Design Documents Prepare and submit the following documents to the DAS - Records Management Office with a copy of the transmittal letter submitted to the respective Project Manager: 1. City/State Approved Drawings (1) Original set 2. Bid Set Drawings (1) Set BOND PAPER (marked as “ORIGINAL”) (1) Set electronic file (DWG & PDF) 3. Project Manual (1) Set hard copy & Detail Manual (1) Set electronic file
Project Review A. Programmatic Allowances 1. If FEMA determines that the entire scope of an Undertaking conforms to one or more allowances in Appendix B of this Agreement, with determinations for Tier II Allowances being made by SOI-qualified staff, FEMA shall complete the Section 106 review process by documenting this determination in the project file, without SHPO review or notification. 2. If the Undertaking involves a National Historic Landmark (NHL), FEMA shall notify the SHPO, participating Tribe(s), and the NPS NHL Program Manager of the NPS Midwest Regional Office that the Undertaking conforms to one or more allowances. FEMA shall provide information about the proposed scope of work for the Undertaking and the allowance(s) enabling FEMA’s determination. 3. If FEMA determines any portion of an Undertaking’s scope of work does not conform to one or more allowances listed in Appendix B, FEMA shall conduct expedited or standard Section 106 review, as appropriate, for the entire Undertaking in accordance with Stipulation II.B, Expedited Review for Emergency Undertakings, or Stipulation II.C, Standard Project Review. 4. Allowances may be revised and new allowances may be added to this Agreement in accordance with Stipulation IV.A.3, Amendments. B. Expedited Review for Emergency Undertakings
REVIEW OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 4.2.1 The Contractor shall carefully study and compare the Contract Documents and shall immediately report in writing to the Architect and the State any error, inconsistency or omission he may discover. The Contractor shall not be liable to the State or the Architect for any damage resulting from any such errors, inconsistencies or omissions in the Contract Documents. The