Sick Bank Sample Clauses

Sick Bank. (1) A “Sick Leave Bank” shall be established. The purpose of said bank shall be to aid only unit members whose sick leave accumulation has been exhausted and who suffer prolonged absence from (a) a disabling condition, (b) an accident which causes disability; and (c) disability arising from pregnancy by providing additional paid sick leave for extreme hardship cases due to personal illness and/or personal injury shall not be for casual use. (2) No qualified unit member shall be permitted to use more than 93 days from the Sick Leave Bank. (3) Each unit member may contribute a total of two (2) days from his/her sick leave accumulation to the Sick Leave Bank. If a pre-tenure teacher elects this option, he/she shall be permitted to use no more than fifteen (15) days from the Sick Leave Bank for each year of service. (4) All donations to the Sick Leave Bank will be voluntary. (5) All days not used in a year will be retained in the Sick Leave Bank. (6) If all the donated days are used during a given school year, the Bank shall be declared open and additional donations of a maximum of two (2) days by each tenured unit member may be made. (7) Unit members using sick leave days from the Bank will not have to replace those days. (8) No days may be donated to a specific individual, nor may they be donated to teachers exclusively in a certain school. (9) A unit member withdrawing from membership in the Bank shall not be allowed to withdraw contributed days. (10) Procedure for processing requests for Sick Bank days: (a) The unit member requesting Sick Bank days shall obtain from the Association or from the Human Resources Department a copy of the SEA Sick Bank Request form. (b) The unit member shall submit a completed Request form, including a completed Physician Statement, to the Human Resources Department who will promptly provide a copy to the Association. SEA approval is assumed unless SEA informs the Human Resources Department of its concerns regarding the request within three (3) days of receipt. (c) The Human Resources Department shall review the Request form for completeness. If the form is incomplete, the unit member and the Association will be notified. If any additional information is needed to process the Request form, the unit member and the Association shall be notified and the unit member shall be asked to comply. (d) The Human Resources Department shall promptly review and respond to the completed Request form. If approved, the unit member and the Assoc...
Sick Bank. Members will receive a statement of their Sick Bank status on or around June 30th and December 31st each year. The Chief of Police will direct that Unit Commanders have available on or around June 30th and December 31st a sick leave record of each member in the Unit so that members may reconcile their Sick Bank Status Statements.
Sick Bank. The purpose of the Sick Bank (hereinafter referred to as the Bank) is to provide sick leave to contributors to the Bank after their accumulated leave has been exhausted and, more specifically, to provide such leave from the Bank in cases of prolonged illnesses. The Bank rules and guidelines are as follows:
Sick Bank. The Board recognizes that the Sick Bank Committee’s decisions cannot be reversed by the Board. However, the committee’s decisions shall not be used as evidence or raised as an issue by either party during hearings over disciplinary action against the employee for alleged excessive absenteeism.
Sick Bank a. The Board shall provide a Sick Leave Bank for all members of the bargaining unit. Participation in the Bank is voluntary. Days withdrawn from the Sick Leave Bank shall be used for absences resulting from personal illness, accidental injuries, maternity, or illness in the immediate family. b. Each member of the bargaining unit who joins the Bank will be assessed one day of sick leave upon initial enrollment in the Bank. Assessment of one day per year of a member’s sick leave will be continued until the bank is built up to a maximum for 150 days, each active member will be assessed one day each. This assessment will be made at the time of enrollment as a Sick Leave Bank member, that being the first official day of school. c. Additions will be made to the bank at the beginning of each school year according to the above limitations. d. Only those members of the bargaining unit who are participants in the Sick Leave Bank shall be eligible to withdraw days, and then only after his/her own sick leave (and all other available paid leave) has been exhausted. e. A maximum of 20 days each contract year can be drawn by one individual from the bank. f. Members withdrawing sick leave days from the bank will not have to replace those days except as a regular contributing member to the bank. g. No member may contribute more than one day per year under any circumstances. h. A committee will be established by the association and the Administration in order to screen requests and to review continuous usage of days in the sick leave bank. i. Guidelines used by committee to administer sick leave bank: 1) Employee must use all available leave (including paid personal leave) prior to drawing on the bank 2) Employees who are members must apply through the sick leave bank committee for approval or disapproval of requested days.
