Draw Sample Clauses

Draw. If Developer fails to complete Improvements per the terms of this Agreement, the Town may draw on the associated Improvement Guarantee to complete the Improvements. If the Town has drawn on the Improvement Guarantee, and a satisfactory replacement guarantee is provided or the Improvements have been completed, then the Town will release any funds received as a result of its draw within a reasonable period of time, or within 10 calendar days of a request by Developer.
Draw. Employee may, at some time during his/her employment, receive a payroll advance against future commissions. This payroll advance is called a “Draw”. Employee understands and agrees that this Draw is an advance against future commissions earned, a loan, which Employee is responsible to pay back to Employer by way of earned commissions or other means. At the time of the Employee’s termination from Employer (voluntary or involuntary), should Employee’s commissions earned fail to cover his/her Draw Balance, Employee understands and agrees that he/she shall be responsible to repay to Employer, upon demand by Employer, any portion of the Draw which was not satisfied by earned commissions. Furthermore, any remaining Draw Balance will be deducted from the Employee’s final paycheck (regardless of the type of pay included in the paycheck. For example: base salary, vacation payout, commissions, bonus, etc.).
Draw. DOWN 1. The loan under this contract is revolving; the balance of this contract shall not more than the line of credit. 2. The Borrower shall send a draw-down application as the form herein attached in this contract 7 days before the date of draw-down. 3. The Borrower shall not draw the loan less than 1 million.
Draw. If the Improvements are not constructed or completed within the periods of time specified herein, the Town may draw on the associated Improvement Guarantee to complete the Improvements. If the Improvement Guarantee is to expire within 14 days and Developer has not yet provided a satisfactory replacement, or completed the Improvements, the Town may draw on the Improvement Guarantee and either hold such funds as security for performance of this Agreement or spend such funds to finish the Improvements or correct problems with the Improvements as the Town deems appropriate. If the Town has drawn on the Improvement Guarantee, and a satisfactory replacement guarantee is provided or the Improvements have been completed, then the Town will release any funds received as a result of its draw within a reasonable period of time, or within 10 days of a request by Developer.
Draw. We must document what the Salesperson may expect regarding future commissions. If he or she will not be “Paid A Draw On Future Commissions” then mark the checkbox labeled “Shall Not.” If he or she will be paid a Draw, then mark the second box labeled “Shall Be Paid.” The dollar amount paid from this Draw will need to be recorded on the first blank line in this choice and you must indicate the frequency of such payments by marking the checkbox labeled “Week” or “Month.” Finally, make sure to list the final calendar date such a payment can be made on the last blank line of this selection. In the seventh article (titled “VII. Termination”), we will solidify this agreement as a month-to-month arrangement however, we each party will reserve the right to cancel this arrangement at any time so long as the terminating party issues a notice of this intent to terminate a certain number of days before the termination. Enter the number of days’ notice the terminating party must give the remaining party on the blank line in this section. The eighth article, “VIII. Commissions” will seek a solid number to report on what the Salesperson will be paid so make sure your references are up-to-date. Locate the blank line just before the percent symbol then enter the commission percentage that will be used to calculate the Salesperson’s pay. 4 -Satisfy The Additional Information Requested By This Template In many business relationships, the law may require that a written notice be sent from one party to another when certain scenarios occur. In “XI.
DrawThe Salesperson: (check one) ☐ - Shall not be paid a Draw on future commissions. ☐ - Shall be paid a Draw on future commissions in the amount of $ every ☐ week ☐ month. This Draw shall be paid-back by the Salesperson under an arrangement made by the Agency. This Draw shall last for/until
Draw. 1. If an employee has satisfied the requirements listed in B. above, he will be eligible to apply for up to sixty (60) work days maximum coverage per fiscal year and/or incident at one hundred percent (100%) of normal base pay, which will start on the first regular work day after B-2(b) and (c) and C-3 are satisfied. 2. For each day an employee is out and draws on the bank as noted in C-1 above, one (1) full day will be removed from the bank. 3. Either the employee, or a union official in his behalf, must request in writing that he be paid from the sick leave bank no later than two (2) weeks prior to potentially receiving benefits. The Sick Leave Bank Committee will review this request within two (2) weeks and the benefits will be allowed if so voted by a majority of the committee present. 4. Each case for which benefits have been allowed must be reviewed by the committee at least every four (4) weeks and in each case the committee must, by majority approval, vote to continue payment from the sick leave bank as allowed under C-1. 5. The committee may vote during any review to meet earlier than four (4) weeks on any particular case. In each review, the committee must vote to continue or discontinue further payments under C-1 and a majority must approve for benefits to continue. Any motion to meet on a particular case sooner than four (4) weeks will be adopted unless a majority of the committee oppose such a motion.
Draw. As to each Construction Project, a disbursement from TMCC under the Construction Loan to the Borrower owning such Construction Project pursuant to a Draw Request for payment of Construction Costs.
Draw. 1. If an employee has satisfied the requirements listed in B. above, he/she will be eligible to apply for up to thirty (30) days maximum coverage per fiscal year at one hundred percent (100%) of an employee’s normal pay, to begin on the 11th day of absence. 2. The employee must notify in writing the Town Administrator and the Union of their need to use the sick bank and shall be granted its use provided employee meets the eligibility clause.
Draw. Either by computer or manual (depending on the FILA decision or FILA approved software). The draw for positions in the competition table must be done the day before the first competition of the weight category concerned, during the weigh-in, under the control of the referees designated for this task by the Refereeing Department. Two delegates at the most per National Federation can be present at the draw. The material necessary for the draw will be provided by the host National Federation. The result of the draw will be distributed by the host National Federation to each delegation as soon as it is complete. The draw procedure is the responsibility of the Refereeing Department, assisted by the technical delegates.