Distribution of Association Materials. The Association shall have the right to distribute materials to its members through normal County channels. The Personnel Director shall be notified three (3) working days before any internal mass mailings occur. No material shall be distributed which is derogatory to any County employee. The Association shall pay the cost of all mass mailings or internal distributions. The Personnel Director or designee will forward via e-mail notices of Association meetings to employees covered by this MOU provided the Association sends the proposed notice with a list of recipients in advance.
Distribution of Association Materials. Subject to the provisions of Section 6-3, the Association shall have the right to use school mailboxes and the inter-school mail service for the distribution of responsible material initiated by the Association. Copies of all materials shall be given to the superintendent and the director of personnel. The material will be clearly identified, and the Association accepts the responsibility for such material. If the privilege extended herein is misused by the Association or any of its designated representatives, it may be immediately revoked by the superintendent. Individual administrators will not be prohibited from the responsible use of the school mail service.
Distribution of Association Materials. The Association will make available 15 to bargaining unit nurses in the Human Resource Office membership 16 informational materials, including a copy of this Agreement provided by the 17 Association. The Hospital will share fifty percent (50%) of the cost associated 18 with publishing the labor agreement up to a cap of five-thousand dollars 19 ($5,000), which includes copies for the St. Xxxxxxx–Bend leadership team.
Distribution of Association Materials. A. Bulletin Boards City agrees that association may use designated bulletin boards or portions of boards in each work location in which members work. City and association shall jointly identify bulletin board space. Posted materials may include notices of association meetings, association news, and appointments and results of elections or ratification votes. A copy of all material to be displayed upon bulletin board shall be provided to the Director of Human Resources upon request. If the Director objects to the material, the Director shall notify association staff. In such event, the materials shall not be placed on the bulletin board, based upon the Director’s objections. Association is responsible for posting and removal of material on the designated bulletin board and for the neat and orderly maintenance thereof.
B. City Email Association shall, with the approval of the City Manager or designee, have the use of the City email for the purpose of communication of association business including, but not limited to, scheduling joint meetings and appointments and informing members of possible tentative agreements.