Effects of Reallocation on the Filling of Positions Sample Clauses

Effects of Reallocation on the Filling of Positions. When the allocation of a position has been changed as the result of changes over a period of time in the kind, responsibility, or difficulty of the work performed in a position, such situation shall be deemed a reallocation and not considered a vacancy under the provisions of this Article. The incumbent employee shall be appointed to the reallocated position provided the employee has performed satisfactorily in the position and possesses any licensure, certification, or registration which may be required. In any case where the incumbent of a position which has been reallocated is ineligible to continue in that position in the new class/class option, the employee shall be removed from the position within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of notification to the Appointing Authority of the employee's ineligibility. The position shall then be considered vacant under the provisions of this Article and filled in accordance thereof. Where the incumbent is ineligible to continue in the position and is not transferred, promoted, or demoted, the layoff provisions of Article 17 shall apply. Except for reallocations resulting from a study of an agency or division thereof initiated by Minnesota Management & Budget or an Appointing Authority, if the incumbent of a position which is reallocated upward receives a probationary appointment to a reallocated position, pay for the reallocated position shall commence fifteen (15) calendar days after the receipt in Minnesota Management & Budget or an agency with delegated authority of a reallocation request determined to be properly documented, and it shall continue from that date until the effective date of the probationary appointment. The Employer shall provide the Association notice of any reallocations that occur within the bargaining unit. Such notice shall include, but not be limited to: 1) name of the employee; 2) department or agency name; 3) original classification of the employee; 4) reallocated classification of the employee; and 5) date of the reallocation. An employee who is demoted as a result of a reallocation shall have his/her name placed on the Seniority Unit and Bargaining Unit Layoff Lists for the class from which he/she was reallocated downward.
Effects of Reallocation on the Filling of Positions. When the allocation of a position has 5 been changed as the result of changes over a period of time in the kind, responsibility, or 6 difficulty of the work performed in a position, such situation shall be deemed a reallocation and
Effects of Reallocation on the Filling of Positions. When the allocation of a position is changed as the result of changes over a period of time in the kind, responsibility, or difficulty of the work performed in the position, such situation shall be deemed a reallocation and not considered a vacancy under the provisions of this Article. The incumbent nurse of a reallocated position shall be appointed to that position provided the incumbent possesses any licensure, certification or registration required for the class to which the position has been reallocated.
Effects of Reallocation on the Filling of Positions. When the allocation of a position has been 2 changed as the result of changes over a period of time in the kind, responsibility, or difficulty of 3 the work performed in a position, such situation shall be deemed a reallocation and not 4 considered a vacancy under the provisions of this Article. 5 The incumbent employee shall be appointed to the reallocated position provided the 6 employee has performed satisfactorily in the position and possesses any licensure, 7 certification, or registration which may be required. In any case where the incumbent of a 8 position which has been reallocated is ineligible to continue in that position in the new 9 class/class option, the employee shall be removed from the position within thirty (30) calendar 10 days from the date of notification to the Appointing Authority of the employee's ineligibility.
Effects of Reallocation on the Filling of Positions. When the allocation of a 16 position is changed as the result of changes over a period of time in the kind, responsibility, or 17 difficulty of the work performed in the position, such situation shall be deemed a reallocation and 18 not considered a vacancy under the provisions of this Article. The incumbent nurse of a 19 reallocated position shall be appointed to that position provided the incumbent possesses any 20 licensure, certification or registration required for the class to which the position has been 21 reallocated. 23 When the incumbent nurse does not possess the required licensure, certification or registration, 24 the nurse shall be removed from the position within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of 25 notification to the Appointing Authority of the nurse's failure to qualify. The position shall then be 26 considered vacant under the provisions of this Article and may be filled in accordance with

Related to Effects of Reallocation on the Filling of Positions

  • VACANCIES, PROMOTIONS AND TRANSFERS A. Whenever a teacher is interested in being considered for assignment to any professional position in the district, he/she shall file written notice of his/her interest to the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources. The Board declares its intention to give full consideration to present staff members in all vacancies in which they have expressed an interest. 1. It is agreed that any vacancy occurring during the current school year shall only be filled on a temporary basis for the remainder of that school year. By May 1 of each year, a list of all vacancies shall be posted in a designated area in each administrative unit. Any teacher with proper qualifications may, within seven (7) calendar days of May 1 and all subsequent postings until August 1 of each year, apply for and shall be granted an interview before such vacancy is filled, with the exception of when reductions in grade levels/subject areas occur in a building allowing first right of refusal to displaced staff for any open positions in his/her individual building. Vacant positions will be posted for three (3) work days after August 1 and prior to the first reported student instructional day of each year. 2. Any teacher requesting transfer between administrative units shall notify the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources by April 30 for transfer in the subsequent year. Involuntary transfers within a building will occur prior to extending consideration to voluntary transfer requests. Before vacancies are filled, the qualifications of each teacher who has requested transfer shall be reviewed. 3. It is agreed that any teacher making written request to be assigned a position whose FTE is less than their current assignment has no guarantee of a future increase in FTE except as provided by the process defined elsewhere in this Article. 4. A vacancy shall be defined for purposes of this contract as a position presently unfilled, one to be open in the future or a new position, and which has no teacher on leave of absence or layoff status with the claim to the position. B. Since the frequent transfer of teachers from one school and/or grade level to another is disruptive to the educational process and interferes with optimum teacher performance, the parties agree that unrequested transfers of teachers are to be minimized.