Dispatch Day. The twenty-four (24) hour period commencing at the beginning of each day (0000 hour). Distributed Generator. A facility, existing or under construction, for the generation of electricity that is or will be connected at the distribution level, typically located on the End-Use Consumer’s side of the consumption meter, and usually located at or near the intended place of use for at least some of the facility’s output. Distributed Generator Owner. An entity that owns, or leases with rights equivalent to ownership, a Distributed Generator.
Dispatch Day. The twenty-four (24) hour period commencing at the beginning of each day (0000 hour).
Dispatch Day. The twenty-four (24) hour period commencing at the beginning of each day (0000 hour). Dispute Resolution Administrator (“DRA”). An individual hired by the ISO to administer the Dispute Resolution Process established in the ISO Tariffs and ISO Agreement. Dispute Resolution Process (“DRP”). The procedures: (1) described in the ISO Tariffs and ISO Agreement that are used to resolve disputes between Market Participants and the ISO involving services provided under the ISO Tariffs (excluding applications for rate changes or other changes to the ISO Tariffs or rules relating to such services); and (2) described in the ISO/NYSRC Agreement that are used to resolve disputes between the ISO and NYSRC involving the implementation and/or application of the Reliability Rules. Distributed Generator. A facility, existing or under construction, for the generation of electricity that is or will be connected at the distribution level, typically located on the End-Use Consumer’s side of the consumption meter, and usually located at or near the intended place of use for at least some of the facility’s output. Distributed Generator Owner. An entity that owns, or leases with rights equivalent to ownership, a Distributed Generator.
Dispatch Day. 20 1.31 Dispatchable Load............................................................................21 1.32
Dispatch Day. On the day of dispatch, if a worker performs at least seven-and-one-half (7-1/2) hours of work, but less than eight (8) hours, he/she shall be paid for eight (8) hours at the regular rate of pay that day. SHIFT WORK: