DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD. If within the time period as prescribed under the law (which shall not be more than the currently held period of five years) from the date of issuance of Occupation Certificate, the Allottee/s brings to the notice of the Promoter any structural defect in the said Apartment, then the Promoter shall rectify any such structural defects with respect to the Apartment (normal wear and tear exempted), which shall not be as the result of any commission or omission of the Allottee/s, any damages caused due to the acts of god or natural calamities or fire accidents, any willful or accidental damages caused, any damages caused due to tampering by the Allottee/s, and thereafter no claim shall be entertained against the Promoter in respect of any alleged defective work in the Apartment under any circumstances. The above liability of the Promoter shall be restricted only to rectify / repair the above defects and consequential damages if any, will not be covered under this Agreement. Provided further that Structural defects shall not include plastering hairline cracks. Third party warranty on products shall be governed by the terms and conditions provided by the manufacturer of the respective products. Provided that the Promoter’s obligation under Defect Liability shall stand automatically cancelled, in case the Allottee makes any kind of changes either structural or non-structural (including interiors) which change the manner in which the Apartment was originally handed over by the Promoter to the Allottee.
DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD i. The Scope of Project shall be subject to a cumulative Defect Liability Period (DLP) of 60 (Sixty) months from the Completion Date. The Defect Liability Period of 60 (Sixty) months shall be inclusive of any guarantee/warrantee provided by the manufacture/supplier of the Works, equipment. During the Defect Liability Period, the Contractor shall, at its own cost and responsibility, rectify all defects in the Works performed by them in accordance with the Contract. The Authority shall notify the Contractor, in writing, regarding the Defects at the Project. The Contractor, within the time notified by the Authority as per Good Industry Practice, shall repair or rectify the Defect or deficiency. ii. The Contractor agrees that in the event of failure of any particular part of any equipment and/or the equipment, for more than three times during the DLP, it shall not be repaired but the complete part and/or equipment shall be replaced by the Contractor. However, during the DLP, the Contractor shall be liable for complete replacement of any equipment only once. In case it is found that the above mentioned failure is due to some connected part of the equipment, that part shall also be rectified or replaced by the Contractor to avoid such failure. For electrical motors during the DLP, if some important part of motor like starter winding shaft bearing squirrel cage, motor etc. becomes defective the Contractor shall replace the same at its own cost and no repairs shall be allowed. Until such time the defects are not remedied, Defect Liability Period shall be deemed to be extended. Any materials or Works with Defects identified as above and replaced or repaired during the Defects Liability Period or the extended Defects Liability Period, as the case may be, would be further warranted for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of completion (as per clause 11.2) of such repair or replacement. The Contractor shall upon termination or expiry of this Contract, or upon expiry of the Defects Liability Period, assign any outstanding benefit in respect of any subcontract or any warranty from any Subcontractor, to the Authority or to such other person as the Authority may direct. iii. The Contractor shall repair defects or deficiencies within the time limit mentioned in clause 12.2
DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD. The defect liability period (if any) shall be as per Special Conditions of Contract of Part-B.
DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD. The subject work should have defects liability period of 12 months , considered from the date of completion of contract duration of 24 months. If any defects are found during defects liability period then contractor shall have to attend the defects immediately. If such defects are not attended by the Contractor then GMDC will carry out such work at risk and cost of the Contractor +20 % of this cost. The said cost shall be adjusted against the security depsoit lying with GMDC.
DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD. Vehicles to be supplied shall be under warranty period for at least 01 year from the date of supply against all manufacturing defects. The supplier shall ensure free maintenance on site for 1 year from the date of supply. Preferably the bidder shall have authorised service provider in Nepal.
DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD a. The Promoter is constructing the building and the Apartment/s with good workmanship using standard and approved materials, labor, tools, scaffoldings, ladders, materials, machinery and stores and other equipments required for the purpose of construction of the Apartment, and by appointing contractors, engineers, supervisors, workmen and such other persons so required. The Promoter shall take all steps and do all acts for the completion of the development of the said Apartment. b. The Defect liability period shall be for a period of 12 months from the date of the date of the Occupation Certificate, which is dated 29-8-2017 bearing No. JDTP(S) ADTP/OC/3717-
DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD. The Defect Liability Period shall be 18 months from the date of receipt of alll items at site or 12 months from the date of acceptance of all items at site, whichever occurs first. Further details of this clause shall be as per Clause No. 6.4 of Purchasers General Conditions of Contract Gcc-Supply-1/R-4
DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD. Defect liability period of works unless otherwise specified shall be One Year from the actual date of completion of work. The contractor shall at his own cost and initiative, correct repair and/or rectify any / and all defect(s) and/or imperfections in the design of the work (in so far as the contractor shall be concerned with the design of the work or any part thereof) and/or in the work performed and/or materials, components or other items incorporated therein as shall be discovered during the said defect liability period and in the event of the contractor failing to do so, NFL reserves the right to get the same repaired at the risk & cost of the contractor PLUS 25 % ( Twenty Five percent) Departmental Charges, and the expenditure so incurred by NFL shall be adjusted towards the said Security Deposit and / or any other due lying with NFL.
DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD. 28.1 Unless otherwise specified in the Letter of Intent / Work Order/ Subcontract, Defects Liability Period shall be 12 (twelve) months from the Date of Completion of Subcontract Works. The Subcontractor/ PRW, during such period, shall be liable for any defects in the material, equipment or workmanship and the removal, proper rectification / repair and replacement of the same as shall be necessary, notwithstanding any previous tests thereof, if in the opinion of the Company the same is not in accordance with the Work Order / Subcontract. The Subcontractor/ PRW shall carry out all the removal, repairs, rectification and replacement on this account at no extra cost to the Company whatsoever. 28.2 In the event the Subcontractor/ PRW does not remedy the defects within a reasonable time, the Company reserves its right to carry out such rectification either on its own or through any other party at the risk, cost and consequences of the Subcontractor/ PRW as well as recover all costs and losses from the Subcontractor/ PRW utilizing the retention money and/or invoking any or all Bank Guarantee (ies), (i.e. Performance or Advance or Retention or Security Deposit) and/or adjusting against any payments due to the Subcontractor/ PRW and/or by any other means as deemed fit and for this purpose the Company shall also have right to invoke Cross Fall Breach and Set Off provisions of Clause 24.
DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD. The contractor shall guarantee the work executed for a period of 12 months from the date of completion of the job. Any damage or defect that may arise or lie undiscovered at the time of completion of the job shall be rectified or replaced by the contractor at his own cost. The decision of the Engineer In-charge/Site-Incharge/Owner shall be the final in deciding whether the defect has to be rectified or replaced. Equipment or spare parts replaced under warranty/guarantees shall have further warranty for a mutually agreed period from the date of acceptance. The owner shall intimate the defects noticed in writing by a Registered A.D. letter or otherwise and the contractor within 15 days of receipt of the intimation shall start the rectification work and complete within the time specified by the owner failing which the owner will get the defects rectified by themselves or by any other contractor and the expenses incurred in getting the same done shall be paid by the Contractor under the provision of the Contract. Thus, defect liability is applicable only in case of job/works contract (civil, mechanical, electrical, maintenance etc. ) where any damage of defect may arise in future (i.e. within 12 months from the date of completion of job) or lie undiscovered at the time of completion of job. In other words, in case of service contracts (like car hire etc.) where there is no question of damage or defect arising in future, the defect liability clause is not applicable. Equipment or spare parts replaced under warranty/guarantees shall have further warranty for 12 months from the date of acceptance. However, in no case will the warranty exceed 24 months from the date of start of the original warranty.