District Meetings. When employees are required by the District to attend meetings for the purpose of orientation or training outside of their scheduled work calendar, they shall be compensated at their rate of pay for actual hours in attendance. When employees are required by the District to attend meetings, they shall be compensated for their time at their regular rate of pay, including overtime when applicable.
District Meetings. Food service employees requested to attend a meeting called by the District during hours other than working hours shall be paid at the employee’s appropriate rate of pay.
District Meetings. Employees of each classification shall attend local school district meetings as called by the Superintendent or his representative. A minimum of four meetings per year may be called.
District Meetings. Five (5) employees, not to exceed one (1) per classification, will be granted permission to attend the Annual District OAPSE Meeting without loss of pay.
District Meetings. The District will attempt to avoid scheduling district-wide meetings and events during the monthly HEA Rep Council meeting.
District Meetings. Unit members attending district office meetings shall not be required to return to their respective school sites if the remainder of the workday is less than thirty (30) minutes.
District Meetings. Periodically during the school year there will be meetings between the Superintendent, Associate Superintendent, Business Manager, Director of Buildings and Grounds and the SPCA Executive Board. The discussion will include ways to improve the District as well as to improve working conditions of the Support Personnel. The Superintendent and President of the Union will calendar these meetings. To help maintain order, only those members appointed by the SPCA Executive Board will participate/speak in these meetings.
District Meetings. The District will authorize release time to those unit member representatives identified by the Union when invited to attend a disciplinary meeting wherein the union representative is requested to provide representation. The attendee(s) will be required to provide notice for the time and place of the meeting to their direct supervisor.
District Meetings. A. District faculty meetings shall normally extend no longer than sixty (60) minutes.
B. Faculty members shall participate in the faculty conference day scheduled prior to the opening of school and one open house evening program per year.
District Meetings. A. Due to varying school dismissal times and travel required, district committee meetings shall end no later than 5:00 unless reasonable prior notice is given to committee members and unit members on the committee are paid the hourly rate for all time beyond 5 P.M.
B. Participation on non-stipend District committees is voluntary.