Durability Sample Clauses
Durability. This document is effective from the date signed with no expiration. Furthermore, the terms of this document are retroactive to the beginning of training and visiting this school if this document was signed after that date.
Durability. A special case of reliability; the probability that an item will successfully survive to its projected life, overhaul point, or rebuild point (whichever is the more appropriate durability measure for the item) without a durability failure. (See Durability Failure.)
Durability. Rub label with finger using moderate pressure. Text should not become smeared or illegible.
5. Label has sufficient overlap, but does not hide text. EXHIBIT EPI PEN PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Exhibit June, 1996 STI(R) PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS EPIPEN(R) AUTO-INJECTOR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Epipen Epinephrine Injection 1:1,000; 0.3 mL/dose -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POST 100% INSPECTION: Sampled per MIL-STD-105D Level II, Single Sampling, Normal Inspection TEST: VISUAL AUDIT (BASIC UNIT) TEST - CRITICAL DEFECTS LIMITS - AQL * Definition - Could, through use, present clear hazard to the user/patient. The product will not function as intended by delivering the specified dose, and therefore, causes misdiagnosis or subjects the user to significant risk. The fact that the product will not function is not clearly obvious prior to use.
1. Crack in glass (jeopardizes functionality or sterility).
2. Any visual indication of contamination/degradation of solution. 3. Hole or split in sheath, sheath missing or sheath penetrated by needle.
Durability. Add the following
Durability. Except for any formal legal agreements already in force between the Parties, this MOU supersedes all prior agreements related to the Project, implicit or express, verbal or documented, established between any representatives of the Parties. This MOU shall survive adjustments to the LEAN WI partnership including changes in membership, changes in fiscal agency, and dissolution.
Durability. Durability is the over the service life of the engine without significant deterioration. To Degreening may occur in a laboratory or during in-use field operations on an engine that is equivalent to the proposed ETV test ability of the control system to function measure durability, a control system is aged by subjecting it to operating conditions that cause normal wear equivalent to 100 percent of the Minimum Durability Demonstration Period. Table 2 provides the demonstration periods that were current as of the date of this protocol. The applicant should verify that the durability period is current at the date of the verification. For participation in the VDRP, additional testing of an aged control system is required by EPA- OTAQ. If performed as part of the ETV program, the aged system test will meet the same data requirements as a new system test. The aging process details are not part of this protocol. Provided for information only, the description below is current as of April 2002 and may change. The details should be confirmed prior to ETV. The technology applicants must conduct the aging process on their technology. They have discretion to tailor this process to product requirements. It is expected that applicants will submit identical parts (one in a degreened state, one aged to 100 percent demonstration period) so that testing with one baseline may occur sequentially. However, applicants may conduct the degreened and aged technology tests as separate tests, in which case the baseline engine test must be repeated. All aging protocols must accompany the ETV application and explain the technical basis for stating the aging protocol results in 100 percent demonstration period aging. If real world aging is performed, the application must describe and provide documentation of the usage and maintenance history of the aged unit as well as the engine with which it was aged.
Durability. This document is effective from the date signed with no expiration. Furthermore, the terms of this document are retroactive to the beginning of training with Northern Nevada Aquatics if this document was signed after that date. As part of the Northern Nevada Aquatics Swim Club communication process, the team maintains a web site and periodically prints newsletters and statistics or provides information to news organizations. This form documents how you want your swimmer’s information handled.
1. I hereby authorize the use of still photographs taken at swim meets or other swim team functions. I recognize these photos may be posted on the team website, Facebook, or other social media outlet or usedby news media in covering swimming events. Yes or No
2. I hereby grant permission to post swimming-related statistics and information on the team website, the team newsletter and/or to provide this information to the news media. Yes or No
3. I understand that neither my swimmer nor I will receive payment or other compensation for the use ofsuch photos or statistics. Yes or No
4. I understand that information listed on the LSC or USA Swimming web site regarding my child is not posted by the club. Yes or No
Durability. This document is effective from the date signed with no expiration. Furthermore, the terms of this document are retroactive to the beginning of training with Northern Nevada Aquatics if this document was signed after that date. As part of the Northern Nevada Aquatics Swim Club communication process, the team maintains a web site and periodically prints newsletters and statistics or provides information to news organizations. This form documents how you want your swimmer’s information handled.
Durability. The SUPPLIER shall use methodes when storing the contract products, which ensure full protection of all specified requirements for the contract products. The SUPPLIER must notify STEP-G in writing of contract products with a production date older than 12 months before dispatch, unless otherwise agreed by mutual agreement. STEP-G may require the SUPPLIER to requalify contract products older than 12 months prior to shipment. The costs for this shall be borne by the SUPPLIER. Details of this require the written agreement between the SUPPLIER and STEP-G. Special storage conditions that go beyond the usual state of the art must be agreed separately in advance for the contract product.
Durability. Labels must remain scanable at minimum standards for a period of 12 months with storage in an indoor, controlled environment at temperatures up to 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Centigrade).