E-Portfolio. Annual and continuing contract Faculty will maintain a professional e- portfolio that shall include a factual description of the Faculty member’s teaching, College service, Faculty advising and professional development strengths and accomplishments. It will include empirical evidence and a self-assessment of criteria including, but not limited to, effective classroom instruction, feedback from students and employers, curriculum review and relevancy, service and support of College policies and procedures, and assessment of student learning. The complete listing of criteria is found at section 4.E. of Article 11. The e-portfolio will include supporting documentation of the measures described below, as appropriate to the position and responsibilities of the Faculty.
A. The e-portfolio MUST contain information about each of the following:
i. Teaching philosophy;
ii. Statement of teaching responsibilities, and any approved reassigned and/or release duties;
iii. Curricular revisions;
iv. Documented teaching improvement activities;
v. Instructional innovations; and
vi. Each of the criteria i. through x. found in Article 11, section 34.E.
B. The e-portfolio MAY contain:
i. Teaching honors and other recognitions; and
ii. Samples of student achievements and outstanding accomplishments in or beyond the classroom.
E-Portfolio. This contains evidence submitted by the Student at the end of each module, to show their progress towards the outcomes of the PGCE.
E-Portfolio. The Service provider has undertaken as part of the Services to introduce an electronic e-portfolio system and replicate the existing “Badge” system used in the wider Fife College within the prison learning environment. The electronic solution (e-portfolio) will enable relevant information about the Learner and their progression or achievements (qualifications, certification, badges, etc) to be recorded electronically by the Service Provider.
E-Portfolio. A collection of electronic materials assembled and managed by a user. These may include text, electronic files, images, multimedia, blog entries, and links. E-portfolios are both demonstrations of the user’s abilities and platforms for self-expression, and, if they are online, they can be maintained dynamically over time. An e-portfolio can be seen as a type of learning record that provides actual evidence of achievement.
E-Portfolio. This contains evidence submitted by the Student at the end of each module, to show their progress towards the outcomes of the PGCE. Version number: 1.0 Approved by: Delegate of Director, Academic Services Effective from: 1 August 2021 Date for review: March 2022 This means a school with a PGCE Student teacher employed within their school. Student teachers are employed at the unqualified teacher rate as set by the national pay structure for teachers in Wales.