CITY AGREES Sample Clauses
CITY AGREES. 1. To perform or have performed by consultant forces: (a) the design of the PROJECT (including the development of plans, specifications, and estimates); (b) the completion of the NEPA documentation in conformance with 23 CFR Part 771; (c) the acquisition of environmental permits and clearances; (d) coordinate utility adjustments; and (e) the advertisement, award and construction management of the PROJECT, as outlined in Attachment A, in accordance with Federal, State, and local laws, regulations, ordinances, and policies, including but not limited to those listed in the FHWA “Contract Administration Core Curriculum Participant’s Manual and Reference Guide” at xxxx://, incorporated herein by reference. The PROJECT shall be designed and constructed in accordance with CITY standards. The PROJECT shall be operated and maintained in accordance with applicable Federal, State, and local laws, regulations, ordinances, and policies.
2. To require those utility companies having franchise agreements with the CITY, when permitted under the terms of the franchise agreement, to relocate their facilities if necessary or otherwise accommodate the PROJECT at no cost to the PROJECT, DEPARTMENT or the CITY.
3. To coordinate and provide a liaison for the relocation or adjustment of utilities in accordance with applicable State and Federal regulations, including but not limited to NAC Chapter 408 and 23 CFR Part 645.
4. To ensure that any utility relocations are in compliance with ADA requirements.
5. To invite the DEPARTMENT to PROJECT meetings, including but not limited to field reviews, right-of-way settings, review meetings, and the pre-construction conference.
6. To hold a right-of-way setting meeting at the sixty percent (60%) design phase wherein the CITY shall provide plans showing limits of existing right-of-way and easements and any necessary right-of-way for the PROJECT, i.e., Fee Acquisitions, Permanent and Temporary Easements, and Permission to Construct limits.
7. To proceed with the PROJECT right-of-way acquisition only after receiving a written “Notice to Proceed” from the DEPARTMENT.
8. To generate right-of-way mapping, title reports, and legal descriptions for the new right-of-way parcels to be acquired and to provide these documents to the DEPARTMENT for review and approval.
9. To provide the DEPARTMENT with the required survey information to develop right-of-way mapping, title reports, and legal description...
CITY AGREES. 1. To fund one hundred percent (100%) of the cost of the CITY PROJECT. CITY agrees that should unforeseen circumstances arise which result in an increase of any costs over those shown in "Exhibit B", CITY will in good faith amend this Agreement to include any such costs under this Agreement, subject to City Council or other CITY approval as applicable.
2. To deposit with COUNTY, within 30 days of executing this Agreement, the full value of the COST ESTIMATE (the "Deposit") as provided in Section 3.1 of this Agreement.
3. To approve the COUNTY’s or its contractor’s properly submitted and completed Public Right-of- Way Permit application to authorize entry onto CITY’s right-of-way to perform all surveys and other field activities required for preparation of the PS&E, utility coordination, and construction of the CITY PROJECT within 45 days of the application being deemed complete. CITY agrees to reimburse COUNTY for COUNTY’s, or its contractor’s, cost to obtain such permit and for any requirements of said permit not required by COUNTY’s construction contract.
4. To provide a representative to coordinate with the COUNTY's Project Manager during the development and the construction of CITY PROJECT, and to verify facilities are constructed as required by this Agreement, if applicable.
5. To provide oversight of the CITY PROJECT, to provide reviews and approvals, as appropriate, of submittals by COUNTY, and to cooperate in processing of the CITY PROJECT.
6. To pay within 45 days of receipt, the invoice for final reconciled cost in excess of the Deposit amount for CITY PROJECT submitted by COUNTY for services rendered in accordance with this Agreement, subject to City Council or other CITY approval as applicable.
CITY AGREES. (a) To pay CONTRACTOR for the work herein contemplated in the following manner: For Phase 1, progress payments will be made on or about the first day of each
CITY AGREES a. To provide Exhibit A identifying the locations of TRASH EXCLUDERS within CITY to be maintained by LACFCD.
b. To request trash excluder maintenance service through the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works City Services Request Tracking System.
c. To patrol areas in which any TRASH EXCLUDERS have been installed, during storm events, to verify that all TRASH EXCLUDERS are functioning properly and shall relieve any instances of plugging of any catch basin fitted with a TRASH EXCLUDER. Requests for Service coming to the LACFCD to clean or service any catch basin identified on Exhibit A, during a storm event, will be forwarded to CITY for their prompt handling, action, and closure.
d. To pay each billing invoice sent by the LACFCD, as described in Section (2)c., above, within 30 days of the date of said invoice.
e. To indemnify, defend, and hold the LACFCD and the County of Los Angeles and their officers, employees, agents and contractors, harmless from and against any claims, demands, liability, damages or costs arising from or caused by the breach of any of the CITY'S obligations under this AGREEMENT, or the TRASH EXCLUDERS or any of them, except to the extent that such claim, demand, liability, damage or cost arises from or is caused by the negligent or wrongful act or omission of the LACFCD or the County or any of its officers, employees, agents, or contractors.
CITY AGREES. 1. To pay one hundred percent (100%) of the actual construction capital and support costs required for satisfactory completion of PROJECT.
2. To not use STATE’s funds for any PROJECT capital and support costs except the costs of STATE’s quality assurance which will be borne by STATE.
