinářům nebo finančním analytikům ze strany Poskytovatele, týkající se Klinického hodnocení nebo Hodnoceného léčiva, musí být před Study or IMP before the statements are released. The Institution shall not use the name of the CRO, the Sponsor or any of their respective employees or agents in any advertising or a sales promotional material or in any publication without the prior written consent of th...
Data and Publications. 4.1. Data. You hereby grant to the Company, and any third party the Company has contracted with to provide storage and processing services, a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to store, process and use any Publications, your Data and your Users’ Data for the purpose of providing the Services and for the purpose of generating Analytical Data as described at Section 4.2 below. You shall (a) be responsible for obtaining consent from the Users as necessary to store, process and use your Users’ Data in the Service and each of your Users’ compliance with this MSA; (b) be responsible for the consent, accuracy, quality and legality of your and the Users’ Data and Publications and of the means by which you or they acquired such Data and Publications; (c) provide the Company such reasonable assistance as the Company may request in order to assist you on your integration of your Data into the Service, and (d) ensure that the Users shall comply with applicable laws and government regulations.
Data and Publications. Údaje a publikácie. (a) (a) The Institution and/or the Investigator shall have the right to publish and present the results of the Study provided: Zdravotnícke zariadenie a skúšajúci majú právo publikovať a prezentovať výsledky skúšania za nasledujúcich podmienok: (i) (i) The Institution and the Investigator shall not disclose the Sponsor’s confidential and proprietary technical information; zdravotnícke zariadenie a skúšajúci nebudú odovzdávať technické informácie zadávateľa, ktoré sú dôverné alebo chránené vlastníckymi právami, (ii) (ii) The Institution and the Investigator shall not publish or present Study results from a single site prior to completion of the Study at all sites participating in the Study; and/or zdravotnícke zariadenie a skúšajúci nebudú publikovať ani prezentovať výsledky skúšania z jedného pracoviska skúšania dovtedy, kým sa skúšanie nedokončí na všetkých pracoviskách skúšania, ktoré sa na ňom zúčastňujú, (iii) (iii) The Institution and the Investigator, at the request of the Sponsor, shall delay publication or presentation as provided in Section (d) below. na požiadanie zadávateľa zdravotnícke zariadenie a skúšajúci odložia publikovanie alebo prezentovanie, ako je uvedené v časti (d) nižšie.
Data and Publications. Nothing herein shall prevent either Party from making publications relating solely to their own Intellectual Property. Notwithstanding the above, a Party wishing to make a publication which in any way relates to or references the other Party's Intellectual Property shall not be permitted to make such publication unless it has transmitted to the other Party a copy of the proposed publication and received the other Party's advance written approval to publicize such publication, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. The other Party may: (i) approve conditionally or unconditionally such publication, or (ii) withhold approval for such publication. It is agreed the prevention of publication of a Party's Confidential Information shall be considered as reasonable reason for denial of publication.
Data and Publications. (a) Institution and/or Investigator shall have the right to publish and present the results of the Study provided: (i) Institution and Investigator shall not disclose Sponsor’s confidential and proprietary technical information; (ii) Institution and Investigator shall not publish or present Study results from a single site prior to completion of the Study at all sites participating in the Study; and/or (iii) Institution and Investigator, at the request of Sponsor, shall delay publication or presentation as provided in subparagraph (d) below. (b) Institution acknowledges and agrees that the Study is being conducted as part of a multi- center clinical trial, that data from all sites will be pooled and analyzed, and that disclosure of data from a single site may be misleading. (c) Sponsor shall have the right to publish any data and information from the Study (including data and information generated by Investigator) without the consent of Institution or Investigator. mlčenlivosti a závazky nepoužívání důvěrných informací sjednané mezi smluvními stranami v souvislosti s touto Studií.
Data and Publications. Jestliže je klinické hodnocení prováděno jako součást multicentrického klinického hodnocení, bude mít první publikování (a) If the Study is being conducted as part of a multi-center clinical trial, the first publication of the results of the Study shall výsledků klinického hodnocení formu multicentrické publikace, jejímiž autory budou zkoušející tohoto klinického hodnocení. Pokud ovšem nebude multicentrická publikace předložena do osmnácti (18) měsíců od dokončení nebo předčasného ukončení klinického hodnocení ve všech centrech, smí zdravotnické zařízení publikovat výsledky klinického hodnocení ze zdravotnického zařízení v souladu s tímto článkem. be in the form of a multi-center publication authored by investigators in this Study. However, if a multi-center publication is not submitted within eighteen (18) months following completion or termination of the Study at all sites, Institution may publish Institution’s Study results in accordance with this Section.