DBE Goal Sample Clauses
DBE Goal. A portion of the total contract, expressed as a percentage, that is to be performed by committed DBE subcontractor(s). Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) - A firm certified as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise through the North Carolina Unified Certification Program. Goal Confirmation Letter - Written documentation from the Department to the bidder confirming the Contractor's approved, committed DBE participation along with a listing of the committed DBE firms.
DBE Goal. The following DBE goal has been established for this Agreement. The dollar value of services and related equipment, supplies, and materials used in furtherance thereof which is credited toward this goal will be based on the amount actually paid to DBE firms. The goal for the percentage of services to be awarded to DBE firms is 0% of the total Agreement dollar value.
DBE Goal. The Department has not established contract goals for DBE participation in this contract. Consultants are still encouraged to employ reasonable means to obtain DBE participation. Consultants must retain records in accordance with these DBE specifications. The consultant is notified that this record keeping is important to the Department so that it can track DBE participation where only race neutral efforts are employed.
DBE Goal. The minimum goal for participation by DBEs on this project is as follows: XX Percent The percentage of DBE participation shall be based on the total dollar value of the contract. Proposers are strongly encouraged to secure and include sufficient DBE firms on their team for multiple disciplines and work categories to ensure they can meet the DBE goal on the contract and for any Contract Modifications that are executed post-award. The DBE goal requirements extend to additional dollars added by Contract Modification to help ensure that the overall DBE goal is met on the contract. Indicating there is no DBE firm on a prime proposer’s team to meet the DBE goal on Contract Modifications does not meet the criteria for Good Faith Efforts in 49 CFR 26.53, and will not be accepted by the Department as Good Faith Efforts when Contract Modifications are issued. Since proposers have been notified of the DBE goal prior to the submittal of their Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) they are required to do their due diligence to secure enough DBE participation to meet the goal or make good faith efforts on the contract and each subsequent Contract Modification. Firms will be required to locate DBEs to meet the goal on each Contract Modification even if these DBEs were not originally included as part of their team, if ADOT determines there are qualified DBEs available to complete portions of the work of the Contract Modification.
DBE Goal. This contract’s DBE participation goal is %. For purposes of responsiveness, this participation goal shall be met based upon the dollar value of the base bid, initial offer or initial scope of work. As it may be in the best interest of Milwaukee County to accept the inclusion of alternates, or a best-final offer, approval of DBE participation shall be based upon total contract award. Likewise, if the successful contractor/consultant receives additional work on the contract, e.g., change orders, addendums, use of allowances, etc., DBE participation shall be based upon the revised contract total. Contractors/Consultants, who are also DBE firms, must perform at least thirty (30) percent of the contract with their own work force.
DBE Goal. The minimum goal for participation by DBEs on this project is as follows:
DBE Goal. The DBE goal established for this Work Assignment shall be %. {{{{Designate project engineer and the CONSULTANT’S project representative here. Also include a list of any key personnel who are dedicated to this particular job by the CONSULTANT. }}}}
DBE Goal. The COUNTY has developed a 9% Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal for this contract in accordance with federal regulations published under Title 49 CFR, Part 26, Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM) and
DBE Goal. The County has not established a contract specific goal for this opportunity but has established an overall DBE goal for airport projects. The overall DBE goal for airport projects for federal fiscal years 2023 through 2025 is 6.3% for the utilization of firms owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged persons. The DBE goal applicable to subsequent periods will be posted at xxxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xxx/business/business-opportunities/dbe-acdbe/. Bidders are not required to submit Good Faith Effort (GFE). Bidders are encouraged to make efforts to assist the airport in meeting its applicable overall DBE goal. Bidders can search for DBEs that perform the types of work involved on the project by using the California Unified Certification Program database at xxxxx://xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxx/.
DBE Goal. The DBE goal shown on the latest revision of the “Required Contract Provision (07-19-80)” is based on the items of work in the Base bid. The Contractor awarded the project shall meet the goal or show good faith efforts to meet the DBE goal using the items of work contained in the Base bid.