3. To advertise, award, and administer the construction contract for PROJECT in accordance with requirements of the Local Agency Public Construction Act and the California Labor Code, including its prevailing wage provisions. Workers employed in the performance of work contracted for by CITY, and/or performed under encroachment permit, are covered by provisions of the Labor Code in the same manner as are worker employed by STATE’s contractors. CITY shall obtain applicable wage rates form the State Department of Industrial Relations and shall adhere to the applicable provision of the State labor Code. CITY shall report all violations to the State Department of Industrial Relations. The PROJECT construction contract shall also include the Federal DBE requirements as contained in Title 49 CFR, part 26.
4. Construction by CITY of those portions of PROJECT which lie within the State Highway right of way shall not commence until CITY's contract plans involving such work, the utility relocation plans, and the right of way certification have been reviewed and accepted by STATE and encroachment permits have been issued to CITY and CITY's contractor.
5. CITY’s construction contractor shall maintain in force, until completion and acceptance of the PROJECT construction contract, a policy of Contractual Liability Insurance, including coverage of Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability, that complies with all coverage requirements of Section 7-1.12 of STATE's then effective Standard Specifications. Such policy shall contain an additional insured endorsement naming STATE and its officers, agents, and employees as additional insureds. This insurance coverage shall be evidenced by a Certificate of Insurance in a form satisfactory to STATE which shall be delivered to STATE before the issuance of an encroachment permit to CITY's construction contractor.
6. To require the construction contractor to furnish both a payment and a performance bond, naming CITY as obligee with both bonds complying with the requirements set forth in Section 3-1.02 of STATE's current Standard Specifications prior to performing any PROJECT construction work. CITY shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless S...
CITY AGREES. 1. To authorize the DEPARTMENT and its authorized agents and contractors to occupy the CITY’s right-of-way and/or easements for the purpose set forth in this Agreement, so long as the DEPARTMENT has obtained all permits required by the CITY and has complied with all CITY permit conditions.
2. Upon construction completion by DEPARTMENT, the CITY will operate and maintain the rectangular rapid flashing beacon system described-above in a manner that is reasonably satisfactory to the DEPARTMENT and without cost to the DEPARTMENT.
CITY AGREES a. Upon receipt of the payment from the DISTRICT, described in Section (1) above, to identify locations on CITY properties that are suitable for the planting of new trees and plant 463 new trees on CITY properties or in the parkways of CITY streets.
b. To use the payment received from the DISTRICT only for the planting of new trees on CITY properties or in the parkways of CITY streets.
c. To plant the new trees within 5 years after receiving payment from the DISTRICT.
d. To only plant new trees that are species listed on the CITY planting palette.
e. Annually, to notify the DISTRICT of the number of new trees and their species, and locations planted by CITY pursuant to this AGREEMENT.
f. After planting, to be responsible for the maintenance of the trees at no cost to the DISTRICT.
CITY AGREES. (1) To maintain City radio equipment at City expense;
(2) To provide a UPS to power the City radio equipment in the event of a power failure;
(3) To provide the SCC contract manager with a list of City and contractor personnel that will be visiting the site (XxXxxx Island) for maintenance of City equipment upgrade purposes and will update this list and send it to for approval when changes occur;
(4) Acknowledges that XxXxxx island generators, in lieu of a dedicated City radio equipment generator will be provided by SCC as back-up power to the microwave equipment and the City radio equipment; and
(5) Equipment will be available on or before January 3, 2014 for pick up by SCC staff at the City Radio Service Center at a mutually coordinated time. The City will provide a printed equipment inventory including quantity, model, serial number and firmware version which the City and SCC will both sign at the time of the equipment transfer. In the event that unforeseen circumstances delay availability of the equipment, the City will make such equipment available to SCC within a reasonable time after removal from service.
CITY AGREES. 1. To deposit with the Secretary its estimated share of the costs to be incurred pursuant to the Consultant Agreement. The date indicated for City to deposit its estimated share of the total Plan expenses is fifty (50) days after the date of execution by the Secretary of the Consultant Contract;
2. To be responsible for eleven percent (11%) of the total actual costs of the Plan, up to $11,000; and
CITY AGREES. 1. To coordinate with SRCD for the grant of license as necessary for SRCD to implement the MITIGATION PROJECT. Further, CITY agrees that, subject to the terms, conditions and requirements of this Agreement, SRCD can implement the Laguna de Santa Xxxx Off-site Mitigation Project Proposal at the PROJECT SITE, which site is a limited and specific reach of Gravenstein Creek that is identified in Exhibits C and D. Further, CITY agrees that implementation of the MITIGATION PROJECT will not conflict with the terms of the CONSERVATION EASEMENT or the SETTLEMENT.
2. To provide training and oversight on MITIGATION PROJECT to assure that SRCD is complying with the, CONSERVATION EASEMENT, SETTLEMENT, applicable covenants and restrictions on the CITY’s property and applicable law.
3. To review, comment and approve, the proposed staging plan provided to CITY by SCRD before commencement of work.
4. To submit an invoice in the amount of $25,000.00 to CALTRANS within thirty (30) days of execution of this Agreement, which amount represents CITY’s total cost to provide oversight of MITIGATION PROJECT implementation.
5. To allow CALTRANS and resource agency personnel full reasonable access to the PROJECT SITE pursuant to the license agreement to be obtained by SRCD hereunder.
6. That after acceptance of the MITIGATION PROJECT by CDFW and NCRWQCB, CITY shall not intentionally remove or destroy riparian trees and shrubs planted pursuant to this Agreement. CITY further agrees that with acceptance by CDFW and NCRWQB, the MITIGATION PROJECT will be deemed incorporated into and maintained pursuant to the terms of CONSERVATION EASEMENT.