Sick Bank. In addition to the individual sick leave granted in this section, a sick leave bank shall be established by the Board each year. This bank shall consist of three (3) days per teacher multiplied by the number of
Sick Bank. All employees may maintain and contribute to a sick leave bank on a voluntary basis from their unused sick leave credits. The rules and procedures of the sick leave bank shall be established by a Sick Leave Bank Committee. There shall be three members of the Sick Leave Bank Committee consisting of the Director or designee and one member each from locals 40 and 45 of the NEPBA. A copy of all rules and procedures under which the sick leave bank operates must be agreed to by the Department and by the New Hampshire Fish and Game Conservation Officers Local 40. The Sick Leave Bank Article or the procedure and standards established by the Sick Leave Bank Committee shall not be subject to the grievance procedure. This sick bank program shall terminate upon the implementation of the short term disability program.
Sick Bank. The intent of the sick leave bank shall be to assist and aid bargaining unit members who experience unusual circumstances that cause a need for sick leave beyond that which they have earned or accrued. The sick bank is operated in the following manner: 17.2.1 Each professional staff member shall contribute to the bank two sick leave days per employment year. 17.2.2 The sick leave days contributed by the bargaining unit member shall accrue from year to year to a maximum of 450 days. If the bank reaches the maximum, members of the bargaining unit will not contribute to the sick bank. When the sick bank drops to 325 days, bargaining unit members will each contribute the equivalent of 2 sick leave days per employment year until the bank again reaches the 450 days maximum. 17.2.3 Requests for the sick bank reserve shall be made to the Human Resources Department. The President of the Association and the President of the College or their respective designees shall approve the sick bank withdrawals. Written application shall be made by the employee or their designee using the appropriate form provided by the Human Resources Department. Professional evidence of need shall support the claim. Limitations on employee withdrawals may be made at the discretion of the President of the Association and the President of the College up to a maximum of 130 working days or until the employee becomes eligible for the total disability plan, whichever is earlier. 17.2.4 The decisions of the President of the Association and the President of the College shall be neither grievable nor arbitrable; however, if they are unable to agree or make a decision, the employee may request expedited arbitration from a local dispute resolution center. The cost of the arbitration shall be shared equally by the College and the Association. The arbitrator shall be limited to granting no more than the number of days which would otherwise have been awarded as specified in paragraph 17.2.5 Beginning with fiscal year 1991-92, if the Professional Administrators Association sick bank has less than three hundred twenty-five (325) days, then one hundred percent (100%) of the sick leave left by employees who terminate will accrue to the Professional Administrators Association sick bank. Also, retiring employees who do not apply all unused sick leave to pay for health insurance (See Article 17.3) shall have their unused sick leave remaining added to the Professional Admini...
Sick BankIn the event of an employee’s catastrophic illness or accident and depletion of said employee’s accrued sick days and their written request, the superintendent and/or designee shall meet with union officials to discuss voluntary sick day/hour donation from other employees within the same department to the absent employee. A mutually agreed upon transfer of sick days/hours, whichever is applicable, from other employees’ sick banks to the employee on leave will then be implemented. Such transfer shall not occur if the absent employee is eligible for short-term disability or long-term disability compensation.
Sick Bank. A sick bank has been established for certified personnel. During their first year of employment with this district, certified staff may opt to join the sick bank. To do so, they must donate two of their sick leave the first year, and one day thereafter for each year of employment. Decisions regarding sick bank will be referred to the committee established as per the guidelines. The business manager will have complete guidelines and will keep records of membership and total days donated.